
Chapter 2: 7 Years Later.

-7 years later-

Andrea sighed.

"This should be all your clothes and stuff you need right." Andrea said.

"I-I think so, but I'm getting some more clothes later on so," Annie awkwardly laughed.

"So when are you getting a job?" Andrea said.

"Oh, I already have one, I just got it yesterday." Annie smiled.

"Oh ok, what is it?" Andrea asked.

"It's a big business company..." Annie said.

"So what kind of job is it?" Andrea continued.

"It has something to do with design interior." Annie replied.

"I think I know what you're talking about, is it owned by this man that's goes by the name, Wang's interior business?" Andrea said.

"Yes!" Annie smiled.

"I heard they got a new president of the company." Andrea questioned.

"Really?" Annie asked.

"He's quite handsome, but he is cold towards others, I guess due to somebody he misses dearly." Andrea continued.

"Any idea of what his name is?" Annie asked.

"Nope, guess you have to find out for yourself." Andrea grinned.

^Annie's perspective/thoughts^

*If you didn't know already... Andrea is my roommate/best friend.*

*She was my friend in elementary. We both have jobs to pay for the bills. Tomorrow is the Friday day of my new job. I wonder who the president is...*

^Back to the story^

"Well it's getting late,we should probably get to sleep to wake up early tomorrow." Andrea yawned.

"Ok, goodnight." Annie smiled.

-The next day-

"Morning!" Andrea smiled.

"Good morning." Annie yawned.

"By the way, I cooked breakfast." Andrea laughed.

"Wow, it looks delicious." Annie smiled.

-Annie looks at the time-

"Oh my gosh, I'm going to be late!" Annie shouted.


(a description of Annie's outfit)

-off the shoulder long sleeve shirt

-black office skirt

-black high heels


"Sorry I'm late!" Annie apologized.

"Um yes you are late miss." Charles laughed.

"I'm so sorry, I woke up late." Annie awkwardly laughed.

"So you are the new interior designer?" Charles questioned.

"Yes, and you are?" Annie asked.

"Oh, I'm Charles. I'm going to be your co-worker." Charles smiled.

-they both gave a warm hand shake-

"CHARLES!!!" The boss yelled.

"I'm on my way! Sorry but we can talk later." Charles smiled.

"New designer, over here!" The boss shouted.

"Yes ma'am!" Annie politely said.

"What is your name?" Boss said.

"Annie." said Annie.

-the boss listened to her earpiece-

"The president would like to see you." The boss said.

"U-um ok." Annie responded.

"5th floor, to the right, is his office." The boss said.

"Thanks." Annie calmly said.

^Annie's thoughts^

*Am I actually going to meet the president?*

*hopefully he doesn't act cold towards me*

-Annie knocks on the door-

"Come in." The president said.