
My Hero Academia: MATSUI

---A world forged from perseverance. Students turned heroes. Heroes laid bare as human. The roots of faceless evil remaining and taking up a different goal. A new generation must take up the mantle of a new hero society. Izuku Midoriya and his successor will have their work cut out for them.

TensaYu · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

What Must Go On(4)

[The Exosphere] 

The highest and warmest level of the Earth's atmosphere. Just before reaching the edges of what is outer space. 

The Nomu reaches the desired height. Pulsating as if it'll burst from a tiniest change in pressure. The apparatus that attracted all of the separate pieces stops its thrusters. 

Then it happens. 


A trigger activates. Beginning a erratic change in the deceased monster.

[Gigantification + Stone Bones + Sharp Hair + Dark Ball + Gigantification +

Hurricane Hands + Multiplier + Gigantification + Heat Swell + Faceshift +

Harden Muscles + Multiplier + Gigantification + Axis Rotation + Multiplier +

Absorption and Release + Eruption Pores + Shoulder Jets + Gigantification +

Forced Growth + Gigantification + Harden Muscles + Gigantification +

Watt Generation + Pain Nullification + Gigantification]

An eyeball is seen before being covered up by overly hardened biological substances.

It didn't take long for what could be described as a "Monster Meteor" in the sky to descend towards Jaku City. 

Reporter: " What was initially a proud day for many people here, turn into--"

The camera broadcasting mets its end. The pressure and electrical interference from the incoming threat is ruining any communication.

Reporter: "Damn it!! Why does this keep happening?!!"

Cameraman: "We need to get out of here!!!!"

The young reporter drops to his knees in hopelessness. Looking directly at the meteor thousands of times larger than any building.

The sky darkens as the massive object hurtles closer and closer to Earth, the ground trembling beneath them with each passing moment.

He feels the weight of impending doom pressing down on him.

In a split second, memories flash before his eyes — childhood dreams, moments of joy, and the faces of loved ones. Stories left untold, the places he wanted to visit, and the people he wanted to meet.

Regret floods his mind, wondering if there was anything he could have done differently. Any action that might have changed this catastrophic course of events.

But within the chaos of his mind, he feels a hand grab his own.

Cameraman: "They said run!!!!!!!"

His work partner. Whom he'd only met some months ago. In the face of destruction, even if fear was fueling this action, didn't want to see him give up and die. 

Cameraman: "The heroes and everyone are leading this way!!!"

There's a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos, a collective determination to fight against the inevitable.

All the heroes and doctors would lead all to underground safety units. These durable containers are layered with thousands of bulwark plates. In the wake of Shigaraki's Decay wave, the government wasted no time in surmising up counter-measures in order to preserve as much life as possible.

A certain rat, had an idea. Once tested, the shelters became highly recommended. 

With newfound resolve, the young reporter stands up, his eyes reflecting determination. He may not be able to stop the meteor, but he can make sure that the stories of courage, unity, and resilience are told.

If only the camera wasn't damaged. Every emotion, every act of bravery as Japan faces another grave threat.

Capturing these moments, would have been perfect.

Torrents of wind break apart the atmosphere. Various cities across the country experience the force as buildings shake or begin to crack.

Yet, these would be the least of worries for those far off heroes.


Gale Force, the hero in Kōfu, would halt these winds using his Whirlwind Quirk to the best of his ability. A tornado spout underneath himself to keep him afloat in the air. Civilians running away or being blown away from the winds. Looking off in the distance seeing this asteroid-like object. 

Gale Force: "I've never felt wind like this!!! What's happening at the event?!!!" 


Tartarus Prison shakes to its foundations. The Prisoners attempt to riot and use the storm and raging waters to escape. 

As each of overcame a security bot, they would dwindle in numbers. Each prisoner would be subdued and combine into a blob of flesh. Young lieutenant Shishikross' Quirk "Meatball" made ending prison riots a breeze since his employment.

Though even in success, the prison guard would still sense unease. 

Shishikross: "..."


Deku staring at the incoming monstrosity.

Dynamight himself feeling a sense of fear he hasn't felt since that day with the Sludge villain. This didn't stop him from biting his tongue to spring into action towards the meteor.

Dynamight: "Get it together!!! Chosen One!!!!! We've never faced a living bomb before!!"

Seeing his friend charge without even thinking. Sparking with green electricity, no hesitation, Deku smiled, while moving his hands in a shifting motion upward towards his chin. 

Deku: "Gearshift... "

Chaos ensued with the everything happening at once.

Heroes saving who and what they can. An attack from an unknown threat. People escaping, hiding, some even resort to taking advantage of the chaos to steal.

Succumbing to their wants and greed under the idea that nothing could be saved. 

Until it all stopped.

A brief force came and went. The winds ceased. The skies became as clear as earlier. As if a disaster never came. People stared up into the air and the meteor had disappeared. 

There was silence. Then laughter. Finally cheering.

Dynamight who charged first didn't take his eyes off the villain meteor couldn't tell what had happened. But a sound would reveal everything to him in full. 


Down below, Bakugo sees haunting sight. A crater.

Dynamight: "Deku?"

Izuku, very unresponsive. His costume burned in various parts. Until the smoke would reveal a more horrifying shock.

Dynamight: "Damn it you idiot!! You always go too far!!"

Deku would lay in his friend's arms unconscious.

Having sacrificed his left arm to destroy the meteor. 

On your left...oh...my bad.

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