
Passive Skills

Rash did not mind the window very much and began to complete the quest before the end of the specified period, since it was a task that did not require movement, so he did not leave his bed and stayed there, despite that, his stomach sound alerted him every time that he had not eaten anything for a week.

'What happened? Why did no one come even though my voice wasn't low at all?' Although this question crossed his mind several times, he did not ask the reason and decided to wait longer.

Nightmare watched every move of Rash without further interfering or telling him what to do, until Rash was able to complete five out of ten only then Nightmare spoke again, "Now, with the list of passive skills."


Rash's focus was suddenly dispersed when he heard that, he's so focused on his mission now, so why the hurry? As if the quest is going to take a lot of time. Yet, he naturally responds, "Is there a reason for you to tell me the skills now?"

"Well, there is no real reason, but just to get used to such interventions. In the future, you have to learn that it is not possible that all circumstances will be easy and within your reach, but sometimes you will be hindered a lot, whether by factors, enemies or friends, even if It happened, will you stop your missions or will you try to find other ways to do it? '' Nightmare was doing his role in the best way he saw fit, so the missions, time selection and rewards were according to this rule.

"Hmm... even though this would be annoying, it's okay with me and also... I don't have friends anyway."

"Currently you don't have friends and I haven't said anything about it for now... Maybe you will need their help in the future."

Rash did not comment on Nightmare's sentence, but he knows in himself that it's very unlikely with his way of thinking now. In the past he hoped to make friends and experience life like everyone else, but now he no longer thinks that way, friends are just a beautiful word that does not exist, his dealings with others are no longer smooth and always he thinks that there is some kind of hatred directed towards him from anyone he meets, even without reason.

Rash was not stupid to realize that many of these ideas were incorrect and rather that they resulted from the accumulation of many bad experiences in his life. However, he was less interested in trying to change it.

Nightmare on the other hand didn't say anything and move on to skills, what Rash is going through is not new to him, and since it was somehow related to him in some way, this problem he has to fix it sooner or later.

"The passive skills are different from active skills, as you cannot use them in the same normal way, but rather they express more as a characteristic, or they activate automatically when the appropriate conditions are met. Currently, there are two skills on your list." Nightmare said and then showed the two skills on screen in front of Rash.

<Full Regenerate>

<Description: Passive skill enable you to recover completely from all injuries within a time period that varies according to the severity of the injuries.>

<Conditions Of Activate: The skill is activated only if the hero dies>

<Consuming five levels each time the skill is activated, whatever the level>

Rash read the information very quickly without wasting much time, especially since he already knew this skill and then began to verify the other skill.

<Abnormal Conditions Resiste - level 1>

<Description: increases in resistance to fear, fainting, sleep, etc....>

<Conditions Of Activate: None>

"Hmm... does that sound very helpful, especially in relation to fear?"

"Yes... there are many monsters that use these skills in their attack, the Gallus monsters are very dangerous and unpredictable about what they will do, so you always have to be prepared for any danger. Also, as you noticed in your battle against that monster a week ago, he used a fear attack to immobilize you for some time."

Rash anticipated that too, but he wasn't sure before Nightmare explained the situation to him now. And getting all new things is very useful, and he wouldn't mind more of it anyway.

<Quest Progress: 8/10>

He only had two more left to complete the task when he suddenly saw Nightmare, and he had a new idea. 'Why don't I verify Nightmare with Appraisal skill?'


<The target you set does not exist>

What? What does this mean?


Nightmare amused, "Haha... what are you trying to do now?" he laughed at Rash's sudden behavior and then decided to explain the matter to him more clearly. "What you see now in front of you is just an imaginary depiction, no more than that. The status windows are done at the level of your subconscious mind, of course you see it with your eyes, but in reality this is only what you imagine while the truth is that what you see is not a picture but rather like what a person sees when dreaming. Is this clear? "

"So... that how it is? That's why I couldn't touch the screen before?"

"Yeah, just think about it, what if you were able to see those windows in front of you like a TV? Even assuming no one but you alone would be able to watch them, doing so would distort your focus and change your line of sight to something else. In critical moments doing this would make you lose your life."

Every time Rash discovers a little more about Nightmare's side, what makes him wonder what exactly it is? Is it some kind of artificial intelligence? Or a creature of another kind. However, as for the amount of his knowledge, he will likely not be able to understand this unless Nightmare himself explains it.


<Quest Progress: 10/10>

<Congratulations on completing your mission on time: 10 XP acquired>

<Level: 1 ~ 10/20>

"It looks like only 10 remain until the next level." Rash was sure, and he got excited to see what changes would happen with each level.

"So Nightmare, can we stop now for a while? I'm very hungry and want to get some food."

Nightmare nodded to him, understanding his situation better than himself, "I've removed the barrier and you can do whatever you want for a while."

"What... barrier? What do you mean this time?" Rash felt puzzled.

"Not much, but I put a barrier so that nobody will bother us for some time, especially since it is the first time that I introduced you to the system and this would make things a little complicated for you, so making a barrier is necessary. Fortunately, you haven't caused much reaction."


'I think I'd better get used to everything he's doing from now on.' Rash didn't know what to comment on Nightmare's abilities, so he ignored the response and decided to summon anyone to help him. Luckily this is not his first time in the hospital and this room seemed to be equipped with more instruments for what he used to see in other hospitals.

He searched beside the bed until he found a small button. Usually hospitals install these buttons so that patients can request help at any needed time. He pressed the button and waited for someone to come. It took a while, so he pressed again and for the third time maybe there was no one there.

After a few minutes, the door suddenly opened, and a woman in her twenties, dressed as a nurse came in. A normal stature with medium-length black hair, she puts her white coat and her hands in her pocket while she chews something in her mouth, probably gum. There is some cosmetic on her face, but unfortunately Rash does not know anything about the things of women.

The nurse looks as beautiful as any nurse many people dream for, except for Rash, who felt a bad omen from the first moment he saw her in. This instinct always tells him that he will face trouble and now he has the same feeling.

The reason why his face hardened even more was when he saw the expression of the nurse, who looked as if a member of her family had been killed or something, although she was beautiful but her looks suggested that she was fed up already.

The nurse looked at Rash who was awake and sitting in the bed, she quickly approached his bed with not much expression, she said, "Oh... it looks like you woke up from your coma, you woke up much earlier than expected. Why did you call me?"

'That nurse... what's with her?' Rash preferred not answering, her words might be normal, but her tone suggested she was upset about something. In this case, and from his experience in life, he did not want to be stuck in anything from the first moment he woke up.

Then he remembered the skill of appraisal, so he looked at the nurse quickly to find out the cause before he answered with anything.

<Name: Mariana Maris ~ Status: Angry >


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