
Quick battle

Several moments later Angela left. Lady Irina came dressed in a white dress, an anxious look covering her face.

When she saw Rash looking fine, "Uh... I'm glad; it looks like nothing happened. I just saw my daughter with a scowling face coming out of here, which made me very anxious. Did something happen between the two of you?" The butler immediately told her when Angela went to the gym. Knowing their respective characters, she was afraid something bad would happen.

"No. Just a brief discussion, nothing more." Rash shook his head from side to side, reassuring Mrs. Irina. And warning himself not to talk loudly with Nightmare in the future, because Irina came suddenly, he noticed nothing until she approached.

"Really... it doesn't look like it's as simple as you said." Irina narrowed her eyes. How could her daughter Angela leave that easily?

Even after discussing the situation with her for several days, she is still not convinced. Yet now she did not stay with Rash for over five minutes, and she left just like that?

She felt there was more to it.

Rash noticed that Irina did not believe him, so he tried to hint to her, "Angela came with some conditions she wanted me to abide by. At the end of the discussion, we agreed to arrange a deal. She said nothing after that, but I think she had accepted the situation already."

Irina thought about what she heard and had a glimpse of what happened here. This made her slightly uneasy over Angela's actions. Treating their benefactor in this way is unacceptable behavior, especially for a girl in her position. However, she also felt helpless with her persistence.

"Please excuse her for her misbehavior. Now I will go and talk to her over again. You do not have to worry about the conditions she set and leave it to me." She has to do something one way or another. So she immediately started walking out.

"Wait… wait… wait…" Rash got up fast and stopped her quickly before she did anything that might spoil the situation. He grabbed Irina by the hand and said, "I told you I had already solved it. I didn't agree to her conditions so no need to worry, and she probably no longer sees me as a threat so it would be appropriate for things to remain that way. "

Irina looked confused, which made Rash explain further, "Well... I deceived her a little... Right now she thinks because of the monster I have little time left to live. As long as you don't expose me, she'll understand your decision to bring me here. Of course, I told her that the matter is a secret between you and the doctor, and I heard about the matter by chance. I hope that you will cooperate with me. If she finds out, I don't know what will happen."

Rash sighed a little. He did not tell her without reason, but was thinking about informing her from the start so she can help him in some way, "Maybe it will be difficult for you to lie to her, but please understand the situation."

When Mrs. Irina listened to the full story, the words caught her by surprise. She tried many times with her daughter already. But Rash, in a short period of less than five minutes, convinced her, and not only that but also put her in that state.

Irina smiled with a proud look on her face, "You really don't seem so powerless to find strange solutions to your problems. This makes me wonder why you haven't done the same thing in the past. Have things been so bad?" She is really curious about it.

"Well…" Rash said, and then paused for some time thinking about the events he went through throughout his life, "The difference is very simple. Your daughter had no problem between us from the start, so it was easy to convince her with words. But if you had a problem with a dog, even ten a thousand sentences will do nothing to change the situation."

At the time it was not that Rash did not respond, but he failed despite all his repeated attempts. This was always baffling him too.

For example, on one occasion while he was walking on a street in the city, he ran with two people quarreling between them. None of them could achieve the upper hand. Rash simply passed by, as this is not his problem. Who knows that when the two men saw him, they started chasing after him for no reason.

The two adults were taller compared to him, and in a few moments they caught and beat him badly. Despite his attempt to explain the situation, they did not listen to him. In the end, the cause of their quarrel was a problem caused by another boy, dressed similar to his, and they thought he was the same person.

Not only that, they didn't apologize and tell him it was your fault for coming here.

"You're right... Anyway, ending it this way also makes me comfortable." She couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Then she laughed lightly, "My little girl is really gullible at times, and I don't know if this is good or bad."

She did not want her to change anyway, and she prefers her like that. But she also knows that it is good to learn a lot of different things, as long as this is a good reference for protecting herself.

For example, if Rash tried to deceive Mrs. Irina, it wouldn't be so easy.


Rash didn't comment on her words, but he requested instead, "Actually, I want to ask something from you. Tomorrow I'm going back to college, so please help me on this matter."

Rash needs a new outfit and for Irina to take action due to his long absence. Also, he wanted to finish the daily quest, even though there is a library at home, but going back to college not just for study.

Irina nodded, as if she had expected it in advance, "I already told them about it and prepared for everything. The next morning, let Angela pick you up with her. I can ask her for that."

"No. You had better not do it..." Rash rejected the idea altogether. And he said, "Right now, leave it this way, it would be more convenient for me to go by myself."

In doing so, he will be able to move more freely. Being under the watch of others too much will make him restrained and unable to raise his level quickly. He may need to do other tasks in the future. Who knows what might happen?

Just when Rash thought everything was resolved.

"Be careful, there are changes in the surrounding space…" Suddenly he heard a warning from Nightmare. It was the first time that Nightmare had alerted him in advance, which put Rash on high alert. And the features of his face changed in an instant.

Irina noticed it because she was staring at his face the whole time, and she thought something distracted. She wanted to inquire to make sure, "Did anything happen?"

Rash didn't respond and checked the changes surrounding him as he asked Nightmare inside himself: 'What's exactly going on?'

