
My Original World Is Not Normal As I Expected (Honkai Impact 3rd)

Former hero Shin Takeru manages to return back to his home world after 300 years. There he finds out that his world was not as normal as he expected. While trying to getting used to his new reality is when his new adventure begins. Will he survive? Only time will tell. All Honkai Impact characters belong to Mihoyo and its related subsidiaries. My OCs come from my ass though. *I was bored and this idea kept on being stuck in my brain so I've decided to write the story to get it out of my system. Feel free to diss for my bad grammar since I have not written any kind of stories for years and English ain't my first language.

Ackber_san · Videospiele
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19 Chs

Volume 1 Epilogue

10 PM, St. Freya Academy's infirmary, Theresa's POV:

It has been 3 days since Takeru-kun fell unconscious due to his injuries, and he still hasn't shown any signs of waking up soon. If I looked at his peaceful expression I would thought that he was just sleeping normally. However it didn't manage to make me forget the time when we'd just came out from my stigma's dataspace, where he suddenly spits out tons of blood before fainting.

Luckily while we were panicking on what should we do to help him a booming voice coming from Takeru-kun's AI, Vee where she managed to calm us down before she produced some sort of elixir enclosed in a crystal container from thin air, where she asked us to feed it to Takeru. The elixir managed to alleviate Takeru's symptoms, his spilled blood magically vanished and his complexions become better, showing its effectiveness.

However he still didn't woke up, and from there on the girls take turns in taking care of him until today, where it's my turn after I have gotten a clearance from potentially getting berserk due to my stigmata. However, seeing him like this because getting hurt while trying to save me kinda hurts my heart.

To be honest, I actually prefer that nobody else getting hurt because of me, but seeing his figure while fighting to protect me tickles my maiden heart instead. So right now I felt half guilty and the other half feel happy, and these emotions make me spiraling in confusion. Even after living for more than 40 years I still haven't mastered the matters of human's heart.

Having nothing else to do while waiting Takeru to wake up, I decided to have a conversation with Vee to fill my time, starting from the most important question which is,

"Are you sure he will wake up tonight?" That's right, according to Vee, Takeru's coma will only last for about 3 days. So he will wake up at any moment now.

[Affirmative, Theresa-sama. Since the elixir had been administrated properly it will take at most 3 days for him to recover from his injuries.] She affirms me.

"Is that so?...But what happened to him to be in this kind of situation in the first place? Up till now, you still evade my questions each time I asked you." I tried to ask her again, trying my luck. Maybe this time she'll answer honestly. Apart from that, my inquiry on everything related to Takeru's ability that he'd shown to me while in the dataspace was not answered properly either.

[I'm sorry Theresa-sama, I'm not eligible to answer that without my master's permission. Please forward your questions towards him after he'd woken up. I'm sure he is willing to answer your questions since he did show his ability to you after all.] Vee answered me by evading the topic yet again. I guess that shows how loyal she is towards his master.

"Is that so? Then I'm sorry for constantly pestering you, I'll wait for him to wake up obediently now."

Since she isn't willing to talk more, I gave up and then we're back into the silent atmosphere accompanied with the medical instruments beeping in between. While waiting silently, my mind is filled with various thoughts. The first one is my thirst of wanting to know what Takeru-kun's real identity is.

By now all of my initial thoughts of him just a somewhat normal person getting accidentally involved in our situation had flown out of the window. His ability shown to me in the dataspace is that great, where he can just simply toys with opponents easily. If he enters Schicksal as a Knight I'm sure he can become an S-Class Knight without much trouble.

My initial thoughts of him as an AE spy also had been shelved, judging from his personality and the way he acts around us for this past months is not like a spy would be, and my hunch on what he had shown to us was his real façade instead. And a spy wouldn't willing to get hurt just to save his target from danger. But if he turns out to be a real one then I can only blame on my shortcomings.

The other one were the things he had endured in order to obtain that kind of strength. While his story of gaining it during the 3 years of his disappearance probably had some truth, the real story might be much grander. There's no way his reasons of getting the power due to coincidental situations while he was in Africa are correct, and his way of bluffing isn't that good either. That's probably the way for him acting like an idiot in front of us, I'm sure of it…or maybe he's really an idiot? Perhaps.

And there is also this tiny thought slightly nagging in my mind, it's really a small matter you know? Believe me…I wonder what is his current relationship status? He did tell us that he's single so that might be the truth. We can see the way he ogles at Himeko when he thought that we didn't notice, that's not the way a person in relationship would do. Hmph, what is so good about that lump of fat? Even smaller ones have their charms too you know?

