
My Incubus Bloodline

Our young brother here has had an awakening to the unique bloodline of the Great Dimensional Incubus. He’ll be traveling to different worlds and learning what it means to be a true lust demon. I have a few ideas for future worlds for our mc to travel to, but for now First World: TenSura I plan to make this a very sexually charged read, but this is my first or second story and I’m not experienced… so we’ll see what happens. I'm up to date with the anime and manga, I've not read the light novel. I know some things. But I plan to throw the whole story into chaos. This might make more sense if you've read EHG/Goddess Collector. It'll be similar to that. Or I atleast hope. When it comes to stories I haven't read the LN for, I'll do some research before I wing it. But I'm just gonna have fun and write. I’ll definitely be using my favorite anime and manga, adding/removing/replacing certain things if it makes things fun. Thank you for reading :) I don’t know if I have to say this, but I don’t own any of the anime/manga I use in this story, I might add original characters/plot, those, I do own. I also hope to post One chapter a day or one every two days. I'd love feedback.

Aizo_sen · Anime und Comics
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7 Chs

Dwargon and the Elves

The night came and went, morning breaking apart the dark night sky. Before I readied everyone quickly and getting our asses back on the path to Dwargon. I went to my personal dimension to grab a few herbs that were near the base of the Sakura tree.

Obviously tasting them to see what they were and if they were anything like the love nuts on the tree. Most were normal enough spices, but one was slightly stimulating. So chose to use this as my main seller. I'll be the guy for aphrodisiac spices hehe.

Packing them up and heading back to TenSura, we set off!

I really can't wait! I'll get dwarves that will change the village into a city. Who knows I might take a few elves with me, how would they keep heaven open if took all of them, I'd feel a little bad.

After about half days travel. We finally see the gate. Knowing what could happen but not knowing if I'll get lucky enough to get the same fate Rimuru had when he was here. "Well then, let's cross our fingers and hope we get something good here." I say, pulling out the bag of spices I had. Ready to find a good merchant to sell to.

"Rigur, Gobta, your with me, Haruna stay here with Ranga and the others." Ranga walked over to her and a few other hobgoblins that I brought. She looked a little sad but I hope she understands that I don't want to reveal the treasure of busty goblin babes to others just yet.

We started walking over to the gate as I turned into a full on bouncing slime. "Umm, Lord Adelus, why are you in that form for this?" Rigur sent a worried gaze my way. "Trust me Rigur, I got this." I saw the weird ass dude from here, he's bald with a scar indent on his head that's so deep, you could use it as a bowl. So I can tell that this is anime inspired, if I remember correctly, the thugs that would mess with us were more normal looking. I guess I don't need to be to creative here. Just follow some of the same events.

Same thing happens. Thug comes up to us, I transform and roar at him, we get put in a cell.

The captain of the guards is the dwarf that put us in here, he sits down and asks us, "Now, what do you have to say for yourself?" As he pulls up a few papers.

I recount what happened and how they started the beef. The guard seems to agree, seeing as all the witness testimonies were the same.


The door swings open, a dwarf busts through the door looking fierce and frantic. "Captain! There's been a big accident down at the mines! We don't know why but armored dinosaurs came out!" They kept talking as I filled the barrel full of full potions and called out when I heard them talk about recovery potions. "Hey! Captain!" The captain looked over to me. "What the?! Why are you out of your cell?!"

"Don't worry about that captain, look in the barrel! You can use this high quality recovery potion to heal your friends." He looked at the barrel and could tell it was good stuff but he was still a little skeptical. "Captain, you won't know if it'll work unless you try, but I promise it'll save you brothers." I see the captain finally give in. He takes the barrel and orders me back in the cell before rushing off to save his brothers.

About an hour went by as I sat going through some more incubus skills. The door opens and the captain walks in with the three dwarfs that I'll be taking back to the village. "Thank you very much for saving our lives!" All three said in unison. After thanking me further and returning back to their duties, the captain was pretty chummy with me and we were let out eventually. I asked and the guard was ok with letting me get two pairs of clothings for Rigur and Gobta, so they don't walk around in rags. "As expected of lord Adelus! He can do anything!" Rigur was gazing at me with stars in his eyes, for the little I've done so far, he has a pretty high view of me.

On to Kaijins blacksmith! The captain guides us and opens the door as I find all four dwarfs that I'll be taking from the king of Dwargon. We go in and they start talking about how this isn't a good time and that he's rushing to make 20 magisteel swords… heh, I got this.

"Do you have one made already?" I ask as they bring it out. The sword is actually pretty damn impressive, I'll have to get one made for myself. I swallow the sword and analyze it, spitting out 21 magisteel swords. Everyone just stares in awe. "Now do you have time to come help my village a little?" Smug is the new me, kek.

Kaijin called someone over to take the swords away and after they left with them, he started talking about a celebration. I knew exactly where this was going. "There will be lots of beautiful girls! From young and cute to mature and beautiful!" Shit~ they don't need to convince me! I'm all in! "Hell yea, let's do it!"

I didn't want to humiliate myself by bringing Gobta, it was to early for him to see such a grand sight, so I tied him up and left his ass. Bringing Rigur with me, he's a good young man who's been through a lot, he deserves a little fun time.

It was Heaven! Just looking at the building from the outside was enough to ignite something in me. I knew there were jewels in there that I had to take and make mine. Was this my human or incubus mind? Am I even human anymore? Guess not, since that body's long gone.

We walk in and find 8 Elves, they were all ready to greet us, aside from one who worked at the bar and might be the boss. "Welcome!" They all welcomed us as we came in. "UWAAA~ SO CUTE~" many of the elf's came up and picked my little slime ball ass. I completely forgot that I was in slime ball form, I felt so natural with magic sense, "Ah, hello ladies, I'm Adelus and this here is Rigur. Nice to meet all of you!" As Rigur bowed. Everyone took their seats and started drinking and having fun, even Rigur. They kept pressing their breasts against me, I felt amazing but I also felt like I was losing. "Well ak-actually ladies, I have a humanoid form I'd like to take, but I might be to much for you gals to handle." I challenged them. "Ara ara~ why don't you show us what you really want~" A busty onee-san looking elf with blond hair and smooth white skin came up and teased me. Kaijin and the guys were pretty interested to, seeing as they didn't even know I had a humanoid form.

"I-I see, then… please fall in love with me!" I turned into my slimecubus body, flying out of a busty gals hands, in this form I looked like a kid version of my true form but with cream colored skin. It seems my charm was so high, it took all the girls breaths away. As the dwarves whistled and looked like they were pretty impressed. "That looks cool! What race is that?" One of the dwarves questioned, "Oh you know, I just edited an elf's look." I lied.

The elves in the room had their hearts skip a beat and blushed when they saw me.