
She's Perfect

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016


She was comfortably reclined, face-up, inside the bright white linen sheets, with her long blonde curly hair scattered all over the pillow, almost touching the classy gray headboard. Too lazy to wake up from her boyfriend's white king-sized bed, she contemplated laying there for a few minutes longer. She was never much of an early riser to begin with.

Looking at her appearance, one would assume she was of biracial origin. Unaware of her model features, she lay there distracted by her thoughts. One would never guess the heavy burden she carried daily, and would naturally be under the assumption that all was right in her perfect little world. With her beautifully shaped oval face, light complexion, perfectly shaped thick eyebrows, tiny nose, full lips, and two very distinct beauty spots situated on her cheek and on her chin, she could easily be mistaken for a world-renowned model. She was awake but kept her eyes closed, whilst a series of thoughts raced through her mind. She felt a knot form in of the pit her stomach.

"Same old birthday," she thought to herself. "My dad resents me since I made the decision to live with a man, whom he didn't approve of. Not only did I do it against his will, but I also broke his stringent rules. The four years in which I have not been home has taken its toll on me, and missing my family has caused me to become anxious and weary. Argh…why must I always feel this way?" she whispered, whilst closing her eyes.

Her name is Sizakele "Siza" Nkabinde, a twenty-five-year-old blonde, curly-haired woman, from Athol Oaklands, Johannesburg. She is a Co-Director and Attorney, at Mellisizwe Attorneys & Associates, and a Co-Owner of HACI, an organisation she opened with her boyfriend, Menzi, to help disadvantaged learners, succeed in their studies.

So far, the business had received a lot of positive feedback from the media, and all over the world. Siza is the third and last daughter of three children to her mother, Olivia Luke, a white woman from England, and her father Zami Nkabinde, an extremely traditional Zulu man.

Siza opened her eyes and stared at the black accessorised chandelier, turned to her side to stare at the glass bedside lamp, sat up, and quickly jumped off the bed, as though she were having a bad dream. She ambled to her favourite spot in the house, the balcony, and stood there, whilst she eyed the beautiful upscale neighbourhood, covered by evergreen trees.

She was average in height, as she stood there rooted to the spot, deep in her thoughts. Her dear navy and gold coloured lingerie fitted her perfectly and accentuated her small, curvy body. She rested her elbows upon the black balcony rails, as if she were posing for a photoshoot, allowing her to expose her perfectly round rear end for show.

Siza had not been enjoying her past four birthdays, ever since the day, a huge argument had erupted, between her and her dad. It was the day she had broken her father's heart. She remembered it, as if it had happened yesterday. Goosebumps formed up and down her arms, as she recalled boldly standing up to her father, telling him that she would be moving in with Menzi, the man of her dreams. Each time she replayed the scene in her mind, it clutched at her heartstrings and felt like a blow to her stomach. Instead of celebrating another year with the blessing of her family, she found herself wondering if they missed her and remembered her special day.

She closed her eyes and made a birthday wish. "Dear God, I ask that Menzi may become more and more like my father. I ask for him to be strong, loving, and forever faithful, to be a good father someday, and for my child to grow up without anger and arrogance, in its tiny little heart, Amen." As she finished praying, she opened her eyes and stared into space.

She closed her eyes again and felt the breeze blowing across her face, whilst she listened to the sound of the leaves, rustling in the trees. There was nothing like the breath of fresh air she received from that balcony. It was her favourite thing to do every morning.

Menzi entered the bedroom, wearing only his black cotton pyjamas pants, with no shirt on. He did not expect to find Siza awake at that time, since she was not an early riser, especially if she was not attending work the next day.

Menzi Cameron Gama Junior was a thirty-two-year-old I.T specialist from Hatfield, Pretoria. He was a tall, handsome man, who sported a well-built physique. He preferred to keep his round head shaven, and bald. He had tiny eyes, a cute button nose, and a broad mouth, which was covered by a neatly shaven beard. He was dark-skinned, and went by the description, "milk chocolate," as women who fancied him, would describe him.

He was the owner and CEO, at his six-year-old company, G'bytes, which specialised in I.T and technological gadgets. He was the first son, and second born, of three children to his mother, Doctor Duduzani Gama, the ex-wife of his Media Mogul father, Mr Cameron Menzi Gama Senior.

He was planning to surprise Siza in bed, but now that she was awake and at her usual favourite spot in the bedroom, he had to find a way to surprise her in another manner. Siza was deep in thought when Menzi tiptoed to the balcony, carrying a raspberry cupcake on the palm of his hand, with a pink-lit candle inside it.

Menzi whispered in her ear, "Happy Birthday, My Love."

Siza snapped out of her reverie, and stared at Menzi. She was confused to find him kneeling on the floor, with the cupcake in the palm of his hand, as if he were about to serenade her. He handed the cupcake to Siza, whilst removing a plum, pocket-sized, suede ring box, from his pocket. Siza was smiling, but still confused by Menzi's unexpected romantic gesture.

"Siza, will you marry me?" proposed Menzi, gazing into her eyes.

She was stunned and speechless at first, but gradually her shock turned into that, of joy and excitement. She was not expecting him to propose. She took it for granted that they would be staying in as usual, like all the other birthdays that had passed. She smiled at him, before blowing out the candle and watched, as he slipped the twenty-carat, rose-cut, Bulgari Blue diamond ring, onto her ring finger.

Siza nodded. "Yes, I will marry you, baby - you had me at hello…you know that."

There was a smile on Menzi's face, as they kissed passionately and embraced each other. They both took a bite of the cupcake, before entering their bedroom, leaving the balance of it on the balcony. Menzi was over the moon, knowing that finally, he would officially be the husband to the girl of his dreams. He knew that this decision would win his mother's approval, enabling her to change her mind about him.

As they sat on the bed, Menzi could not steal his gaze away from Siza. She had stars in her eyes, as she gazed at him, and he grasped both her hands in his. His eyes welled up with tears, as he struggled to say what was on his mind. The words he had conjured up, somehow felt meaningless. He was in love with her, and nothing made Menzi happier than to be with Siza. She had a way of making him feel comfortable and free, but his smile soon faded, as he pondered over his well-kept secret.

"Baby, there's something I need to tell you…please, don't hate me," pleaded Menzi, caressing Siza's cheek, trying to ease the guilt he felt.

Siza gazed into his eyes, perplexed and worried about Menzi's sudden change of emotion. Siza had a polite smile on her face, which was comforting but luring.

"What is it….what's wrong…why are you tearful, babe?" asked Siza.

Siza's phone vibrated, as text messages piled up in her message inbox. She retrieved her cell phone from the bedside table, and checked the received messages.

