
My Husband Is My Classmate!?

"You don't know me and I don't know you, got it?", he said. "....." " Yeah, I understand...", she said. An average girl, Na Ri and an heir to an influential family, Cha Min are both seventeen years old and have been married for seventeen years now but still haven't seen or talked to each other. But when the gears of fate start to turn, they can't stay away from each other even if they want to. But will that help the couple fall in love or completely destroy their relationship? Want to buy me a coffee? Feel free to use the link~ https://ko-fi.com/koyangi_0 Instagram: @koyangi_author

Koyangi_ · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

As Na Ri makes up her mind, she immediately rushes out of her room, runs down the stairs and huffing, stands at the periphery of the staircase.

As her dad, who was sitting on the sofa on the same spot as when Na Ri fled the scene, with a serious look on his face noticed his daughter, he immediately sprang up.

"What? What is it, daughter? You came running down the stairs! What if you fell and injured yourself? Huh? Don't do this again daughter... I get a mini heart attack everytime I see you do this~!"

Na Ri caught her breath, straightened her back and with a puffed out chest and a smile on her face she said,

"I'll go. I have decided that I will transfer to Cha Min's school!"

As her father and mother heard Na Ri say this, both of their faces lit up and with a wide smile on their faces, they went and hugged her tightly.

"That's great, Na Ri!! You made the right decision! I bless you with all the happiness that the world has to offer!!!", said her mother.

"Yeah mom! I can not wait to experience my new life!!"

"This is great news! I knew that my smart daughter would make the right decision. The Cha family are also going to be extatic when I share this information with them!"

He then looked athe Na Ri's mom and with great enthusiasm said,"Let's arrange a meeting for her and Cha Min to meet each other before the go to school together. What do you say, Na Ri's mom?"

"Omo~ ! That would be perfect! They should spend more time with each other now!! AFTER ALL, they need to get to know each other to make their bond stronger!!"

Just as they said this, her father's phone started ringing. He took out his phone from his pocket and picked up the call.


"Hello. This is Cha Min's father speaking."

" Yes! Yes! We were just about to call you!"

" Oh, really?"

"Yes ! Na Ri has agreed to go to the same school as Cha Min and we were thinking that it would be the best if both the children got to know each other earlier."

" Oh! Cha Min also agreed and wanted to meet Na Ri! What a coincidence!"

"This is definitely fate working it way!", said Na Ri's father.

"So ... How about we keep the meeting.... the day after tomorrow?", asked Cha Min's father.

"Yes Yes! That would be great! It would be Saturday, so Na Ri would also not have any classes."

"Very well then. Take care, Mr. Seok."

"Yes . You too, Mr. Cha."

And they hang up the phone.

Na Ri's mother was very curious to know about the details of the conversation, so she immediately inquired her husband as he hung up.

"What did Mr. Cha say?"

Na Ri's father looked at his wife and his daughter with a smile on his face and answered," Cha Min is also eager to meet and know Na Ri. So, we decided that the day after tomorrow, the two of you will meet each other!"

"Wonderful!" , exclaimed her mother.

"Wa... all of this is happening so FAST!!", thought Seok Na Ri.

And as time flew, the day of the meeting came but...

" NA RI! OPEN THE DOOR! WHAT'S WRONG?!", said her as she she banged on her door room.

There was no response from inside the room.

"Haaaaaa!!!! I am so nervous! I'm going to have a panic attack at this rate!!! Why am I so scared??? I have butterflies inside of my stomach!"