
My Inhuman Ceo

Ex Mafia boss, owner of Tom and co tech , popular bacherlor, Andrew Thompsons. cold and distant, a strict business minded man Athalia Suarez. A jobless woman with no family, a carefree crazy woman who doesn't care about peoples feeling or having friends, a former play girl but still a virgin, a beautiful woman made by the goddess herself. Kind, selfless and fiery, a wickedly calm lady. What happens when they meet? How does the past affect them? Will they both jump the pits of problems together or will one get left behind? Find out as u read 'My Inhuman CEO'. by Eunice_Bae

Euni_Bae · Fantasie
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12 Chs

Chapter 10

I packed my small duffel putting in my clothes, cream, shampoo and other important things and changed into a black cropped hoodie, white jean and combat boot. As I went to the underground garage I spotted my black BMW M2 Convertible, it was a gift from my brothers when I turned 23 among other gifts. I never use this car because people will start looking and talking and I don't want that kind of attention. Just to avoid damage I move the car around the garage and get it checked evey two months, its a good thing the windows are tinted.

As I got in, I dropped my duffel at the back seat, my small purse at the front seat and put on my sunglasses and seat belt. I drove out of the garage to the mall the get things for my family. I walked around and grabbed whatever I could but if I have no idea of what they want I buy what I want for them. As I walked back to my car, I saw my bully at work, though we never talk but she likes spreading useless gossips about me and giving me the look of spite, as usual I just ignore her like she's the fancy trash can at the office, nobody likes her except her group of imprudent trash like herself. I think her name is Chloe or Catherine or whatever its called I just can't remember the useless things of life. The worst of all is that she goes around the office telling people about her night with the boss which in real life never happened, When the boss is passing that's the worst of all, she opens her shirt and drops something 'accidentally' or runs opposite with some papers pretending to be reading and hits the boss, I'm still disappointed he hasn't caught her yet or its immediate termination.

The witch passed me by and snouted like a pig which is so unladylike. I ignored her as usual, after all what does light have to do with darkness? Nothing. I noticed people surrounding my car and taking pictures of it and with it, this is one good reason I don't use it. I put my face mask on and paid a random man to cause a distraction and it worked immediately they went to see what happened I ran into my car and locked the door putting all the things I bought at the back seat and left the trolley in the driveway. I didn't wait a second before I zoomed off.


The man ran to the back of a reversing car, hit the boot of the car with is hand and fell to to the ground pretending like the car hit him. As the owner got out, the man started behaving like a lunatic and ran off. He's such a good actor

(Flashback ends)

I sped up my car as I started enjoying the music I connected a while ago. I got to my dad's house four hours later, if I wasn't speeding or I'm using a normal car it will take seven to nine hours because my dad lives in another state. I got to the estate I grew up in and looked at the mansion we loved in as children till we grew. I got to the gate and waited for the security to open the gate but to my surprise I saw a new gateman who came to my car, he doesn't look like an older person its like he's a year or two older than me.

"Good evening ma'am"

" Good evening, open the gate and let me go through. I'm his daughter "

" I'm sorry you can't pass. The only daughter of the master is Madam Alora so please drive away"

" What do you mean? Before running your mouth call your master and tell him Athalia his daughter is at the gate and let me through I'm too tired to start an argument with you" this man is really annoying me, if he keeps on his stupidity in the next five minutes of my to be wasted time, I'll get him fired.

"Sorry but Master has no other daughter only four sons, you con artists have no boundaries. Leave immediately before I call the police and get you arrested" he then turned and walked back inside.

I called Jason and told him about it and propitiously he was in the house and the rest haven't arrived, just him and Amelia.

I go out of my car ready to laugh at the gateman so I knocked on the gate and he opened it, I stalled him till my brothers came out I was surprised to see Mason with Jason walk out the door with angry faces. I smiled like I just won a lottery.

"Why the heck are you keeping my sister outside by this time? This is the same thing you did with Javion and Mateo, What is your problem? As of today, you're fired. The gateman looked so amused and started begging

" Get out of my sight before I put you to sleep" it was Mason this time, the man was about to go into the gate house till he heard the voice again "Are you stupid or you're just pretending to be stupid? Open the gate for her immediately dummy" Mason said as they walked back into the house.

I laughed and walked back to my car but as I was about to go out the gate I heard the useless guy say 'These entitled rich brats don't know manners. Useless kids of this century' I was so angry that I went towards him and slapped that face of his giving him a stern warning "The next time you say such trash you will find yourself out in the streets always remember that. Open the gate before I fire you" I said as I got into my car