She had a beautiful beam on her face that emphasised a gap between her top incisors, while she read a text message from her mom, saying…

"I had you on this day, 25 years ago. Happy Birthday, Siza…we miss you and hope you do come home soon…and by the way…Dad has forgiven you and we would love to see you soonest…Love, Mom and Dad."

She replaced the phone on the bedside table, and turned to kiss Menzi again, dismissing the message, as though it did not affect her in any way. She was nervous but managed to conceal her nerves beneath her smile. Menzi had second thoughts about telling Siza what he had been keeping from her all these years.

"I love you, so much," professed Siza, as she wrapped her arms around Menzi's shoulders.

"I love you too. Thank you so much for believing in us," replied Menzi.

Siza gazed at him and smiled fictitiously. "You're welcome."

"What's bothering you...don't tell me…Your dad?"

Siza nodded. "It was on this date, three years ago, that I told my dad I would be moving out of his home, to move in with you," she answered, becoming teary-eyed. "I will never forget the look on his face that day. It was as if I had pierced his heart with a knife, and twisted it," she added.

Menzi opened his arms and snuggled Siza. "Babe, I love you and I don't enjoy seeing you this way. Go home and visit your parents, please. Life is too short for you to hold a grudge for this length of time. It is making you sad, and extremely miserable." he advised, kissing her forehead.

Siza stared at him and smiled. "I will….just not now…what did you want to tell me?"

Menzi sighed. "Being proud and stubborn is not the answer. I have learned that to get ahead in life, one has to tackle what one has been avoiding, head-on," he quoted, ignoring the question Siza had asked him.

Siza gazed into Menzi's eyes, and maintained eye contact, while she listened to him intently, as he gave her advice. It was clear that they had drawn confidence and strength from one another, which formed the glue that had kept them together for five long years.

"You have to go and see your family, Baby…sooner or later, but…On a lighter note…I'm taking you out on a date today."

Siza nodded and took a deep breath. "I know Babe…let me jump into a bath, and get ready. I will see you in a few minutes," she said, as she rose from the bed, and ambled into the grey and white stoned, his and hers bathroom.

Menzi also rose from their bed, gazed at it and chuckled, when thoughts of what had taken place on it earlier that morning, transpired in his mind. The bed was reshuffled, as if little children had played on it. It was the kind of thing he enjoyed doing with Siza, before they got out of bed in the morning.

Menzi went into the bathroom to check up on Siza and found her standing by the basin, still brushing her teeth. He gazed at her, whilst she held his gaze through the mirror, looking childlike, as toothpaste foam formed around her mouth. They both laughed, as she attempted to blow him a kiss. Menzi smiled, closed the door, and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the both of them.

Siza ran her bathwater, added vanilla-scented foam bath, and prepared herself to take a bath. While she waited for the tub to fill up, she gazed into the bathroom mirror and stared at her face. She studied her thick eyebrows and curly flat sideburns, and noticed that her complexion was glowing, as the rock on her ring sparkled causing the reflection of the diamonds to illuminate the ceiling, with tiny shimmers of light. She smiled to herself as she took in her radiant complexion. She was definitely a woman in love. She tested the water before jumping into the tub, and as she allowed the hot water to relax her muscles, she indulged in the beautiful scent of vanilla. She lay there for a while, then washed up and stepped out of the bath. A few moments later, she slipped into her purple lacy lingerie, combed her long curly hair, tied it into a ponytail, and ambled back into the bedroom to get dressed.

She sauntered into their closet and selected the clothes she had decided upon wearing that day. The mirror observed Siza's beautifully structured body, as her radiant hazel eyes admired what she saw before her. She exited the dressing closet, closing the door behind her, and carried her short purple frilled dress to the bed.

"I love it when he looks into my eyes, becomes teary-eyed, and professes his love for me. Menzi really is the one," she whispered to herself, as she slipped into her dress and walked back to the closet to search for her black wedged shoes.

Menzi returned to the bedroom to check up on Siza. He snuggled behind her and kissed the back of her neck. Siza caressed his big, strong arms and kissed them. She turned and stared at him, as he slowly kissed her forehead, her eyes, all the way to her nose, before passionately kissing her on her lips.

"I love you…future Mrs Gama…I have loved you from the very first day I laid my eyes on you," disclosed Menzi.

Siza smiled. "You're my number one, baby."

Menzi kissed Siza on the cheek. "Let me go and get ready for our date."

"Mhm... good idea, Mr Gama," she kidded, pretending to turn her nose up at the smell of his body odour.

They both laughed as Menzi made his way into the bathroom to take a shower. Siza picked up her phone from the bedside table, and settled into the tan leathered recliner. She wanted to call her family and tell them about the engagement, but dreaded it, instead she decided to text her mother.

"Mom…he finally proposed…I should be happy, but I'm petrified that my happiness is only limited…thank you for the birthday message…I will call you soon," said her text message.

Notifying her mom about the engagement had felt good to her, but sadly it was short-lived as she found herself in a desolate space, knowing that no one was there to celebrate it with her.



Menzi was dressed in a white open-collared shirt, classy grey pants, and shiny black shoes, sitting with Siza at their favourite high-class restaurant, The La'Katarina, where they first met years ago. Siza's short purple dress matched her white gold diamond ring and earrings. The restaurant was a bit crowded but filled with festivity, as soft soothing music played in the background.

There was an opened bottle of half-filled "1995 Château Pétrus" French red wine on the table, which was Menzi's favourite. The remaining half of the wine was poured into their wine glasses. They had not ordered lunch as yet, opting to take their time to enjoy the moment instead. It almost felt as if their day was eternal, as they romantically grasped each other's hands and gazed into each other's eyes.

"This is where we met, five years ago," smiled Menzi, gazing into Siza's tiny beautiful eyes.

Siza smiled and nodded. "Maybe this is where we should get married too?"

"That's a great idea, my love…it's not a bad idea at all," agreed Menzi, looking around the restaurant, then back at Siza.

Menzi loved been in the limelight wherever he went and made it his mission to ensure that people noticed him. He was never ashamed or embarrassed to display his affection for Siza in public, which made him even more appealing. They remained engrossed in each other, unaware of their surroundings and unbeknownst to them, sat an attractive, curvaceous, light-skinned woman, with tiny inquisitive brown eyes, watching their every move. She preferred to wear her dear long golden weave in a stylishly tied back ponytail, and was seated not too far from where they were sitting.

It was easy to see that she loved fashion, as she sat intrigued by them in her chic charcoal suit, which she stylishly matched with a pink long-sleeved shirt and expensive black stilettos. She calculated their every move, guarding them like a hawk. Disturbingly enough, she was not too far from their table, as she waited patiently for the perfect moment to make her presence known. She stood up and took her time in approaching Menzi's table.

