
My Hero Academia: Twin

JackbladesFF7 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 Major Time Skip

10 years later.

Jack was thinking to himself "it has been 10 years since I made my father go crazy and have seen Izuku and my mother Inko." After Jack escaped the plane he decided to be on his own and take care of himself. He just put himself in an orphanage and would run away if someone tried to adopt him. He did this mainly because he wanted Izuku to still have the same life that he had as if Jack wasn't their. Jack was even their for the sludge monster attack and didn't do anything and let it happen but right now he was watching All might give his quirk to Izuku. Jack has been watching his brother train hard for these six months and was really happy to see his dedication in person. Not that Jack hasn't trained or anything. He work real hard with his electric powers and his body. He already knew he would be the strongest this year but wasn't sure by how much. Right now Jack was in a black button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He had his gas mask on that covered his right eye and lower face. He was wearing black as well and wore black and orange shoes. It was a pale orange that matched his eyes. Then he had white bandages that covered his wrist to his elbow but it was messy like it wasn't well put on. Jacks black hair was also longer and covered up his right eye as well. He was also currently flying in the air right now as he just saw Izuku receive the quirk. Jack was watching as Izuku was hesitant and was about to eat the strand of hair that All Might gave him.

Jack decided now was as good a time as any. Jack landed like a lightning bolt between the two. All Might was on guard and Izuku was choking on the hair in his mouth. Jack just smiled under his mask "Hey Izu you ready to go to UA for the entrance exams." All Might let his guard down a little as he could tell Jack knew Izuku. Jack continued "Also All Might you don't need to stay in that form I know you get tired." This shocked All Might "How did you know." Jack sighed " Well if I didn't you just told me but I did know because I have been watching over my brother Izu." This time it was Izukus turn to be shocked he wasn't really paying attention before as he was choking but he definitely heard it this time only one person ever called him Izu and that was his brother Jack. Izuku then said with teary eyes "Jack is that you." Jack was actually a bit overwhelmed and brought Izuku over for a hug. "Of course it's me Izu don't be dumb Who else could look this villainous as a hero." They Both actually started to cry. Jack hadn't expected this but it happened. Then as they were done Jack turned to All Might "Thank you for giving Izuku your power I know it means a lot to him and don't worry your secret is safe with me." All Might was still kind of dumb founded but let out his famous smile and a thumbs up " Well of course I trust anyone related to Izuku. But if another brother pops up please don't tell him." Jack just laughed and nodded his head.

Izuku was wiping the tears out of his eyes "how did you manage to find me?" Jack smiled under his mask "Long story but the short version is I made Dad go crazy because of my quirk and escaped from him I then didn't know how to get back home so I went to an orphanage. Then while I was working on my quirk I saw you get attacked by the sludge monster so I have been following you ever since then. Izuku was really happy right now with the rediscovery of his brother Jack. Jack smiled under his mask and said "How about me go take that exam it's in about a week right." Izuku nodded and they decided to train for the day and then go home.

Jack was extremely nervous right now. He was next to Izuku and for the first time in a long time he was going to see his mother. Izuku walked in after he opened the door while Jack stood there for a second took a gulp on nothing and walked in. There mother was in the kitchen when they walked in. Izuku walked up and said "Hey Mom I brought a guest over." He then put up a small smirk when he looked at Jack. Jack slid his thumb across his neck letting Izuku know he was going to kill him later. Their Mom said "Okay Izu give me a second."

Jack walked over to the kitchen "Hey Mom I am the guest." Inko turned around and recognized the voice and she just started crying while he was wearing the mask she still easily recognized him. Jack started to cry as well. They stayed hugging each other. Eventually they ate dinner and started to catch up Jack kept a lot from them but they were just happy he was back.

Jack went back to his old room and saw everything was the same and went to bed.

1 week later

Entrance at UA