man and his girlfriend are avid destiny fans. what happens if she gets a chance to change their lives?
A young, unremarkable man in a city full of skyscrapers and people sat in his room.
The week had been absolutely brutal on the young construction worker. A mixture of heat, low pay, and a miserable excuse for a human being that called himself the 'boss' made the work unbearable at times.
However, still covered in concrete and dust, the man broke into a smile. Because for 2 1/2 days he is finally free to indulge in his one true passion in this monotonous world.
The series that saved his life as a pre-teen. It allowed him to make friends, to interact with people even get a girlfriend who he adored. Something he use to have extreme trouble with. As a young kid he had a stutter problem, which caused him to be bullied. Even after getting over such ailment though, the scars still remained.
Then destiny came into his life. An action adventure sci/fi game that took you into a world of battles across the Milky Way.
Finding his friends on this game allowed him to get over the shyness and social anxiety that came with his bullying. And he was forever grateful for it.
Which is part of the reason why he always played everything they put out, spending both money and time memorizing the universe he got lost in. The idea of using a shadow shot to take out a group of hvt as a hunter, of using a novabomb as a warlock, or even a hammer of sol as a titan was so interesting to him.
He yearned to live in a world where exploration and innovation were at the forefront of human minds. Not petty politics and wars among eachother simply because we believe different things or fighting over land.
The man sighed defeated, ' jeez. If every top scientist on earth from every country collectively put their heads together we could be colonizing the stars. Instead we fight and argue with eachother while slowly destroying the only liveble planet we currently can reach.' He thought with bitterness.
Slowly tuning those thoughts out, he turns to the newest story within the destiny universe, The Final Shape to begin the last chapter of the light and darkness saga.
Saturday Evening 6:00 PM
After a grueling full 24 hours of playing I have finally beat the final shape on the hardest difficulty with each of my classes. My nightstalking hunter, my striker class titan, and last but not least my voidwalker warlock all had beaten the campaign of destiny. On all difficulties.
I loved the universe so much as did my girlfriend. She was an awoken freak. It didn't matter what vanguard she chose, the race was always awoken. Her favorite character in the series was Mara sov, the beautifully powerful queen of the awoken.
We had first met the e3 where the first destiny two trailer was announced and shown after meeting up in a random fireteam and enjoying each others company so much we never stopped speaking. Fast forward all the way to the final shape and we're still steady. Even if she lives halfway around the country. A sad but real hurdle neither of us have been able to overcome as of yet.
Funnily enough? My girlfriends name was also Mara. She also has Snow White hair, being albino. A funny joke we always love to laugh about while playing through the campaign. She felt the same way I did about our reality. Desperate to see the stars like I myself am. Unfortunately, such a thing was impossible. So we make our own destiny in the virtual plane.
"Wow Xav, I loved that! I can't wait for the next full game to come out. Can you imagine what it'll be like on PS5?!?! Jeez I'm going crazy just thinking about it." Mara yelled through my headset as the credits rolled on the final shape.
"You're right mar-e(AN: a nickname that will be important) I can't wait for it either. Are you ready to meet again for Christmas in a few days?" I ask incredibly excited to see my love again. We only get to see eachother a few times a year, 'but we always make the most of it ;)' I think before being broken from my naughty musings by Mara.
"Yes babe. I can't wait to see you again. It feels like I've been stuck lately. Life's really getting to me." She says, and I can hear how tired she is. Wishing to do all I can to help my girlfriend who helped me through dark dark times. Times I don't think I would've lasted through without her. Now it seems to be my job to do the same.
"Don't worry Mara, 2 days. That's all we have to wait. 48 hours and you'll be here. You'll come down the ramp and see me with open arms. It'll be okay. I swear."
A deep sigh is her initial response before she speaks back. "You're right my love. I'll see you then goodnight. May you dream of sniping Crota from football fields away with your shadowshot, and be more feared than vanguard cayde."
I chuckle at her lofty aspirations of me. But to be funny back and lighten her mood even more i respond with, "and may you embody Mara sov. May you learn the entricate mysteries of the distributary. May you become so mighty not even the taken woild dare challenge you. I love you to the distributary and beyond Mar-e. Have a good night. I'll see you Monday."
With that I turn off my console and fall into my bed. Intending to dream exactly as Mara asked of me.
In the darkness, I heard a voice. That voice sounded like mara. "I love you, xav"
Waking up I felt extremely weird. Not only was I still in total darkness even though my eyes were open, I could hear faint rumbling sounds.
While this was not uncommon, given my crappy apartment being right next to the railway, rumbling was expected. But this was not the familiar, comforting rumble of the trains. This was something else. I could feel it in my bones.
All the sudden my hearing comes back in full as does my eyesight, although I'm blinded by the sudden light. Falling face first on the ground I can hear explosions all around me and faint gunfire. Resulting in my hearing becoming muted again.
'What the hell? Did a foreign country invade and I sleep through it?!' My mind raced as I slowly but surely regain my eye sight. And the the ringing in my ears from the last explosion stop.
When everything of my senses become clear I immediately freak out. Because standing or rather…hovering in front of me is a small, golden, multi sided polyhedron that I recognize like the back of my own hand. Especially when the little thing Speaks to me
"Thank goodness you're awake. We need to go guardian."
AN: there it is. Lmk what you think. I know it's not great but I just wanted to get something out. My heads been going crazy with this destiny plot I have cooking up in my head.
Please give me some suggestions. Although I've finished destiny I'm not super well versed in the lore. I simple enjoy the game and the different beings within the universe.
All support is appreciated ❤️