"Menzi Gama...is that you?" The woman squealed in a very high-pitched voice, with her black Givenchy purse clutched underneath her armpit.

Menzi looked up at the enquiring woman and chuckled. "Lelo?" he smiled, feigning surprise. He recognized her instantly and wasn't about to give in to her games. Lelo Ntlue was a twenty-eight year old woman from Mamelodi. Although she was of average height, one could not underestimate her strengths. She was a force to be reckoned with and was Menzi's ex-girlfriend of seven years. They had met in their final year whilst studying at Pretoria University. Both majored in Computer Programming and went on to become well-established individuals, in their separate fields. She was an Editor by profession and worked for one of the most renowned magazine companies in South Africa, namely Igama Magazine. Lelo was the second child of four to Vivian and Moremi Ntlue and was well known for her sharp wit and shrewd mannerisms amongst those closest to her.

"And what do we have here?" taunted Lelo, with an enquiring look at Siza. "Who is this lovely lady, Menzi?" she continued to probe, with a smile on her face whilst staring at Siza, then back at Menzi. "Would you be so kind so as to introduce us, Mr Gama?" she purred in a catlike voice, not taking her eyes off an uncomfortable Menzi. She certainly knew which buttons to press in order to rile him up. Menzi was squirming beneath his gaze, but knew her all too well, and wasn't about to lose this battle. She then riveted her gaze to Siza, who by now was somehow amused. Siza rose and extended her hand to shake Lelo's hand. Lelo was clearly taken aback and somewhat impressed to see such courage in a woman the size of Siza, with her tiny frame and pixie-like features. No one had ever stood up to her before. "I'm Siza, Menzi's fiancé and you are?" she asked with confidence that shook Lelo to the core.

"This woman has a strong grip for a tiny lady, Menzi," teased Lelo, as she continued to glare at Menzi, refusing to admit defeat. She enjoyed watching him shift uneasily in his chair and was amused at how embarrassed he was becoming. She had him right where she wanted him and laughed inwardly, as he battled to maintain eye contact with her.

Siza remained standing, waiting for Lelo to meet her question with an answer. She continued to study the exchange between Menzi and Lelo, and was somehow beginning to feel uneasy, but her attorney instincts would not allow her confidence to waver. She repeated the question, "And you are?" she asked. Lelo gazed back at Siza. "I'm parched," she answered proudly, as she scooped up Menzi's glass of wine and gulped it down.

Siza turned to Menzi with a look of despair. "Are you allowing this to happen on my birthday?" She asked, in a quiet but firm tone. Lelo giggled. "Aw! She's feisty too…Menzi, I like her." For the first time in a long time, Menzi could feel himself slipping out of control. He was no competition when it came to Lelo and he knew he had to maintain his composure. "Lelo, would you kindly excuse us. It's enough, please!" he added in an angry tone, as he glared at her with raised eyebrows, imploring her with a pleading look in his eyes to stop what she was doing.

Lelo stared at Menzi and tittered. "I can see you still have good taste in your women and wines, Menzi…anyway…let me love you and leave you. Thanks for the wine…Sizzy," she said with a smirk, before leaving the table.

"It's Siza!" exclaimed Siza.

Siza scrutinised Menzi's body language. He seemed frustrated and frightened by Lelo, as he watched her leave the restaurant. Siza was angry, but still maintained her composure while she stared at Menzi and studied him. She began to feel uneasy once again, her mind racing with loaded questions. "Something's going on here, why does he look guilty?" she thought.

Menzi watched Lelo as she disappeared into the crowd, making sure she did not appear out of nowhere again. His mind was no longer with Siza, as she watched him in disbelief. He was totally distracted and seemed to be coming apart at the seams. Siza was not used to seeing him so bent out of shape, and felt herself becoming angrier.

"What's going on here, Menzi?" she questioned angrily, startling him to gaze back at her.

Menzi cleared his throat. "Going on where baby?"

"Who is that woman…and why are you acting as if nothing happened?"

Menzi chuckled. "Babe, relax, Lelo is no threat…she's my ex-girlfriend." He replied with ease.

"If she isn't a threat, then you can tell me who she is to you."

"She's my ex-girlfriend," whispered Menzi, raising his eyes and tone at Siza.

Menzi had guilt written all over his face, as he filled his empty glass with wine and gulped it down, without coming up for air. He seemed more intimidated and tense. He was extremely nervous as he refilled the same glass, feeling Siza's intense glare upon him. She knew him too well and stared him straight in the eye, whilst studying his behaviour and inspecting his every move. The glow that was there before was replaced with a look of anger and betrayal, and he could sense that Siza was about to figure him out.

Menzi forced a smile. "Come on, babe; let's not spoil your day with petty things, and people like Lelo."

Siza had that pretentious grin on her face and took the last sip of her wine. She watched Menzi as if she was studying him and he tried hard not to act guilty in front of her. It was two minutes before six o'clock that evening when Siza noticed that the volume of the music had been turned up in the restaurant. A particular song began to play and it marked an amazing moment between Siza and Menzi. It almost played on queue and related to the particular stage in their relationship. As it played out, Siza tuned in and noted the words...

"I'll give you all I have. I will give you a life you've never imagined. I will be more than a husband to you…just say you'll be my wife."

Siza chuckled. "Don't cheat on me Menzi, or there'll be hell to pay."

"Sshh…listen to the words of the song…that's how I feel about you," commented Menzi, as he purposefully ignored what Siza was saying.

Nothing infuriated Siza more than hearing the word shush emerging from Menzi's mouth. This man was pompous, extremely pompous to be precise. Siza felt as if she had been kicked in the stomach. He showed no remorse for what had transpired earlier in the restaurant between herself and Lelo, and she felt as though he did not even consider her feelings. They were still sitting in the restaurant when Menzi received a call on his phone. He did not hesitate to answer and spoke to the person while he ogled Siza from her hair down to her arm. His voice was smooth and charming, and it was clear that the voice on the other end of the line was that of a woman. One would swear that he was making love to her over the phone.

Menzi smiled. "Thank you for delivering it…I will speak to you when I get home. Thank you, dear," he responded, in a flirtatious voice, finally ending the call.

Siza stared into Menzi's eyes with no sign of emotion. He had never seen that look before, and he became increasingly nervous, as he battled to figure out what was going through her mind. Her eyes looked dead and cold and she felt numb as she sat there without uttering a word. Menzi had an uneasy smile on his face, and he could tell that she was seethingly mad after that call.

He tried to break the ice by pouring Siza another glass of wine. Siza became angrier and without uttering a word, she calmly rose from the table, grabbed Menzi's glass of red wine, tossed it to his face, and left him seated there, mortified.