Plus there's the whole situation where he hugged Kallen out of nowhere while in the dataspace, showing he at least has some sort of familiarity with her. But, Kallen has been dead for more than 500 years, so there is no possibility of them meeting with each other right?...Or is he actually secretly an older man just like Grandpa Otto?...That can't be right, isn't it? I mean, his personality isn't as matured as grandpa, he acts just like a normal 20+ years old male that you can find anywhere…Right, stop your delusions Theresa, there's no way that is the truth.


My thoughts were cut short when I heard a grunting sound coming from the bed where Takeru is lying at. He finally woke up!

"…Urgh, what is this unfamiliar ceiling? Haha, I've always wanna say that, gotta cross that out from my to-do-list." As he woke up from unconsciousness, he began to say some stupid jokes just like usual. Jeez~ where is his tension in this kind of serious situation?

[Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.] Vee too began to say some random things, probably a reference from somewhere. Can you guys become serious already? Just like master, just like AI I guess.

"Nice one Vee, looks lik-GUUH!...O-oi Theresa-chan, what's with the sudden hug? Are you okay?" Takeru tried to reply something to Vee, but he was stopped by my sudden hug before asking me in worried voice.

"Mou~ you idiot! Why did you always do stupid things?! *Hic* Uuuuuu~…" I however was getting angry for his stupidity of getting hurt because of me and then began to tear up due to feeling relieve since he's already fine.

"…Right, sorry 'bout that Theresa-chan, I promise I won't do it again. There~ there~" He apologizes before starting to pat my body gently while I continue on crying.

A few minutes later:

"You okay now, Theresa-chan? Want me to pat you again?" Takeru ask while showing his worried face. So he can also be kind when in correct situation huh? Good to know.

"…No, I'm fine already, thanks for worrying about me, Takeru-kun." I assured him while wiping my tears away embarrassedly. Mou~ act like a proper lady will you Theresa? You're not a teenager with mood swings anymore.

"Is that so? All is good then." He showed a relieved face.




After that, we somehow entered into an uncomfortable silence. My mind is filled with things I want to ask him, while he's probably trying to formulate some sort of answer for them. A few moments later, Takeru ended the silence by saying,

"…So you've probably got tons of things to ask me for…Well ask away, I won't hide anything from you anymore. I've already prepared since the time I show you my ability after all." He gave me the green light.

"…Then, can you at least tell me your real identity?" I asked him while showing him my serious face, indicating I'm not willing for him to evade it anymore.

"Hmmm, for that I'll need to tell you the whole story of my 3 years' disappearance, that'll be long. Are you willing to hear all of it?"

"We have a long night after all, and tomorrow's weekend anyway. So please do." I urged him.

"Right, here we go then. For you see…" and then he begins his tale.

Approximately an hour later:

"…And here I am now, back on Earth. Was that satisfactory, Theresa-chan?" He ends his tale before asking if I'm satisfied with his explanation.

I however was still trying to making sense of his tale and thus kept mulling in silence. Being suddenly transported into sword and magic fantasy world? Takeru's real identity of the former hero, fighting to eradicating the Honkai outbreak with his companions and then successfully eradicating them? A sad love story between him and the Kallen-look-alike princess and their promises which turns him into rebuilding the empire for 100 years? What is this fairy tale? Is he for real?...But if what he told me was the truth then I can understand why he's this strong, he's living for more 300 years after all…Oh no, does this mean that he's actually way older than me?

"Un, thanks for telling me the truth, Takeru-kun. Is this why you'd always called me Theresa-chan even though I tell you to stop doing it?"

"Yep~ I mean, you're as old as my step-daughter you know? So you kinda reminded me of her, that's why I always accidentally called you with –chan suffix." He explained his reason. Am I'm getting daughter-zoned? That makes me sad...W-wait, that's not it!

"Y-you have a daughter?!" I asked him while in surprised face. I mean, he didn't look like a person who would have a daughter. Plus he told me he had never married anyone.

"I didn't tell you that? Silly me, how could I forgot 'bout that. Must because my mind jumbled due to the injuries. Tehe~" He answered me before showing me a stupid face.

"No, first time I heard about it." I denied him.

"Then here's the picture of my sweet daughter, Elaina-chan. You see, I first found her when…"

Takeru then take out a picture that appeared from thin air, probably due to magic, and then show it to me. He then began to babble non-stop about his daughter to me just like when Grandpa Otto showing my pictures to the Valkyries…Ah, I can see his father mode when he is like this.

