
first heartbreak

sometimes when I go over to my parent's house, my grandmother would tell me stories of her life time and things that she have experienced some are happy but some are so unbearable.

This story goes way back to before the Vietnam war.

Back then there weren't many village near by and usually in a village there were only up to five family. Finding your soulmate is hard because everyone is always busy at a farm trying to produce as much food as they can for the winter. I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was in my later teens. My first boyfriend was from another village that will take 2 to 3 day on foot. I would only see him once in a full moon. my parents would usually tell me to try to find someone in the village so that later on when i get married they can still help me later on in the future. I did took my parents words into consideration but the people that I have been around are like my brothers because we all grew up together.

As the year past on my love for my boyfriend grew stronger but I didn't know if his love for me was the same. But one day he ask me to marry him and he told me to wait till new year and he will bring his parents over to my house to ask my family for my hand. I thought he meant his words but after that day he never came by to visit. day turn into month and month turns into years and there was no trace of him.

After a few year went by a man who is a bit older came by our village. He was bit older but he was a very tall and handsome man. He came by to say hi and well from there we became friends. I later on found out that, that man was from the same village as my ex boyfriend. He later on told me that my ex boyfriend got married and have a kid already. My heart shatter because I have some many hope for him.

As month went on the man ask for my hand. I didn't want to get married but that man convinced me to marry him. My parent told me don't go with that man because he's a widow and to find someone who haven't been married yet . I didn't listen. ( that man was my grandfather)

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