Siza felt sick to her stomach and in a state of rage, she rushed out to the car, pissed off at the fact that Menzi had made a mockery of her in front of Lelo, showing no remorse as he dismissed the entire incident. He wiped his face with a white napkin, paid for the bill, and hurried to find Siza waiting for him at the car, in the parking lot. He unlocked the car and reached for the door handle, but Siza was not having any of it. She did not want him anywhere near her. She opened the car door, and seated herself in the car, shut the door, and looked straight ahead.

The silence was deafening on the way home with no form of communication whatsoever. The only sound that one could hear was that of the running engine. As they reached home, Menzi pressed the remote, and the gate slowly opened, revealing an exquisite, architecturally designed, double story home, in a secured housing estate, with twenty-four-seven guarded access.

The external part of the house was made up of a beautiful guest cottage, which was adorned with a layered out koi pond, situated not too far from the large rock, round pool area. There were three automated garages, and as Menzi approached them, his face lit up when he made eye contact with the red, red-ribboned Audi Coupé he had just bought for Siza. It was parked outside his home, facing the gate. The new car seemed to have caught Siza's attention, and as Menzi observed her reaction, he began to relax. "I wonder who that coupe belongs to?" he heard her mutter quietly; as she sat there feeling so many emotions well up within her. She was stunned, irritated, and extremely emotional, as she took in the car with tears slowly welling up in her eyes.

"That is my dream car," she said, in a very low voice.

Menzi stepped out of the car, but this time Siza did not stop him from opening the car door for her. She stepped out, strolled to the new car, and slowly checked it out. Menzi just stood there, staring at her in fascination, as she expressed her immense delight. She smiled at him.

"It is yours my love, Happy Birthday," stated Menzi.

"What? Babe…Really…Menzi, are you serious!!" exclaimed Siza, jumping onto Menzi.

"It's yours, babe. I know I promised to take you to work every day, but I feel you're independent enough to drive your own car now. You mean the world to me, Siza and you deserve every moment of happiness in your life because you fill my life with meaning and happiness."

Siza was in tears and deeply humbled by the generous gift which she had just received. She had never in her wildest dreams imagined that her idyllic car would be given to her, at this stage of her life.

"I have never met anyone like you, Siza…you have made me a better man," he acknowledged.

Siza ran to the new car, opened it, and positioned herself inside it, making it her own. She stared at Menzi, exited the car, and walked towards him. She lovingly embraced him, adding a kiss on his cheek. He could tell that she had forgiven him.

"Do you like it, babe?" Menzi asked.

"Babe, I love it…but how did you know that this was the car I wanted?" Siza enquired.

"I overheard you speaking to the car dealer during the week, acquiring for a test drive on the Coupé and I told myself, this would be the best gift for you."

Siza kissed Menzi on the cheek again. "Thank you for this day, babe; I had the most amazing birthday ever!"



It was late, and the winter sun had already set, as they strolled towards the house, grasping hands. As they entered through the large front door, it was easy to appreciate the interior of Menzi's home. With its cream-white tiled floors and walls, bright ceiling lights, and an entrance hall that led to an open-plan, dark-beige furnished lounge, dining room and a beech-wood gourmet kitchen, one became excited to explore the balance of what lay ahead. The kitchen led to a stairway, which ultimately led to three luxurious en-suite bedrooms, with an upstairs fitted library and TV room.

Menzi went upstairs to take a shower, and Siza joined him. After their relaxing shower, both changed into their sleepwear. Siza decided upon a blue silk lacy short set, whilst Menzi opted to go shirtless, only wearing his long brown pyjamas pants with white stripes. They sat between the sheets, and Siza kept glancing at Menzi, trying to work up the courage to say what was on her mind, but she withdrew and became very shy. It was clear to Menzi that she was struggling with something. Instinctively, Menzi fondled her hand and kissed it, but Siza's worry worsened as tears filled her eyes. Menzi wiped her tears with his thumb and kissed her hand, not wanting to probe her into saying what was on her mind. He could sense she was vulnerable and knew that he needed to be gentle with her.

After a long while, Siza finally spoke up. "I was going to wait until after we were married, as I explained before, but I believe the time is right," disclosed Siza.

Menzi frowned and shrugged in confusion. "The time is right for what, babe?"

Siza gazed shyly at Menzi, unable to get the words out of her mouth. Tears flowed from her eyes as if she was about to tell him the most heartbreaking news. Menzi became worried. "It's ok, you can tell me anything."

Siza stared at Menzi. "Babe, I think I'm ready," she confessed, speaking in a very low voice. "Ready for what, baby?" asked Menzi, still confused by what Siza was trying to tell him.

"I have always promised myself that my husband will be the only man I ever give my virginity to, and baby….you are the only man I choose to be with." disclosed Siza. Menzi stared at Siza with a shocked look on his face. He was tongue-tied but elated. "Baby…Siza…I…I don't know what to say…are you sure?"

"Just tell me, you love me," whispered Siza.

"I love you, baby, so much. Please don't cry," pleaded Menzi, wiping the tears from Siza's eyes. "I love you too and thank you for being the man you are to me. You have filled my life with happiness and joy," expressed Siza, with gratitude.

"Don't cry…Let's talk about this tomorrow when you come home from work," replied Menzi, still somewhat shocked by the events of the whole evening. Siza was baffled by his response. "Did I say something wrong?" Menzi immediately shook his head. "No…you did not…I just didn't expect you to say that, given that you wanted to wait until we were married."

"Oh, what did you expect me to say?" asked Siza.

"Let's get some sleep, my love." was all Menzi could say, fluffing a pillow for Siza to lay her head-on. For the first time in his life, he had no idea how to handle the situation that he now found himself in. For so long, he had felt secure with his relationship, but this was taking it to a whole different level and he wasn't sure if he was ready to take on such a responsibility.

Siza shrugged. "Alright then," she said, laying her head on the pillow. She felt like kicking herself for what she had just revealed, and was quite taken aback by Menzi's reaction. She thought he would be honoured, given all that she was willing to sacrifice for him, but instead he had treated her, as if they were about to go into a business deal negotiation.

Menzi kissed Siza her on the cheek and snuggled her, as they prepared to fall asleep, but Menzi could not sleep that night and neither could Siza, both for very different reasons.

TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2016


The digital alarm clock rang at six-thirty in the morning. The winter sun lit up their white-walled bedroom, and warmed up their bed. Siza stretched over to switch off the alarm, but her hand remained on it, as she debated whether to switch it off or revert to snooze. She turned to Menzi and kissed him good morning, deciding to ignore the knot that had formed in her stomach the night before.

Siza yawned. "I have to be in court today, babe."