It is a picture of a beautiful blonde elf smiling happily while hugging Takeru. So his daughter was from a different race huh? But why do I get a different vibe from the picture? It's like instead of a father-daughter pair I felt like it's a lover's photo. The vibe is stronger on the daughter's side from her body nuances that I manage to gleam from the picture…Is she a father-con? Should I get worried of the incoming rival? Hmmm~

[Oi stop that you daughter-con of a master. Can't you see that you've creep the hell out of Theresa-sama?] Vee stopped Takeru's non-stop rambling about his daughter.

"…Tch, and I even started to get the best part. Way to spoil my mood Vee." Takeru appeared to be not happy with her interruption.

[I aim to impress. But please control your enthusiasm when talking about Elaina-sama, master.] She said it proudly before adding a reminder for Takeru to curb his daughter-con's enthusiasm.

"Hah! You can't hide from me Vee! I know that if someone talks shit about Elaina-chan or trying to hurt her you'll be the first who will eliminate the culprit, you tsundere!" Takeru quipped her back.

[Of course master. Any trash dared to hurt Elaina-sama in any form whatsoever will face my wrath, I'll leave not a single dust of them left in this world.] Vee answered him with some dangerous remarks. I guess everyone loves this Elaina, she's lucky to have them…Wait, there's still other things I want to ask him.

"Wait, can you tell me how on earth you'd get injured? If I recalled you're fine during the fight with the 12th Herrscher, she didn't even manage to nick you at all." That was one of the things makes me kept wondering all this time. What is the cause for his injury that makes him unconscious for 3 days?

"Oh, that? You remembered the time when I was preparing to attack Higokumaru before you suddenly stopped me right?" He asked for my confirmation.

"Uh, yes?"

That was scary, the towering blue light towards the sky coming out from his sword while preparing for the attack had a somewhat dreadful aura, like it can wipe me out and leaving not a single dust at all if he ever pointed it towards me. Even now I felt like I was reckless for interrupting him. What if he suddenly attacked me due to shock?

"That was it. I was preparing for one of my ultimate technique that can destroy a common city easily, but being interrupted suddenly forced me to contain all the huge mana back into my body to prevent it from going haywire, thus rupturing most of my internal organs. Plus the secret technique where I had to erase the Honkai energy from Higokumaru drained my life force tremendously, so I was actually dying during that time. Haha~"

He explained to me before laughing while scratching his head like it was not a big deal…I-I didn't know that, he looks fine during the time we're inside the dataspace. Now I feel bad for stopping him during that time recklessly.

"Hey, don't show me that kind of face, Theresa-chan. We all came out alive didn't we? So that's good enough for me." Takeru tried to console me when he saw my sullen face.

"Un, thanks for consoling me, Takeru-kun." I thanked him while changing my sullen face into a smiling one. That's right Theresa, we did came out alive didn't we? So I should be happy instead.

"Nah, it's just a small matter. Don't mind." He waved his hands, trying to assure me more.

"…So after telling me all of this, what will you do next, Takeru-kun? I still haven't heard the reason why you still stayed here." Yes, he still hasn't told me his goals yet.

"Hmmm, to be honest my initial goal was just to get more info on the Honkai's from the academy while trying to make my device so that I can return back to Valvria. The first goal is already done so right now I'm just filling my time experimenting on the prototype while securing some funds to buy the materials needed." He told me that.

"W-wait! So you're just going to leave us?!" Oh no, w-what should I do? Just when I already fall in love with him, he's gonna leave me?!...N-no, that's not it, I didn't like him. I was just a little bit interested. Just a ti~ny bit interested in him. It's the truth you know?

"Oi Theresa-chan, calm down will ya? I still haven't finished talking yet. I mean, that's what my initial plan. Right now? I'm gonna stay here for a little bit longer, you guys already grew on me and I already consider you guys as friends. Plus it's not like I'm going back to Valvria for good, I can still travel between worlds whenever I wanted after I finished making the device. And if I really had to go back to Valvria, I'll at least say some proper goodbyes to you guys first." He assured me. Phew~ I nearly had a heart attack…But, friends huh? What is this sudden pain in my heart? Am I sick?

"Then it's good, you're always welcome here…Say, Takeru-kun, instead of staying here just as a janitor, how about you join Schicksal as a Knight instead? I can give a good word to Grandpa Otto, I'm sure he'll welcome a strong person like you with open arms." I tried to solicit him on joining us. If I'm to judge him by pure strength, he can already become a platoon leader easily. Plus he did tell me that he had experiences in leading a large army, so this will not be his first rodeo.

"Hmmm~ I prefer not if I can. I don't want to talk bad about him to you since you're his granddaughter but his actions during the Soukai City's disturbance were not really my cup of tea. Plus there's this current situation regarding on your locked memories." He rejected my proposal before mentioning something important out of nowhere.

