
Fringe Benefits

Suraci remembered distinctly not looking beneath himself in the water. He had assumed, errantly, that the hybrid would have to resurface for air soon judging by the intervals they had been surfacing up to that point. At this rate he wasn't going to have to make up a story for the general. This creature had now successfully defeated him twice. Twice now he owed them his life. He came to somewhere on the way being towed behind them tied up with the extra fabric on the back of his suit. Not wanting to startle them he decided to play possum.

Sumas pulled him up through the ocean entrance of their garnet geode. Not feeling like dragging him on land they threw him over their shoulder and carried him to the spider silk bed which they tossed him on and then removed his badge. Walking over to the herb table they took out the meds and began examining them. Finally, the first seemingly good news of the day, the meds were legit. They immediately took them. As they did the constant burning pain in their body began to ebb and, letting out a long sigh, they slumped down against the floor, exhausted.

The moment was immediately interrupted by Womby's bright flashing and chattering. Womby had brought a mate back.

"Aaaaaah, WOMBY WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT BRINGING YOUR FUCK BUDDIES BACK HERE? I don't care if it happens, I just DON'T WANT TO SEE IT. You have the entire forest WHY MY GEODE?"

Womby chattered back defiantely then threw a seed at Sumas's head angrily.

"Uf, Womby it is not my job to keep your birth control. I showed you where you can gather it, I use these seeds for other reasons, you can't always just take them from me like I'm your personal pharmacy." Sumas replied exhausted.

Womby chattered back again this time shaking her tail behind her while her mate just stood awkwardly in the background trying to find an excuse to leave.

"Yes I'm glad you're practicing safer sex. And no I don't want you to have a baby before you're ready. Ugh, look, I've had a really difficult day and I just want to be alone, ok?" Sumas dropped their head in their hands.

Womby still wasn't finished and pointed at the half conscious Suraci lying on Sumas's bed. Womby got closer and smelled Sumas's breath then chattered even more angrily.

Sumas, embarrassed, interrupted "Ok, yes I had aphrodisiacs, but that was for the mermen before I got my medication. And, this guy, it's not what it looks like. I mean, yes I tied him up and yes I kissed him, but I was going to run out of air otherwise... Look, my day has been waaaaay too complicated to explain to you now. You can take the seed, just remember to find your own from now on."

Womby shook her tail, grabbed her stunned into silence mate and hopped off only pausing to look over her shoulder and chatter her teeth at Sumas.

Suraci, somewhat traumatized from all the day's events couldn't fully stifle his laughter.

Realizing he was awake, Sumas immediately snapped back into numbness, their brain shutting down their feelings again like an overheated processor. Without thinking they grabbed his suit and slammed him against the wall. "When I gave you back your badge I told myself you were not my problem, but now you're really, really starting to be one. Do you not understand consent? I swam away from you. I've been more than nice up to now, but I won't hesitate if you follow me again. Go back and tell them I'm dead. Tell them my body was incinerated in a volcano or whatever. I'm sure you can think something up. You're obviously skilled in deception. Tell them I'm dead, they'll eventually give up and you can go back to doing whatever you want."

"I don't think you're going to kill me." Suraci said. "I don't think you're capable of it. If you were going to, you would have already by now. I think, hey are you ok, why are you flashing?"

Sumas was indeed flashing, they immediately felt embarrassed. How long would it take for this aphrodisiac to wear off? This constant back and forth between feelings and no feelings was getting dizzying. No, they definitely were feeling dizzy. What's happening?

"You're having a synergistic reaction to the medication with whatever drug was also in your system. I'm a doctor, I can help you if you untie me." Suraci spoke calmly.

"You hang out with my rapist and torturer and you want me to trust you?" Sumas fell backwards laughing. "Listen, shitlord.."

"My name is Suraci." He interrupted.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR FUCKING NAME IS!" Sumas bellowed. "I'm not going back so that that disgusting sadist can play 'doctor' with me." Sumas sometimes liked to use air quotes.

"I don't want you to go back." Suraci said calmly.

"Then why did you follow me?" Sumas moved in closer and tightened their hands around his neck.

