
Waking Up (1)

Hey reader, let me ask you a question. If you were given the opportunity to live a totally peaceful life, without the need for work, or any kind of adult responsibilities, would you take it?

I know I would. And I think I've been given that opportunity, right here, right now.

I was standing in front of a very large, very extravagant mirror, admiring the face in it's reflection. Short, silver hair. Eyes shining like golden amber, and a face unmatched by any celebrity I'd ever known. Not to mention, a body with abs I could wash my clothes on, and muscles the size of a monster bull.

This was not the reflection I was used to seeing.

When I'd woken up this morning, everything felt off. From the size and shape of my body to the feel of the blanket covering me. Upon opening my eyes, I knew instantly I was not in my room, and definitely not in my own bed. I jumped up as quickly as I could upon this realization, but was only hit with more shock by the image of my surroundings.

Never before had I seen a more extravagant room. Marble floors, floor to ceiling windows, with what looked like gold trim, and the curtains had to be made of silk. I was almost drooling at the idea of their price, wondering how much they would sell for before I snapped back to reality.

Or was this reality? Was I experiencing some kind of dream? No. I always knew, unconsciously, when I was dreaming. This was not like that at all. It felt the same as when I was awake, and yet, I also felt strangely unbalanced. Had I stood up too quickly?

It was only then I decided to glance down at my hands and feet. They were not my hands and feet. At least, not the ones I was used to seeing. These were larger, and rougher. There were callouses on every finger, and the veins on my feet were much more defined. It was like my testosterone levels had risen tenfold overnight. I was definitely more scrawny before.

I glanced around the space, looking for a mirror. And that's when I found the overly extravagant body mirror sitting near a door on the far end of the room. I rushed for it quickly, and found myself in utter shock at the sight before me.

As I described before, I was undeniably the most gorgeous man in existence. Not even my beloved idols could live up to this beauty. And I was not a vain person. It really was impossible to be humble in this situation. My looks would be obvious to anyone. Besides, it's not like this was really my body.

I mean, it had to have belonged to someone else before I took over right? Suddenly, it hit me. Where was the owner of this body? Had I pushed them out and took their place? Or did we swap? Was there now a stranger inside my body back home?

Home. Speaking of, where exactly was I? Obviously it was not my home, but hell, it didn't even look like the same era. Everything in this room was too old. It looked like an antique store. There was even a fireplace next to what I assumed was the entrance. Seeing as there was a real fire blazing inside of it, it had to be more than mere decoration. Perhaps the main heating source for this room?

Before I had any more time to contemplate my surroundings, there was the sounds of someone bursting through the door, and I watched in shock as a very frightening woman strode across the room towards me. She stopped just short of where I stood, and without a word, slapped me across the face.

How could she? To such a handsome face?!

I didn't even have to time to be angry at this strange woman for bursting into my room uninvited and hitting me without warning, because what she said next truly shocked me to my core.

"Did you think you would get away with poisoning your little sister so obviously like that?!"

Poisoning my little sister? My head went wild with questions as it tried to process this new information.

"The doctor says she is to make a full recovery, but do not think that means you are safe from punishment. You will be confined to your room for the next week to reflect on your actions. Do not expect any special treatment either. Your father and I are deeply disappointed by this occasion."

And with that, she turned around and quickly left out the door, with what looked like her maids scurrying behind her.

That must have been my mother. What a lovely family I have.

But still, poisoning? Had the previous owner of this body really done something like that? And to his younger sister no less? I glanced again at the reflection in the mirror. I didn't have enough information to come to a sound conclusion. Perhaps this promised confinement would be a good opportunity. I would need to gather more intel on my situation, then decide on a course of action.

Because from what I had gleamed so far, I was now very wealthy. It was obvious, from the clothes I was wearing, to the room I was standing in, and the servants that had followed that terrible woman in here. I didn't know where I stood within this family, but I knew I had money, and that was more than enough for me.

A grin slowly spread across my face.

I was finally going to live life with a golden spoon!

This is a story totally just for fun! Don't roast me too hard ;)

zacky_wackycreators' thoughts
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