"Eh, what do you mean?" I asked him. I didn't remember anything like locked memories though?

"Stay still Theresa-chan, I'll apologize first for the incoming uncomfortable feeling. ***<<Memory's Refresh>>." He immediately pointed his shiny index finger towards my forehead before chanting something intelligible, probably one of his spells.


I suddenly felt nauseous as something was broken inside my mind before I was flooded with new, nay, old memories. Since I was going to fall down from my chair, Takeru hold my body by putting both of his hands on my shoulders while I sift my memories…Ah, so that was it huh? Damn grandpa, so he lied to me during the 2nd Eruption's aftermath. The missiles launched to Siberia was not due to Cecilia's order, he arbitrarily do it by himself. This newfound memory somehow makes me feeling angry.

"You okay there, Theresa-chan?" Takeru asked me worriedly as his face comes closer to check my condition. T-too close, Takeru-kun! That's way too close! I-I'm still not ready yet for that kind of intimate actions, please let me prepare for my heart first!

"I-I'm fine Takeru-kun, thanks for worrying about me…Right, let me thank you for unlocking my memories too, I can see why you didn't trust him. He even hides things from his own granddaughter, so I think it's better for you to keep on low profile like usual." I agreed on him denying me from changing his current job of being a janitor.

"So what are you going to do now? Are you going to tell Himeko about me too? Since I can see that you're close with her. I don't mind if it's her, I can cast some sort of mental barrier spells to her to prevent espionage after all." He gives me permission for me to tell his secrets to Himeko.

"…Maybe I'll tell her later. There are still other things I need to do first after all." I told him ambiguously. I mean, having a secret just between me and Takeru-kun sounds exciting. I-it's not like I'm thinking things like 'having a personal secret between men and women sounds romantic' you know? It's the truth you know?

"Well, I'll leave it to you then. Right, anything else you wanna say?"

"Ah, right. I forgot to say thank you for saving me Takeru-kun, I really appreciated it." I thanked him for his help.

"Nah, it's fine. I'll do it again if you're ever in danger, that's my promise to you. I mean, that's what friends for, right?" He said while smiling brightly…So, friends huh? Kuh.

"T-thank you, Takeru-kun." I too managed to smile brightly towards him, appreciating his thoughts.



Our conversations halted again, but this time it's in a somewhat good atmosphere instead…To be honest, there's this thing I want to ask him but I didn't have the courage to do it so I just keep on being silent while straightening my clothes. Somehow sensing my mood, Takeru then asks,

"Say, Theresa-chan, anything else you wanna to ask me?"

"…Uuuh~ How should I said this?...You know that it's way past midnight now, right? And since I've got my memories back I kinda afraid to go back to my room and sleep alone, so I'm wondering if I could sleep here with you tonight? O-of course, that's if you're willing to." I told him my request. Am I too bold for doing this? It should be alright, right? I thought while twiddling my thumbs shyly.

"…Uuuh sure, welcome aboard. There's still some room left on the bed after all."

He agreed promptly, showing no hesitation whatsoever. Is he agreeing to my request due to my childish body? Somehow I feel a little bit unsatisfied instead. I then climbed to the bed before lying down and getting comfortable on the space prepared by Takeru and say,

"Goodnight Takeru-kun."

"Goodnight to you too, Theresa-chan."

And then we slept peacefully, that night I had a happy dream throughout my sleep with no interruptions whatsoever. Perhaps I can do this with Takeru frequently in the future, I prayed while I'm dreaming happily.

Ackber-san's here.

This marked the end of the first volume. Yeay~ *Hands clapping*

"Oi why you haven't updated for so long?"

Ya wanna hear a short version or the long ones?

Okay, the short version. I'm fucking lazy, that's all.

Long version, I caught a riding bug so I've decided to tackle all the nearby mountain roads with my trusty Honda Wave 125cc, rode like 500+ KMs in 3 days before stopping and then have some rest for a few days due to the continous muscle pain starting the next morning. I know, imma too weak already for doing that shit.

Having enough rest, I continued back on writing. Guess what, the weather decided to give a middle finger by pouring rain for like 3 days straight in my country, lots of places got flooded down. My home's fine though, but then the internet decided to commit sudoku once again, probably some of the communication towers got damaged, so there goes my motivation to write again.

So only now I can finally can post my chapters. So here ya go, the Vol. 1 Epilogue and the next chapter gonna be another interlude. That's all the idea I have right now, 9k words total should be enough right?

Ackber-san's out.

Ackber_sancreators' thoughts