"Because I find you very interesting and beautiful." Suraci leaned in next to their ear, "You've outwitted me twice now, and that's never happened to me before. I'm curious, and the more I see, the more I want to."

Touching him, Sumas could tell he was sincere. They shrunk back, gradually releasing his neck, and then proceeded to carefully untie him. He stood up and grabbed a blanket to drape around them. Immediately, and uncontrollably they started to sob and shake, slumping down unto the floor, burying their face in their hands. All those years, all those years of being alone...

After a short while Suraci's calm voice broke through as Sumas's sobs started to muffle and ebb. "Can you tell me what else you took besides the medicine?"

"Aphrodisiacs." Sumas replied still trembling. Their embarrassment couldn't even be felt under the cavalcade of emotions that flowed through them like water burst from a dam.

Suraci took out his tablet, squatted down and perched on the heels of his boots in front of them. "Can you identify any of the herbs from these pictures?"

"I don't know what they used." Sumas answered and then looked down again at the floor as if they were expecting a lecture.

"Can I scan you then?" Suraci asked.

"Fine, whatever." Sumas just wanted this day to be over.

Suraci used the tablet to scan Sumas. "Ok I'm pulling up 12 different oceanic herb varieties here currently active in your system. I'm noticing that 2 are interacting with the medicine. I don't have many tools out here to help you counteract the effects. The good news is that you'll be fine once the aphrodisiacs are out of your system. Did you want me to stay with you until you feel better or would you rather be alone right now?"

Alone was the last thing Sumas wanted to be at this moment. Because of the events of the day, because of the events of their life, because of the drugs boiling and fighting through their system they did something they normally wouldn't have.. they leaned forward and kissed him. At first it was just a quick peck, then another, and another until they were locked in a passionate kiss. Before they knew it they were clawing at his suit trying to get it off.

Suraci too had been through a lot that day including almost dying twice. Right now we was willingly and eagerly putting himself in the hands of someone who had already proven they could outsmart him, who had multiple opportunities to kill him, and who had really soft supple lips that felt really amazing trailing down his neck and chest. 'What am I doing right now?' he thought. Before he could even answer himself his next thought was 'my pants are too tight. I need to take off my pants. Ah nevermind, they've got this.' At this point he had neither the energy nor desire to resist. He just wanted to enjoy this moment because everything else completely sucked and not in the way he was being sucked right now. He was literally lightyears away from home, the entire reason he came was ruined by the unethical shit he'd been assigned to do, Hyde was unspeakably horrible, and to top it off, Suraci felt pretty sure he was still recovering from the concussion Sumas gave him. This was the first thing all day that felt good, really, really good, so good in fact.."Uhhh, ah, ah, I'm ah gunna cum. Ah, ah, I'm gunna cum. I'm Ah ah ohhhh oh yes ah ah ahhhhh." He moaned as he released and gently ran his fingers through their hair while stroking their head.

Sumas swallowed and moved to kiss his lips again. He returned the kiss deeply, tasting their tongue again, then moving to return the favor he found himself suddenly stopped. "Don't." They said while pushing his head away.

"Is everything ok?" He asked concerned.

Without responding to his question they moved on to his lap to straddle him. They couldn't wait for it any more. Clinging to him while pushing their pelvis down they quickly felt him enter and then slide deep inside them. Erratically they changed color as they cried out in ecstasy. They'd never felt like this before. It was so intense they couldn't keep moving they were starting to melt.

Seeing their excitement weaken their physical body Suraci moved Sumas underneath him. Sumas hated this position. It brought back bad memories. They froze. Noticing their change in body language Suraci pulled out and said "Would you feel more comfortable lying on your stomach?"

Sumas, touched by his sensitivity to them, had never tried the position he described, but willingly acquiesced. They rolled over and He mounted them from behind. Sumas didn't know so many places could feel so good inside them as they dissolved in new, undiscovered pleasure.

The night played out in wanton debauchery as Sumas worked the aphrodisiac out of their system until, exhausted, they both fell asleep in each other's embrace. The morning eventually came with its rude awakening.

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