Menzi kissed her back, relieved that she seemed in a better mood, and they played like kids, laughing and tickling each other inside the linen sheets, before Menzi stepped out of the bed and left the room. Siza sat up against a large cushion, and read a magazine she had bought a few days ago, on her way back home from work. There was a smile on her face when she came across her favourite column in the magazine. Women Inspiration was her favourite section in any magazine, and as she read the contents of the article, a warm feeling encompassed her body, reminding her of her mom. It was what they had in common.

She stepped out of bed, reached for her mobile computer tablet on the coffee table, and logged into her social media account, typed a quote, and posted it. Her quote was endearing and something she truly lived by. It said,

"Growth should be a beautiful transformation and a great feeling…so dear woman, fight for what you believe in and learn from your mistakes, love Siza."

Menzi re-entered the bedroom, and headed straight to the bathroom, deciding to run some bath water for his wife to be. He loved to spoil Siza and hoped to brighten up her day even further, by pouring in her favourite vanilla foam bath, so that she may indulge. Once he was satisfied, he returned to the bedroom and notified her that her bath water was ready. "Babe, I've prepared you a warm bath," said Menzi. Siza looked at him lovingly, and smiled. "Thank you, my love." She answered.

Siza placed her mobile tablet on the bedside table and disappeared into the bathroom to wash up. She returned to the bedroom wearing a white gown after indulging in her bath, and found Menzi resting on the bed, reading a newspaper. She sat next to him, lowered her bathrobe to her waist, revealing her maroon lingerie, and without any words said, Menzi reached for a bottle of her "D&G Light Blue" perfume, and sprayed it on her back and chest area. It was certain that these two people had grown closer than one would anticipate.

Siza withdrew a brown-leathered pencil skirt, a white chiffon shirt, and matching stilettos, from her closet and slipped into them. They hurried downstairs to have breakfast, and to her surprise once again, Menzi had made breakfast for the both of them.

"Mmmh! Babe, I can tell that this food tastes good, without me even sampling it," raved Siza. Menzi chortled. "How can you tell?" Siza tittered. "It looks and smells delish." "Thank you, Mrs Gama, enjoy your breakfast." he said, handing her the plate of food. Menzi made a spinach and feta omelette, with bacon and rye toast for both of them. There was silence in the kitchen, except for the sound made by forks and knives on the plates, as they enjoyed their breakfast.

Siza glanced at her brown-leathered wristwatch to check the time and realised that she was running late for work. She wiped her mouth with a napkin, leaving the remainder of her food on the plate, rose from her chair, kissed Menzi goodbye on the cheek, and picked up her black David Tlale handbag and briefcase. She snatched her keys to her brand new car, and finally left for work.


Menzi continued to eat the balance of his meal, wiped his mouth with a napkin once he was done, went upstairs to make their bed, and then jumped into a hot shower. His cell phone had been ringing for a while, but he could not hear it, as the water gushed forth from the shower tap, relieving the tightness in his neck. It rang again as he walked into the bedroom, wearing nothing but a towel around his waist, and he hurried to answer it.

Menzi cleared his throat. "This is Menzi."

"Hey baby," purred the woman.

"Who's this?" enquired Menzi.

"Don't you ask me that question!" yelled the woman.

"Oh…Lelo" sighed Menzi, as he sat on the bed with water dripping from his muscular chest.

"Is there another woman I should know about besides your girlfriend and me?"

"Come on, Lelo, quit playing your games," complained Menzi, as he walked to his wardrobe to fetch the clothes he was going to wear.

"So, why the sad face the other day, huh?"

"What was I suppose to do...kiss you on the cheek in front of Siza."

"Am I seeing you today?"

"If you stop asking me stupid questions…I'll be on my way there."

"See you in a few then."

Menzi hung up the phone and got dressed, then headed to the kitchen to make sure his house was neat. He called Siza while walking down the stairs. Siza's work phone rang for a while, before her personal assistant answered it.


Siza was hectically working in her modern white-walled and charcoal colour furnished office, that an internal call from her personal assistant disturbed her. She stared at the phone as it rang, rose from her desk chair, and strolled to the window that separated her office from her assistant's. She peeked through the black vinyl blinds and caught Jazmyn's attention.

Miss Jazmyn Soney was a twenty-three-year-old lady, who graduated from the University of Johannesburg, mastering her Degree in Law. Born and bred in Cape Town, she was forced to move to Johannesburg, where she temporarily resided with her sister, a Wedding Planner, when Cape Town became particularly dangerous to live in, at a time when it found itself at war. She became a permanent resident in Johannesburg, when she landed a position as Siza's personal assistant, at Mellisizwe Attorneys and Associates.

She was an attractive lady who was of average height and sported a curvaceous body, allowing her to pull off the white shirts, appealing pencil skirts, high heeled shoes, and pantyhose accompanied by suspenders, that she seemed so obsessed with wearing. Her long beautiful thick mahogany mane, shone like a horses tail, and she had the most alluring smile. She was a free-spirited person who loved to sing and write music, but preferred to keep that side of her life hidden from all who knew her.

Jazmyn stared at Siza, and signalled to her by hand gesture that she must pick up the phone. Siza nodded, and walked towards her office phone to answer it.

"Miss Siza, there's a Menzi for you on line three, can you take the call?" asked Jazmyn.

"Put it through, Jazmyn," replied Siza, turning her chair to face the window again.

"Hello, Mrs Gama," purred Menzi.

"Hey babe, are you ok?" worried Siza, swinging her chair.

"I'm ok, my love, just checking up on you, that's all."

"Aw, babe that's so sweet of you."

"My love, my charger seems to be missing in action and my battery voltage is low. Should you not be able to reach me, please do not panic. As soon as I am able to find my charger, I will be in contact. It concerned me that my battery might run flat and I won't be reachable. I will call you as soon as I am back online"

"Ok babe, what do you feel like having for dinner tonight?" asked Siza, ignoring the knot forming in the pit of her stomach. It was unlike Menzi to lose his charger, but she was in the middle of a client crisis, and had no time to analyse what he was saying to her over the phone.

"I'll cook for you babe, don't worry."

"You're such a romantic, my love. I love you."

"I love you too, see you later then."

"Goodbye, babe. I will also be unavailable for the afternoon. See you at home, after court."


After he hung up his call with Siza, Menzi all dressed up in black jeans and a white golf t-shirt, grabbed his cell phone charger, his phone and his car keys, then exited the house. He stepped into his Porsche Cayenne and left. On the highway to Midrand, he speed dialled Lelo's number and heard her voice pick up after the first ring. As always, she was ready and waiting for his call. He enjoyed the attention he was given and loved knowing that she was at his beck and call.

"I'm on my way there now," declared Menzi.

"Ooh! Menzi, something about you makes me feel like…,"purred Lelo.

Menzi chuckled. "Like what?"

"Like a dangerous woman, "flirted Lelo.

