
My Four Eyed Husband

Autor: Laila Mehtaab
Contemporary Romance
Abgeschlossen · 2.4K Ansichten
  • 52 Kaps
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  • NO.200+

What is My Four Eyed Husband

Lesen Sie den Roman My Four Eyed Husband des Autors Laila Mehtaab, veröffentlicht auf WebNovel.Every girl dreams to marry a prince charming. Who takes her to his kingdom and makes her queen of his heart ..... But all these dreams come crashing down to her head when she married off to a normal-l...


Every girl dreams to marry a prince charming. Who takes her to his kingdom and makes her queen of his heart ..... But all these dreams come crashing down to her head when she married off to a normal-looking man. Who takes her to his home and made her queen of kitchen and laundry... Still, I think it must be better than what I have. I may marry a prince charming but only to become the daughter-in-law of my husband's mother and guardian of his niece and nephew... I am Fiza and this is my story. Publisher:i&i Publisher

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