

Knowing that I can't pull off any big destructive moves in fear that it would harm Freezer, I decide to attack the little boy with blue lightning. He stood still and opened a portal to send my lightning to who knows where. The woman was relentlessly throwing various knives in my direction. I managed to dodge most of them by using my electricity to enhance my reflexes and speed but some of them still cut me and was causing me to lose a lot of blood. I released my electricity beneath me and sent it toward the little boy. The boy wasn't expecting that, and I managed to shock him though he isn't screaming or even flinching after the hit. It was like it didn't matter at all.

Butcher: They are just spirits now, you've got to put a lot more firepower into your attacks than that if want to do any real damage.

While I was distracted, the yoyo slammed into me from behind and threw me off balance. The woman didn't waste this opportunity and threw a knife straight at me. I used my quick reflexes to discharge a burst of electricity and knock the knife away from me. This woman is getting on my nerves. How does she have so many knives anyway? I've dodged so many already that I lost count. I threw multiple bolts at the woman and surrounded her with my electricity. They spun around in circles and created a makeshift cage of lightning. I formed a cage of lighting around her and closed it onto her. She was hit with multiple bolts at once and faded out of existence. Once, I was finished with her, the boy threw his yoyo into another portal and tried to hit me in the head this time. I grabbed his yoyo and sent a powerful wave of electricity through it. Since he was holding on to the yoyo he had no choice but to take the full force of the attack and he faded out of existence as well. Maybe all the training I've been doing is paying off.

Butcher: Nice. Nice. Stealing your spirit will cause my power to multiply even further.

A red gas seemed to pour out of his body and smother me. It made me feel so sad, so angry, and so tired at the same time. The red gas must be some sort of manifestation of the spirits emotions when they died. Their regrets, their anger, and their despair were pouring into me like a river. My body seemed to grow heavier, but I wasn't weaker, on the contrary, it felt like it was giving me a boost unlike never before. However, these negative emotions are making me lose consciousness and I could feel the black lighting starting to stir more and more. I want to win without relying on that power and without losing myself again. It seemed like my own feelings weren't enough as I slowly slipped onto the ground with black lightning slipping out of the body in large amounts.

Is it going to happen again?

Will I even come back this time?

Will I die?

It was then that a flash of electricity passed by me and the next thing I knew I saw Freezer being princess carried by an oh so familiar face. My dad had come to save me. He grabbed me and move me to the corner of the room with Freezer.

Denki Dad: Don't worry about anything, I got you.


My dad didn't leave much room for protesting as he moved in the blink of an eye and started wailing on the guy with a barrage of fists. He summoned a group of people (spirits) to help him fight against dad but he easily wiped them all out with a few shocks of electricity. He was shocking good at this, why did he retire so early anyway. My train of thought was broken by the sheer number of spirits he managing to summon. This means he killed many people before today and was using their lives for his pleasure even after they died. Dad was having a tough time dealing with all of them, but you could see that he was holding his own against all of them. Slowly but surely, he was beating them all back and I could see Butcher getting more and more upset. It was then that he looked over to me and formed a twisted smile on his face as if he just remembered something.

Butcher: You didn't tell him about his mother, did you?!

Denki's Dad: Shut up!

Butcher: Why? He deserves to know the truth!

Butcher is taking this moment of weakness to fight back and deal some damage to my dad. It wasn't enough to stop him, but it did shake him up.

Butcher: You didn't think to tell your son that you're a murderer just like me.


Butcher: It was, huh? Maybe I'll accidentally kill your son as well.

Dad retaliated with a big move that destroyed the remaining spirits as he lunged at the Butcher. The Butcher was unfazed as he released even more spirits to assault him. Though it seemed endless, he got closer and closer to him after every spirit he threw at him.

Butcher: It must be so hard living for you Denki to be living with the person who killed your mother.

Everything seemed to slow down for me. The cries of rage and the fighting still going was just background noise to me as I struggled to realize that might have been the thing that I dreaded hearing. Hearing my dad's reaction didn't soothe my worries at all and instead amplified what I was feeling. I could feel the emotions overwhelm me as I fell unconsciousness once again. Unlike earlier when I was worried, I didn't care. I just wanted to get away from it however I could. As I fell asleep, I didn't care if I never woke up again.

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