"Mmm, I can't wait to see how dangerous you become."

Lelo giggled. "Oh, you will…lover."

Menzi smiled. "I'm on my way then…lover"


There seemed to be tension in the divorce courtroom, judging by the silence from both parties, as Siza and her client Mr Mula sat across from Siza's rival and ex-boyfriend, Mr Thato Pooe and his client, Mrs Mula. Mr Mula, a thirty-year-old, tall dark and handsome man, with a good physique and strong triceps, looked quite composed and ready to fight, as he sat calmly in his expensive brown and maroon striped Thula Sindi suit, and brown shoes.

Mr Pooe sat quietly in the courtroom, dreading what lay ahead for his client, Mrs Mula, who was a tall, tan-skinned woman, with long curly cornrows. He knew that she was in for the fight of her life, as she came up against Siza. Mr Thato Pooe was a thirty-one-year-old, light-skinned man. He was tall and well-groomed, with a neat German military haircut and no beard. He seemed unusually worried, as he sat in his courtroom attire, wearing a black gown with black pants and a white shirt underneath it.

Siza was already in combat mode, as she prepared herself mentally to fight for her client. No one would come up against Siza when she was in fight mode. She lived by her motto, fight to win, and ninety-nine percent of the time, she was victorious. Mrs Mula was already in tears, but she tried her best to maintain her composure. Thato Pooe was doing his best to comfort her and felt helpless as he knew what was about to unfold. His client was extremely emotional, and Thato felt empathetic towards her, even though he knew she was at fault. It was his job to defend her and fight her case to the best of his ability, come hell, or high water.

Mrs Mula quickly wiped her tears when Judge More, a tall man in his early fifties, wearing a black gown and a suit underneath it, walked in to sit across the four of them. There was silence in the courtroom, when the Judge took his seat. After the Judge settled in, he stared at Siza and Thato and raised his eyebrows.

The Judge proceeded to ask both Siza and Thato, the relevant question. He was quite irritated with their inability to be forthcoming, as opposed to him having to pose the questions. "Have your clients reached an agreement, or is it going to be another one of those long and time-consuming divorce cases?"

Thato was the first to respond to the Judge, "No, Your Honour, my client decided to plead for mercy, though she acknowledges her infidelity to Miss Nkabinde's client."

I see," said the Judge, staring at Mrs Mula with disdain. She could tell by the way he looked at her, that he thought she was pathetic in her decision making. Mrs Mula stared at the Judge with an attitude, and said, "I was pressured."

Siza glanced at Mrs Mula, then smiled at Thato. Thato pressed Mrs Mula's shoulder to calm her down. They seemed to have some kind of a relationship, although one could just speculate. The Judge stared at Mrs Mula, and cleared his throat, "Ma'am, I don't think you know and understand the seriousness of this matter, now if you have something to say, you had better say it, while I'm still interested in listening to you." barked Judge More.

Mrs Mula began to breakdown in tears, she stared at the Judge and said, "Sir…Judge…this man abused me emotionally, verbally and has killed my spirit…I was bound to cheat on him, knowing that he was already cheating on me," divulged Mrs Mula.

Siza spoke up, "Your Honour, I don't see why there should be any relevance in Mrs Mula's sudden change of persona. She wasn't interested when my client tried to be lenient with regards to the alimony and case in question."

Mrs Mula shouted at Siza. "You let him take everything from me. You told me I'm irrelevant, that my tears and accusations didn't matter."

Siza stared at Mrs Mula, shook her head, and said, "No, Mrs Mula, I'm sorry, but this is not the time and place for that."

Mrs Mula broke down in tears again, as she rose from her chair and knelt on the floor before Mr Mula. She grasped his cold hands and gazed at him with sorrowful eyes. "Are you seriously taking everything from me, Percy?" she cried out.

Mr Mula just stared at her with no emotion, as if he were staring at a perfect stranger. He unlocked her grasp and looked away.

The Judge looked at Thato and said, "Mr Pooe, your client is out of control."

Mrs Mula realized that speaking to her husband was not going to get her very far and sadly, she stood up from the floor, dusted her knees, and returned to her seat. She looked directly into the Judge's eyes, "I apologize, Your Honour. Let's just get this over with." "I am fine." She said, trying to regain her composure.

"Are you sure, Mrs Mula, that you want to grant Mr Mula the divorce?"

Mrs Mula nodded. "Yes, I am sure."

Satisfied with her answer, the Judge then produced a written document for Mrs Mula to peruse, and asked, "Is this the arranged and agreed alimony amount?"

Mrs Mula nodded, and answered the Judge, "Yes, Sir, that's the amount we agreed upon."

The Judge then turned his attention to Thato and Siza. "What about child support allowance?" he asked in a stern voice.

"I am unable to conceive children, Your Honour. More than likely, that is his reason for leaving me." Mrs Mula answered in her defence.

"Alright…sign here," demanded Judge More, as he instructed her where to sign the divorce decree document, and without hesitation, she proudly signed it.

The Judge pushed the same document towards Mr Mula, and said, "Mr Mula, sign here."

Mr and Mrs Mula gazed at each other. She had a painful look in her eyes and seemed anxious to leave the courtroom with immediate effect. Judge More spoke up once again saying, "Alright then, if that will be all....the court is now adjourned." In the same breath, he summoned Siza and Thato, in a somewhat threatening voice, to enter into his chambers at once.

"Yes, Your Honour," replied Siza, flinching at his tone of voice.

The Judge exited the courtroom, but before following him into his chambers, Siza and Thato had a few final words to say to their clients first.

Siza smiled at her client, extended her hand to shake his, and said, "Mr Mula, let me speak to you when I get to the office."

As Thato approached Mrs Mula, she stared at him and shook her head to stop him from coming any closer. She turned and ran out of the courtroom, without looking back, as she flew down a flight of stairs, and through the hallway of the courthouse. She felt like she couldn't breathe, and it seemed like hours before she finally reached the exit door. At that very moment, Siza and Thato proceeded to walk down the hallway that led to the Judge's office, leaving Mr Mula to his own devices, whilst he took his time exiting the courthouse.


Siza and Thato headed to the Judge's office. They stopped and stared at each other in the hallway. What had just transpired in court had infuriated Siza, and she wasn't about to hold back her fury. She glared at Thato, and became more infuriated when he stared back at her, with a pretentious smile on his face. Siza irritated him, but he wasn't about to take a lashing from her. He was just as anxious to get away from her, as Mrs Mula was to get out of the courtroom. Siza, as far as he was concerned, was a spoilt brat, who made it her duty to always have the final say.

"Siza, why do you have to be so stubborn? Was it necessary to embarrass me in front of Judge More?" questioned Thato.

