

Mariat_Muhammed · Fantasie
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8 Chs

The Hunt

"Sophia ! Sophia ! what are you still doing inside.?? breakfast is ready"... Elizabeth; her mum yelled from the living room.

"mum you know I didn't sleep early yesterday, can you pls stop yelling..??" Sophia covered herself again with the blanket and went back to sleep. but before she could fall back in the sleep; she felt something brushing her skin_ her mum removed her blanket

"mum"... she yelled

"I don't want to wake you up like this but you still have to go to college, it's 7:50 for goodness sake"..

"what! 7:50..? mum you should've wake me up since now. that grumpy man will surely not let me into his class today.. Gosh!" Sophia blabbered and Rush to the washroom

"see this one; what nonsense is she spouting..? is it not the same thing I was doing and she almost eat me up..?? Elizabeth questioned with a confused expression

"befast and come out for your breakfast before you leave.tsk tsk tsk"... She shook her head and left.

meanwhile samien was already dressed up and standing in the living room

"mum I heard something from big sis room.. were you both arguing again..?? he asked his mum

"no dear I just went to wake her up and got caught up in her drama, that's all".. she defended

"I hope she doesn't get too late. well mum what are we having for breakfast? samien asked his mum

"meat broth and Rice dear, go have your sit at the dining"..

samien drew a sit under the table and sat down. Elizabeth served him and he ate as fast as he could.. so he won't get late, her mum also took her seat and joined him.. the both were immersed in their food when a figure just dashed by their side waving them. "mum, samien.. I have to go, if I don't get to class before that grumpy man, I will surely miss three lectures today"... Sophia said very loudly and quick running towards the door

"atleast take some snacks with you".. her mum shouted back

"mum I'll be really late, I will just eat something at the canteen In school".. she said lastly and ran off.

"am leaving too mum".. samien said standing up while drinking the remaining meat broth on his plate

"alright mum bye.." he pegged his mum and also left


Sophia and her brother samien were age 17 and 14 when their dad died, their father zathrion was a great animal Hunter of the city (Hernad cty). in the hunting game; one of their greatest rule was to be weary of wolf/lycan and never get them killed or injured for their

own safety as this creatures are very deadliest to mess with.

"dad are you going hunting this night..??.. samien asked his dad while focusing on the television at the same time.

"yes I am.. why?"

"can't you just skip this night, or better still quit this job dad.?? it freaky make someone restless " samien said this time facing his dad.

"yes Dad".. Sophia followed

"NO. there is no way I will ever quit my job" their father replied resolutely.

"pls honey listen to the children".. Elizabeth pleaded.

"Elizabeth we've already had this conversation so many times and you knows what the answer is".. he faced his wife

"alright.. atleast skip this night for us please, I beg you honey, I really don't want to be alone today, please..??"..Elizabeth goes on, the children were now just watching maybe their mum would be able to persuade their dad.

"if it was any other night, I would have skip for you love.. but this night we are competing and if I should win in the competition I will be promoted to the leader of the hunting game; you know the hunting leader doesn't go hunting, then I will spend all the time in the world with my God Gift family".. zathrion calmly explained to his wife.

with a downcast expression she said to him "alright love just be careful for us"

"my angels, the day is coming when I will stay with you guys for as long as you like. just let me win this competition".. he said to Sophia and samien

"alright dad, just be safe".. samien replied and Sophia just nodded her head

"Alright you both come hug dad" they all hugged. their mum Elizabeth also joined. they later went to bed and he left silently that night.