
Training part 1

Sara's pov

as regularly I woke up early in arms of my mate.

his body radiating warmness for me ,his face is bright with a small pout ,oh my god he looks sooo cute ,really like a baby.

I am really blessed to have him as my mate.

I try to get up from bed but his grips are too strong I can't even wiggle .

"just think of mating night ,I really expecting him to make you bed redden for days".my wolf grinned .this made my face to heat up "shut up!!" .with this I blocked her to back of my head . I slightly kissed his cheeks to wake him up but it really worked opposite . Williams pulled me closer where his breath was fanning my nape ,and bad thing it's tempting me .

I can feel myself aroused when he started to kiss my nape slowly crepting towards my shoulder .

"hmmm", a soft mount escaped from which earned a chuckle from Williams.

"I knew it he was awake but still acted ?? humpf" juggie growled ,I used my focuse to cut her link by my mate doesn't stop his way .

with one deep breath I push him away but made sure that he doesn't fell on the ground.

I can see he is pissed the next moment I spang and ran towards bathroom and locked the door still giggling at my mates reaction.

I went near the sink to brush but to my gasp I remembered that nightmare or its a spell I really don't know but it felt so real .

the feeling of someone touching me and trailing their hand along my curves the struggle of mine to stop them but I felt like I was paralyze , even my wolf and Jaguar felt it .

what ever it is I will not become his play thing I will kill his intention of owning me .

with this thought I finished my shower and wrapped myself with soft towel and exited the bathroom and entered the walk-in closet .

I picked up my yoga pants and red sports bra skipping my Jersey away because I feel hot today I mean weather, pulling my hairs to high ponytail . I was about to get out of room when suddenly I was pressed to wall by my mate shoes eyes are shifting colour ,means his wolf and Jaguar are fighting to take control ,"why are you wearing little ?".yup know I got it his stupid alpha possessiveness ."I am going for my work out and this is my work out dress".

with in a minute he removed his t-shirt and forcefully tucked me in "I don't want any fucking males to look at your body ,it only belongs to me",he said .

his t shirt is way too big to me I think even my size of three can easily fit in to it.

I can see a satisfied smile in his face.i simply nod and pecked his lips and left for my routine ,it's even early then my usual time because from today onwards I am going to train this pack for future ,it's is only way to save them from the clutches of death from that monster.

I completed my work out and was standing in the clearing and waiting for my mate and his warriors to join .

to my surprise there were two hundred male warrior ,in which hundred were hunters and trackers , remaining hundred are protectors who are familiar with my skills.

here comes womens only hundred of them but I can feel their faces full of arrogance and also their stare ,if a look could kill me then I would have dead hundred times in a minute.

Wolfie:they are thinking very low of us .

jaggie :there is going to be fun to train them .

I can see both smirking.

I can feel them burning ,and to add fuel Williams stood near to me literally .

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