"Your client was out of line Thato, and she had to be told," corrected Siza. "And just so you know, my work ethic has nothing to do with you, Thato. I studied and worked hard to become a lawyer. I never intended to make provision for child play. Your client turned this divorce into a circus back there by playing "he said" "she said." I am not here to defend your client, I am here to do as my client instructed me to do, therefore, on a personal basis – this is not about you.

"Oh, I think this is personal," retorted Thato. "You are still cut up that I left you for your sister, and now you are using history to seek revenge." jeered Thato, gazing directly into her eyes.

The accusation made Siza laugh wickedly, as she answered him in a quiet tone. "I have a man, Thato. I am certainly not searching for someone like you, in him. He is nothing like you. He is quite content with the woman that I am, and that for him is enough. You on the other hand, will never know enough."

"Does he love you the way I loved you," cooed Thato, caressing Siza's cheek.

Siza pushed his hand away, and stepped right into his face, lowering her voice "Hear me nicely! It is by sheer coincidence that you and I landed on the same case. I happen to take my career and my clients very seriously. I did not appear on this case to try and win you back, I am merely here to defend my client who like you, will not be forced to stay with a woman he no longer loves. Did I pressure you to stay with me, Thato? So why are you trying to pressure me into hearing your plea? No amount of charm will bribe me into purposefully losing this case, just to save your sorry ass. This conversation is over."

"Siza! Please! I am simply asking you to tell Judge More, that your client has reconsidered his decision regarding the divorce. I am pleading with you just this once, to permit Mrs Mula to win this divorce case." implored Thato. He promised himself that he would never stoop to this level, but in this case his heart went out to his client, and he felt such empathy towards her. He had watched her leave the courtroom, and he was sick to his stomach.

Siza chortled. "I said - this conversation is over! What is done is done. The couple are officially divorced and that is final!" and with that, Siza approached the door to Judge More's Chambers.

But Thato was not about to relent just yet, "You seem to forget that I have the ability, and knowledge to advise my client to fight you." he threatened.

Siza held the doorknob and turned to look at him one last time, "Well then, advise your client to surrender to me, or I will crush her with everything she's got against my client." retorted Siza, as she left him standing there, and disappeared into the Judge's Chambers.

Thato punched the wall in annoyance, then fixed his suit before entering the Judge's office.


Menzi took a turn into Lelo's neighbourhood. Lelo's four-bedroomed home was perched on a ridge, above a cul-de-sac, at Country View Estates, in Midrand. He pressed the remote to open the gate, drove inside, and parked the car in one of Lelo's three garages. The home had an elegant classical portico entrance, with over an acre of terraced grounds. The rolling lawns were the image of a picture-perfect garden out of a magazine, which overlooked mature towering trees, a tennis court, a Jacuzzi and a feature pool.

He withdrew the key from his set of keys and unlocked the kitchen door. As he opened the door, he found Lelo standing there, wearing an opened white shirt over her sexy red lingerie, and they began kissing passionately. Menzi lifted her up, carried her to her en-suite bedroom, which was tastefully designed with grey painted walls, beautiful tall white ceilings and a skylight, which allowed one to meditate at night, with the beautiful view of the moon and stars. He made love to her intensely. They drove each other crazy, as they passionately clawed at one another. Menzi loved to play rough in bed, and Lelo loved the pain and passion that came with that. She craved the intensity and cruelty that seemed to make up their lovemaking sessions. Menzi had initially come there for a quickie, but as it turned out, he could never get enough of Lelo, as they teased and giggled at each other.

"Put me against the wall," commanded Lelo.

"Do you like it when I do this to you, baby?" roared Menzi.

"Yes…You taste so good, Menzi, go deeper," purred Lelo.

They continued for over an hour, until eventually both were satiated and came up for air. After their long session, Lelo stood in between Menzi's legs, and ogled him, while he gazed at her.

"Why don't you marry me?" asked Lelo, running her fingers over his muscular chest.

"You told me you are not marriage material."

Lelo smiled. "How long have I been your girlfriend, Menzi?"

"For seven years, Lelo...why are you asking, all of a sudden?"

"Because you chose her over me, and I loved you first, remember?"

"Don't you think I know all that...you and I both know that our sex life is amazing and overpowering. A part of me loves you, but I am in love with Siza. Our relationship was filled with drama and fighting, over things we could not change, whereas with Siza, we are totally compatible. She is comfortable and content with herself. You were always insecure and that killed our love. I did not choose Siza over you, Lelo. I fell in love with her."

"And I have to accept all that, Menzi?"

"Come here," commanded Menzi, pulling Lelo towards him.

Menzi began kissing and biting her neck softly. It led to the second round of intense lovemaking. Menzi lifted Lelo up, placed her against the wall, and balanced her. This was her favourite position.

She still had her white shirt on and a bra, and Menzi balanced her with ease, as he continued to hold her in that position, giving her the maximum satisfaction that she loved and craved. Lelo was holding on to Menzi, wearing a smile, while he closed his eyes and moaned. It became so intense, that they both moaned and gasped, while they kissed.

Menzi lifted her up, placed her softly on the edge of her cadet blue leathered bed, and kissed her whilst making love to her. They were breathing through each other's ears, as Lelo held on tighter and tighter to Menzi. It was as if that moment was their final moment of being with one another. Menzi stopped in the middle of the heat and got off Lelo. He took a deep breath, before exhaling very deeply.

"This shouldn't happen again!" Menzi exhaled.

Lelo smiled. "Am I seeing you tomorrow?" she asked, as she rose from the bed, and wore her underwear.



"I have to go. I have to be in the office to finish some work," said Menzi, disappearing into Lelo's bathroom.

Lelo said nothing. She just ignored him, as if his schedule didn't perturb her in the least. Menzi took a shower, then got dressed, and went to find Lelo in her white-walled, and burly wooden-floored lounge. She rested on the saddle brown and white striped couch, holding a remote and searching for a channel on the wall-mounted flat-screen TV.

"Aren't you going to work?" Menzi asked.

"I'm too tired to go to work…I'll have to work from home today," replied Lelo, ignoring Menzi as he stood there eyeing her out.

"Ok then, love, I'm out."

He kissed her on the cheek, and let himself out. Lelo said goodbye and continued to search for an interesting channel on the TV. She peeked through the glass sliding door to check if Menzi had left.

As she watched his car leave her house, she ambled up the stairs to prepare her bathwater. She slipped into the bath and blocked out the events of what had happened earlier on her bed. She was in no mood to analyse and dissect those moments - they only brought upon heartache. She washed up and got ready to go to the office. She wore her grey dress, white shirt, and red stilettos. She snatched her dark red Louis Vuitton handbag and car keys, then exited the house. She strutted to her garage, opened it, reversed her red Mercedes Benz AMG that she used when going to work, and exited her home.



