
Charles' Beneficiary (2)

"No, you are just going to sleep like a king." She smiled as she swallowed her emotions.

"Let my queen .....live .....ha...ppily while.... I'm... as..leep." He said catching his breath.

"I will, Charles. Thank you for all these memories you gave. You will be my inspiration as long as I live. I love you so much!" She said as she gently hugged him around his arms.

"Look... at... my eyes... Dar. memo....rize ...them." He said faintly.

Daryle lifted herself from hugging him and watched his eyes blink and wink. She thought it was funny and adorable of him to think of such humor while he was fighting for his life. She can't help but pinch his nose gently.

"Where...are..they?.. Mom ...and... Dad?" He asked.

"The nurse called them to the nurse station for some information I guess." She said combing his thick black hair with her fingers.

"Dar,... I think...any..mo..ment now...I'll...passss" He said as he struggled to swallow. But his saliva must have been stucked in his throat that he choked and gave a sudden cough.....then stilled .

Daryle watched him unmoved and she wasn't sure what to happened to him. Her eyes grew wide as she stared at the man on the bed. He was still and no sign of movement.

She looked around and saw a "Press" red button above the head board. She pressed it hard several times as she cried aloud in panic.

"Charles! Charles! Wake up, take a breath, wake up now! What happened to you!???" she said as she pressed his chest hard several times.

About a couple of minutes, two nurses and the surgeon they met this morning emerged from the door hurriedly. Mr. And Mrs Marquez were following them catching their breath.

The doctor put his stethoscope on and pressed the other end on Charles' chest. He turned to the couple beside him and bowed. "I regret this has to happen too soon. Seems it came earlier than expected. The doctor said sorrowfully which ignited the tears of the couple who were clutching their sons body. Daryle on the other side heard the doctor's words and cried aloud as she hugged the man lying still without any response.

"We understand Doc. It's just natural for us to mourn. Here is his request if you don't mind finding him for us. We want to meet him before we go back." Mr. Marquez handed a folder to the surgeon. He quickly scanned it flipped it back and forth then looked at the couple.

"Your son is so noble. He surely was a fighter. I'll contact the National Hospital for Eyecare as soon as possible. I happened to have a friend there too. " The surgeon said.

"You can take him now to the laboratory." The surgeon ordered the two nurses.

"Yes doc." They nodded as they wheeled the bed outside the private room. Sir, Ma'am, we're sorry but only one of you can come along." One of the nurse said. Mr. Marquez followed them.

Mrs. Marquez and Daryle stayed behind as everyone left. They hugged each other as they cried. It seemed that even how much you prepared for something, it will always gets its way through you.


"Riiiing!!! Riiiinnnggg!!! ..... National Eyecare Hospital, can I help you?" The receptionist received the call promptly.

"This is Doc. Winston, is Doc. Roger around?" The voice inquired. Please wait a moment Doc. I'll redirect you to the surgeon's office." she quickly pressed a button. Not a minute passed and the eye surgeon was talking to his old buddy.

"Roger, I have a donor here. He's a young man. They need to take him home as soon as possible so you need to be quick. Also, the family wants to meet the beneficiary if possible." The heart surgeon went straight to the point. Whatever they do when inside the hospital has to be for the welfare of people's health.

"Hold on buddy.... Oh right! There has been a top VIP request from a foreigner here. He has been on the list for the past two weeks. I'm afraid we need to give him the pair. Apparently, he lost his eyes due to extreme adventure." The eye surgeon said.

"That's under your judgment buddy. Do as you think is best, but the parents here came from the far north. Their request is urgent." the heart surgeon maintained his professionalism.

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in an hour ...probably an hour and a half." Doc. Roger placed back the receiver as he grabbed his surgeon's coat, pressed the button and a nurse came in instantly.

"Please hurry up, we are going to pick -up a donor at the Heart Center, we need to be there in an hour. Take the file of the top beneficiary..that foreigner. We'll use the ambulance." he instructed.

"Yes Doc." The nurse said and turned hurriedly towards the nurse station. Made a short call then flipped though a file of documents then snacthed one. In five minutes, he reappeared at the surgeon's office telling him that all is ready.

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