Nightmare explained briefly, "This phenomenon is usually appeared before the Gallus monsters cross the dimensions." Which gave Rash a bad omen.

The boy hurried and took the bar intended for carrying weights, to be used as a weapon. Everything happened fast, and the expressions of anxiety on Irina's face got worse. She did not understand what had happened to him.

"I think there is a monster hiding here...." Rash finely responded and left it ambiguous. He cannot explain the situation accurately, and he does not know what monster he will face. He also cannot tell the lady that the beast has not yet appeared, otherwise she will inquire how he knew about the matter.

"What… How…" Irina's face washed out of fear, at the moment no one is with them at the gym. And they are both normal people. Also, because she was not wearing her AI device, she could not summon the bodyguards in time.


Upon hearing the sound, Rash noticed a slight change in the wall's shape, and expected the monster to appear from there. He never gave it a chance to complete his appearance and hit the place hard. As long as the metal bar is considered a weapon, it can inflict high damage on the target, and to attempt to return it whence it came from.

<You have dealt 11 damages to the target>

Ouooo aw aw aw

Unfortunately, the monster quickly completed its appearance, and was fully formed in front of him. Although he was hit with surprise, he has done minor damage, causing Rash to frown a little. But he rejoiced when he saw the level of the beast.


<Name: Three-Legged Dog ~ Level: 4>

<HP: 550 ~ MP: 210>


'Oh ... I'm lucky,' Rash felt elated, a free gift in front of him. But Nightmare quickly spoiled his joy, saying, "Do not forget that you are just a normal person in everyone's view, and killing Gallus monsters is nearly impossible without abilities."

'Damn it… that's right…' Rush looked at Irina, who did not yet understand how the monster suddenly appeared through the wall, and at how fast Rash attacked him with the rod.

Fortunately, now she looked very coherent and did not scream like before.

Rash moved quickly and swiftly next to the dog, preventing its mouth from biting him by distracting it with the rod. Then sending him flying with a powerful kick directly in his stomach. The dog flew hard and hit the wall.

In the end, it looked not much different from a normal dog, yet Rash quickly noticed the difference.

<You have dealt 14 damages to the target>

Even with the hero kick, the monster has vigorous defense compared to its weak level. This made Rash excited about getting the stigma. Even though it doesn't seem like a powerful ability, still it can be of use for some time before changing it with something more powerful.

The problem is, he has to send Irina away first.

After throwing the monster away, he shouted to Mrs. Irina, "Quick... quickly... go get the bodyguards... I'll distract him until they arrive..."

Trying to kill it before the guards come will be a challenge.

"Don't do… it looks dangerous… Just let's go together…" After what happened a week ago, it is impossible for Irina to let him face the monster again alone. The boy has just left the hospital, but he is here to die again.

At that moment, she felt that he was really poor boy, not only people bullying him, but even monsters as well. Is there a person with such luck in the world?

However, Rash was thinking about something else. Why did the monster suddenly appear here? This time he didn't think it was just a coincidence. He thought of Nightmare, but Nightmare denied it, "I don't know the true cause. In addition, no one can predict when and where the monsters will appear each time."

'Well... let's get rid of this off first ... then look at the situation afterwards,' Rash whispered to himself.

The dog was not fast due to poor balance. This made it easy for Rash to direct successive blows at him, especially since his movements were much faster than before. Three blows in a row on his skull with a rod, until his eye fell out of place.


<You have dealt 10 damages to the target> <You have dealt 15 critical damages to the target> <You have dealt 8 damages to the target>

"Didn't you see... It's on the level of a normal dog, don't worry? I'll be fine, I promise..." Rash insisted on Irina leaving, and almost pleaded with her if she didn't. He really wants to get this stigma and keeping Irina here will make things complicated.

Irina felt the same way when she noticed Rash's agility and ability to subtly deter the stupid dog. At that moment, as if she was feeling reassured, she ran outside. Even with her age, she was training a lot with Angela and her husband in the gym which made her maintain her fitness and running was not a problem for her.

Rash breathed in a deep breath after seeing her leave, and he cornered the monster on the edge. He had a grudge; he wanted to take it. That damn shark made him suffer so badly, "You stupid beast, I wonder why you showed up here with such a low level... Come on ... Come on... We have to hurry."

"Hey... Nightmare. I want you to delay the bodyguards a bit until I finish killing him."

The little phantom boy said nothing and kept watching silently. He felt good upon seeing Rash's response and his quick adjustment to the situation.

He learns quickly, and that's a good sign.

<You have dealt 12 damages to the target>


<You have dealt 21 critical damages to the target>

Ooooo.... wow

It was a massacre on one side, Rash inflicted a crushing defeat in a short time, using the bar with both hands on one side and kicks on the other. His energy depleted very quickly because of the Constant Attack.

In the end, the movement of the monster stopped permanently when Rash was certain that he had killed it. He pulled it inside the Inventory without even waiting for the Stigma to gather. Right now is not the time to do that.

<Target has been killed: 8 XP acquired>

When he was done with everything, he breathed comfortably and threw the bar out of his hand. This made him feel lively, "It was fun..."

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