It was late in the evening, and Menzi got home way before Siza arrived. He fetched his laptop and placed it on the counter in his white-walled, open-plan kitchen. He plugged it in, and pressed the power button to switch it on, then connected it to converse with his PA. He took off his shirt before he started preparing dinner for his fiancé. He had a tattoo of Siza's name sketched under his right nipple. He loved cooking shirtless and was aware of his attractive ripped upper body. He loved to cook, and mastered it from a very young age. He enjoyed experimenting in the kitchen, as much as he enjoyed experimenting in the bedroom.

"We will have Calamari, hake and grilled veggies," he said to himself.

In a while, Siza's car pulled up at the front of the house. The tired Siza entered the kitchen, and found Menzi shirtless in shorts, wearing a blue chef apron. He smiled at her and lowered the heat on the stove, as the classical music playing in the background soothed her mind.

Siza dropped everything on the floor, as she hugged and kissed Menzi, and without any words said, he took her by the hand and strolled upstairs to their bathroom. Menzi opened the cold-water shower tap, then undressed Siza. They both got inside the shower, with the cold water gushing out of the shower tap, almost signifying rain. Siza snuggled into Menzi, and he lifted her up, and made passionate love to her.

It was Siza's first time. Her heart was pounding out of control and she never expected to be in so much pain. Never did she imagine that her first time would take place in a cold shower – she always pictured it to be warm and cosy, but Menzi planned to make it very special, even though he pounded in and out of her like a hungry, gruesome lion to his fresh naïve gazelle. They both gasped and moaned, while Siza held on to Menzi. She could not stop screaming in uncomfortable pain, but Menzi lacked gentleness towards her. The mist on the mirror and bathroom glass door would be inviting to the prying eye.

She had a huge effect on Menzi, and he was so submissive when it came to the beautiful Siza. What Menzi loved about Siza was that she was naïve and vulnerable, yet patient with him, and nothing aroused him more than the tightness of Siza's vagina, during their passionate lovemaking session.

"I have been waiting for this moment for too long. Damn! You feel so good, baby." confessed Menzi, as he elevated the watery wet Siza. He sat down inside their huge shower, allowing her to sit on him. He was passionately wild, as he widely spread her stiff long legs, to feel her tight, newly penetrated vagina, whilst he taught her how to rock him back and forth, like a rower inside a boat, propelling on heavy water.

"Please be gentle, Menzi," grumbled Siza in discomfort, whilst Menzi was properly positioning her on him and passionately kissing her.

He gripped her tiny waist and powerfully thrust in and out of her below. Menzi loved deep sex, the same kind that made him feel in control. He was salivating so hard, to show that he was so loving what he was doing.

Other than taking care of a woman, Menzi thrived on breaking a woman down sexually. He loved having that power over them.

The facial expression Menzi formed, made it obvious that he loved what he was doing to Siza. Meanwhile, Siza's expression told a completely different story. She was in so much pain, and sad that he was not more considerate and gentle with her, since it was her first experience. He held on tighter to her, and did not want to let her go. This orgasmic experience made him more powerful, and Siza was very submissive towards her attractive and stimulated fiancé. When finished, he kissed her on the lips and on the forehead. What an amazing explosion between the two lovers, whilst Siza tried her best to look and act tough towards her man.

"Hello, my angel," purred Menzi, as he closed the cold-water tap.

"Hello, my handsome man," replied Siza, wiping water off Menzi's forehead.

Menzi stepped out of the shower, grabbed their bathrobes and they got dressed. Siza wore a towel around her head, and Menzi handed her her slippers to put on. They left the bathroom holding hands.

"Hungry?" Menzi asked.

Siza smiled and nodded. "Mhm! Ravenous!"

They got to the kitchen, Menzi dished up, and they both said grace before they ate.

Bon Appétit" said Menzi, placing the plate of food before Siza.

Siza's hazel eyes gazed at Menzi, he held her gaze, before kissing her again. Her love for him was clear. Her eyes told the story. After dinner, Menzi packed the dishes in the dishwasher and gave Siza a massage on the shoulders. He began kissing and soft biting the back of her neck, and slowly turned Siza around, lifted her up, and placed her on the table, wanting to make love to her yet again.

"Are we doing this again?" Siza asked, feeling shaken up.

Menzi smirked and nodded. "I can't get enough of you, Siza…come here."

He opened her bathrobe wider and kissed her all over. He spread her stiff legs wide open and softly laid her on the table. Siza pulled him close and took off his bathrobe. Menzi pulled Siza to the edge of the table, grabbed each one of her legs to the side of each one of his thighs. He gently began licking, sucking and tonguing her clitoris, in a slow rhythm at first, then harder. Siza bit her lips and tried to hold back on her comfortless moan, emerging from her mouth.

He gave her no chance to breathe, and immediately and made love to her thereafter. He was excited, as usual, finally making love to his fiancé, and nothing gave him more pleasure than being inside her, and inside her arms. He picked her up as they continued on the couch.

Menzi was completely aroused and the lovemaking became much more intense, once again. They moved to the edge of the couch, and Menzi balanced Siza from falling, he kissed her on the lips, and uttered the words…

"No one can ever make me feel the way you do, Siza."

"I love, love you, Menzi," purred Siza.

"Yes…Yes…Yes," moaned Menzi, as he begged Siza not stop.

They paused, Menzi was panting out of breath, and his heart was beating erratically. Siza simpered in discomfort, and kissed him.

"Are you alright?" Menzi asked.

Siza simpered and nodded, as they snuggled and fell asleep on the couch, in each other's arms.


There was silence in the house while a series of rings made by the intercom startled Menzi and Siza, indicating that someone was at the gate. Menzi got off the couch and swaggered to the kitchen to answer the intercom. He pressed the answer button many times before he could speak.

Menzi cleared his throat. "Hello, can I help you?"

"Hi, it's me, can I come in?" cooed the woman.

Menzi was stunned as he heard a very familiar voice on the intercom. He turned and gazed at Siza, whom he found staring at him. He flashed a smile and winked at her, and she smiled back at him. He continued to speak on the intercom…

"I am good thanks, and you?" greeted Menzi.

"I want you so bad right now, please open," replied the woman.

"No, No, No, Sir, my fiancé and I are okay," insisted Menzi.

The woman tittered. "I guess not, I miss you, baby."

"Thank you… no, we're ok…Thank you, goodnight."

Menzi placed the intercom phone on the base, sauntered towards Siza, took her by the hand, switched off the lights, and they headed upstairs to their bedroom. They opened their bed and slid inside the sheets. Menzi scooted over to Siza's side, cuddled her close, and kissed the back of her neck, before kissing her on her cheek, to say goodnight.


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