
My Idol is my Husband


Ash_78678790 · Fantasie
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38 Chs

busy day


Alish stands backstage, ready to take on a busy day of interviews. She checks her notes one last time, ensuring she's well-prepared for the conversations ahead. The production team signals that it's time for her to make her entrance.


Alish walks onto the brightly lit stage, greeted by applause from the live audience. She takes her seat behind the desk, radiating confidence and professionalism.



Good morning, everyone! Welcome to "The Alish Show." I have a fantastic lineup of interviews for you today, and I can't wait to dive into some captivating conversations.

The cameras roll, and the first guest is welcomed onto the set. Alish engages in a thoughtful dialogue, asking thought-provoking questions and listening intently to her guest's responses. The interview flows seamlessly, showcasing Alish's ability to connect with people and extract compelling stories.


After the successful completion of her first interview, Alish returns backstage for a brief moment of respite. The production team is buzzing with excitement, impressed by Alish's interviewing skills.



Alish, that was an amazing interview! You have a real talent for drawing out the best in your guests. Keep up the fantastic work!



Thank you so much. It means a lot coming from all of you. I'm honored to have the opportunity to share these incredible stories with our viewers.



Alish takes a deep breath, ready for her second interview of the day. The stage lights illuminate her as she welcomes her next guest onto the set. The atmosphere is filled with anticipation as the conversation unfolds, delving into intriguing topics and shedding light on inspiring individuals.



It's truly a pleasure to have you here today. Your story is incredibly inspiring, and I'm grateful that you're sharing it with us.

The interview progresses with grace and poise, showcasing Alish's ability to create a comfortable and engaging environment for her guests.


After the completion of her final interview, Alish takes a moment to reflect backstage. She feels a sense of fulfillment and gratitude for the opportunity to connect with her guests and share their stories.

As she walks off the set, the production team applauds her exceptional work. Alish acknowledges their support with a smile, knowing that she has accomplished another successful day of interviews.


Alish walks off the stage after her successful interviews, feeling a sense of accomplishment. She is greeted by her director, Tom, and her producer, Cris, who are waiting for her backstage.



Alish, that was exceptional! Your interviews have been generating a lot of buzz, and your yesterday's interview has already garnered millions of views overnight. You've worked hard, and it's paying off!



Thank you, Tom. It's truly overwhelming to see such a positive response from the viewers. I'm grateful for the opportunity to share these inspiring stories, and I couldn't have done it without the incredible team we have here.


(raising a glass)

Cheers to your success, Alish! You've put in so much effort, and it's wonderful to see it recognized. Tonight, we're all going out to celebrate. Dinner is on us!



Thank you, Cris. It means a lot to me. I'm excited to join you both for dinner and toast to the amazing journey we've embarked on together.


Alish, Tom, and Cris sit at a cozy corner table in a trendy restaurant, enjoying a celebratory dinner. The clinking of glasses and laughter fill the air as they reminisce about the challenges they've overcome and the triumphs they've achieved.


(raising his glass)

Here's to Alish, the brilliant host who continues to captivate audiences and bring inspiring stories to life. We're so proud of you.



And here's to the success of "The Alish Show." May it continue to touch the hearts and minds of viewers worldwide.



Thank you both for your support and belief in me. It's an honor to work with such a talented team. Together, we're creating something truly special.

They clink their glasses together, celebrating not only Alish's success but also the collaborative efforts that have made their show a remarkable achievement.


Anaya sits on the couch in the living room, waiting anxiously for her mother, Alish, to come home. Ali enters the house, noticing Anaya's solitary figure.



Anaya, where is your mom? Why is she not home yet?



I don't know, Daddy. Mommy didn't come back from work. I've been waiting for her.

Ali's frustration starts to show on his face, worried about Alish's absence. He tries to compose himself for Anaya's sake.


(trying to stay calm)

Okay, Anaya. Let's not worry too much. I'll take care of you. Are you hungry?



Yes, Daddy. I'm hungry.


Ali and Anaya enter the kitchen, where Ali takes charge. He starts preparing a simple dinner for both of them, trying to focus on the task at hand while his mind is still filled with concern.

As they sit down to eat, the silence hangs heavy in the air. Ali's disappointment and worry continue to simmer beneath the surface.


After dinner, Ali and Anaya return to the living room. Anaya looks up at her father, sensing the tension between them.



Daddy, are you upset with Mommy?



Anaya, I'm just worried about your mom. It's not right that she didn't let us know she'd be late. But we'll talk about it when she comes home.

Anaya nods, understanding her father's concern. She snuggles up close to him, seeking comfort.


(hugging Ali)

I miss Mommy, Daddy.



I miss her too, sweetheart. But don't worry, she'll be home soon.

Ali holds Anaya close, trying to reassure both her and himself that everything will be alright.


Alish enters the house, feeling a mix of exhaustion and anticipation. She notices Ali's stern expression as soon as she walks in.



Alish, where have you been? You didn't inform me about being late, and Anaya was waiting for you!



I'm sorry, Ali. I got caught up with work, and I completely forgot to let you know. I had two unexpected interviews today, and it took longer than I anticipated.

Ali's frustration grows, his voice filled with disappointment.



Alish, our family should always come first. You know how much Anaya looks forward to spending time with you. And you forgot about her, about us.



I know, Ali, and I'm truly sorry. Today was just overwhelming, and I made a mistake. But I had to take those opportunities. It's important for my career, for our future.

ALi's anger simmers as he tries to understand Alish's perspective.



I understand your ambition, Alish, but it feels like you're forgetting about the people who have always supported you. Anaya was hungry, waiting for her mother, while you were caught up in your interviews.



I didn't forget about our family, Ali. It's just that sometimes things get hectic, and I have to make difficult choices. I thought you would understand.

ALi's frustration reaches its peak, his voice raised in anger.



Understand? How can I understand when it seems like you're prioritizing your career over us? You forgot about our family, about me. And now you even had dinner without waiting for us?



I didn't mean to make you angry, Ali. I was hungry, and I didn't think you would mind if I had dinner. I didn't realize it would upset you this much.

Silence falls between them as the weight of the situation hangs in the air.



Alish, we need to find a balance between your career and our family. It's important to communicate and consider the impact of your actions on all of us. We're a team, and we need to support each other.



You're right, Ali. I shouldn't have neglected our family, and I'm sorry for the way I handled things. I promise to be more mindful and communicate better in the future.

Ali's anger softens as he sees Alish's sincerity.



I appreciate your apology, Alish. Let's work together to find a balance that allows you to pursue your dreams while also prioritizing our family. We need to be there for each other, especially for Anaya.

They hold each other's gaze, understanding the need for open communication and compromise.