
My Multiverse Trip

Reincarnation? Wishes? A System? Magic? Harem? Pudding? This story has all of those. Multiverse travel, kingdom building, fan boy dreams come true in this wild story starting in the Harry Potter world. Instantly op character? nope. sharingan at the start? nope. shameless Mc? yep. shameless comedy? yep. NTR. nope. Just to let everyone know this is my first story English is my native language I planned 0 chapters in this whole book and I literally started writing it because I simple wanted to read it myself. It contains parts from bringing the farm to another world, shadow hack, and supreme Anime system. leave any advice you want I read all comments and try to take them into account. (disclaimer I only own my characters I personally make) also there will be some grammar errors and some plot holes think of this as a rough draft I'm just winging it basically at this point lol doing well so far tho I plan to go back later to fix small things like speech and paragraphs sometimes I miss things. be gentle it's my first time.

Ryan_Colman · Fantasie
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467 Chs

4.days go by

For the next 9 months our hero the fetus practices his occulemeny and meditation, slowly working his minds shields and recall to the best he can. Not at all pushed on by his wife's scary smile no sir.

He spent a couple days getting everything sorted about his systems he can't use his gold in the farm in real world until the farm is level 10.

He also learned you can't raise the level of tje farm with store bought items from the system you need to bring in outside plants, fertilizers, and water to upgrade everything.

No cheesing the system here. He also can't use his shadow hack system because I doubt there are monsters in his mother womb besides father poking around a time or two in the early months (shiver)

8 months in he got high level occulemeny shields good enough to keep dumbles out from basic scans. He needs to keep grinding it out though. If Dumbledore or anyone else tried a little to force their way in he'd have no hope.

However he was rewarded with 250sp and a proud wife cause he did it a month early. also his meditation helps him focus, his mind appears to be going through a few changes probably to adjust to his new body and life.

Now it was only a few days until his birth. he was excited and ready to get out of his current predicament. He was mentally preparing himself for the horrors to come such as breastfeeding and poopy diapers.

To a grown man its just the utmost shame but he will suck it up he didn't get the title jerked chicken for being a coward no sir he's a man, a baby man!

Cassie giggled in his mind. He figured out she could read his thought about 2 months ago. Needless to say he was shocked cause every gentleman knows we have our pervy thoughts now they are no longer safe it must be purgatory for all the times he waylayed his weenie in the previous life yes that's it purgatory. However it can be turned on and off he just didn't really care much it's not like she would harm him.

From the nine month of farming cassie did for him he has about 100kgp he plans to spend upgrade his hut in the farm.

He knows the perfect building! He's a king of his own world, so he needs a castle. He's going to buy the castle from dragon age inquisition it costs about 75kgp. Next he's going to buy two house elves as well. The rest is for other things like basic furniture, books and the basic gold needed to run the farm. He has plans for the elves, he will use one elf to find magical plants. The other he will use to take care of his wife.

Finally he will be able to use his shadow hack to start killing bugs to level up experience. Which can be used for the shadow to gain another shadow or level himself up. He cannot gain stats from his shadows however he can increase some skills like close combat and what have you. It's basically a permanent shadow clone but they can gain personalities however they can never rebel or harm him he's number 1.

Now enough babble it's time for birth.

It's extremely painful being pushed out and he can hear his mother screaming that his father will never touch her again. Poor amos hehe. As soon as he's pushed out the light hurts his eyes and he's crying from the pain I mean he's a man but it hurts and someone smacked his ass with no safe word at all its devastating.

"look at him he's beautiful." said a female voice.

"That's my son!!! that's my son!! I have a son!!" that came from an over excited man.

I see a Sandy blonde haired woman and a shorter brown haired man looking at me with excited faces when i force my eyes open. I'm extremely happy feeling the warmth of family again and feel the love radiating off of them.

I know in the story my new dad was the proudest a man could ever be about his son. he was devastated when he died there's no way in hell he's going to do that this time around. I know what happens. Now I'm not going to go super out of my way to smack the snake faced asshole around, but i'm going to inconvenience him as much as possible.

but that's for later years right now he's going to be a child and study the books from the shop. maybe reread some fanfictions cause it helps to be prepared and i don't know what changes God invoked when I asked for a few swaps.

"What should we name him?" asks his mother.

"Hmm how about Ryan? Yes I like that Ryan Diggory." his father exclaims.

"Ryan? Yes he seems to like it look he's smiling." his mother said hugging him closer.

I was dumbfounded I didn't expect that but oh well I like my name. I caught a view of myself in a mirror and I must say I'm dashing as a baby, my sandy blonde hair and blueish gray eyes.

I didn't want that anime look you know the bullshit white hair, red eyes crap sticks out like a sore thumb attracts a lot of attention.

Like from young masters cause of their women ogling you. yeah screw that guy it's a hassle and I don't like hassles. You all know what happens right? The young master glares then shouts to leave then you beat him up, then his father comes then you beat him up, then his grandfather comes, then the fire nation attacks and your just pissed cause all you really wanted was a nice grilled cheese sandwich but noooooo.

Shit I went off on a tangent there my bad anyway I'm a good looking baby I'll woo all the aunties oh yes. but no touching too much harem is a monstrous thing I don't know how people can handle 57 wives but I'm not doing that.

Well now that I'm born I'm actually really tired and slowly start falling asleep in the arms of my mother while she coos at me ah this is the life.

I awake several hours later and I know it's time, the point of no return where a man, becomes a baby man it can't be put off any longer no matter how much I dread and cry and throw a tantrum it's inevitable.....





I've pooped myself and I'm hungry

I start crying and my father does what every father should do and starts to change me. I'm mortified but I know it's not the end. he hands me to my mother as she takes out her breast. I just stare at that swollen nipple like it swiped my chicken nuggets and I man up and latch onto and slowly suck the life giving nectar from the bosom of my mother. Losing all my manly points for this life Noone can ever know this happened (Cassie laughs hysterically in my mind) I've been betrayed.

It tastes okay it's just warm milk I guess.

After the feeding I do what any self respecting baby does and i go right back to sleep until the next shame inducing episode.

Little did our hero know his shame was posted on webnovel and many fellow heroes would read this, laughing at his misfortune.