
My elemental system

RyanVictor_14 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 :My elemental system!

After two whole weeks of depression Jason finally gets back to his feet and starts to train very vigorously and painfully from 5am in the morning to 7pm in the night, training his reflex,speed, strength and stamina he does this constantly for 2yr of his life and feels very strong because of this and during this time he even learnt basic swordsmanship to help him in his battle against 1st stage beginner level magical beasts in the forest killing them one by one until it is now part of him and now he can even take on 2nd stage beginner level beasts with ease.

Jason: Finally,i killed that son of a bitch,I've been trying to kill that fire serpent for and hour now u almost gave up, ouch!, I might have broken my ribs in that fight but still won though thank God for that,just pray that mum doesn't notice and starts yelling about how I shouldn't stress my self, phew let me get going it's already late though around 7.30pm right now.

Charlotte,Jason's mother:Where theheck have you been I've been worried suck about you,you know I don't like you coming home late,it makes me worried about you,you know ur my only child and relative left that I have don't go around trying to hurt ur self ok..., Yes mum I've heard you. "Limps to his room,wait a minute mr, have you been fighting beasts again,I've warned you to stop but you don't hear now look at ur condition. I'm fine mum, yeah you are just take a look at your condition and you say that your ok come here let me fix that for you,(she then gets a first aid kit since she doesn't have the light element that heals and fixes him up). There now your ok , thanks mumm.. uhh finally sleep time.

The next day.

Time for another round of training. This time I'm gonna be more careful. He then starts fighting and killing more beginner realm beasts,but then on his way back he met something he never expected to find"A 4th stage beginner level lightning element cheatah one of the fastest beast in the beginner realm "Oh just my luck a lightning cheatah,a cheatah is already fast on its own now adding on of the speed related elements to it making a normal guy like me Impossible for me to beat it,but if I die am gonna die trying",Jason started raining attack after attack on the cheatah but the speed difference was just to much and the cheatah dodged effortlessly and struck Jason dead onto his chest, luckily for Jason he wore his armor today so the attack didn't inflict any damage but the sheer force pushed him back more than 30 ft and the cheatah continues it's attack sending lightning rain on jason,his once smooth face became black because of the attacks he has been enduring since the beginning of the fight and attacking now was pointless as the cheatah would Dodge and retaliate with either a lightning claw or a lightning rain and at this point if not for his training he would have died by now.

But then he sees something shimmering in the distance andhe puts all his efforts into getting that thing as it was drawing him to it and once he reaches it,it gets absorbed by him and he feels werid inside and then he suddenly hears a voice in his head saying"Elemental system activated,host will now be put to sleep to complete activation of the system but threat must be eleminated but before he could react to any of those he falls asleep.

Then jason wakes up and sees a screen in front of him saying "status"..... Wait a minute I'm I seeing correctly or am I halucinating,wait shouldn't I be dead right now. No host can't die without fulfilling his dream of being a Demigod.Wait who said that. It is me your new elemtal system. Ok I want to get something straight, you saved me whatever you are and brought me home and wait a minute how do you know my house address. Host and I are linked now so I know every of host's memories,and for why I'm here,it's to help you I chose you because I knew you needed me more than anyone and so I'm here to give you the chance to become the strongest mage the world has ever seen with my help,you can now control not one but four elements at once if you can get in tune with the said element.

Wait so what you want to tell me is that I now have system that allows me to control 4 elements at the same time and you chose me because you thought that I am the right host. Yes, ok let's get one thing straight if your with me for life just call me Jason and not host and I will name you ermmmm oh yeah Rhea. Ok Jason. So I can really control 4 elements I've read books and it says that only very rare people can control up to 3 and here I am about to control 4 once I get in tuned with the said element sweet. Ok if I have a system that means I have a status page right. Yes Jason just call out status in your mind and you will see it. Ok "Status"

Name:Jason Travis

Elemtal power: Lightning element (special)

Talent:8th stage talent (highest)

Realm:2nd stage beginner realm

Elemtal slot remaining:3








Status points :2


Lightning step: A skill that lets one move at the speed of sound for 10 seconds. Mana drain:10

Lightning rain: A skill that lets the user conjure a lightning clouds that rains lightning bolts on the opponent. Mana drain:15

Lightning claw: A skill learnt from your last fight with the lightning cheatah that creates an illusionary like claw on the right hand of the user dealing great damage on the opponent. Mana drain:15

So I have the lighting element cause I fought that lighting beast "yes jason ". Ok so you said I can get 4 elements right. "Yes" ok so if choose them no so later I know what I'm doing to avoid any dumb mistakes. Ok so I alresdy have the lighting element which gives me speedrelated skills so I need defence,escape and more attack case why not so for defence im going for water since the ice subskill gives me great defense and a little offence too. Next ,escape normally people would go for space but I'm choosing darkness cause of the subskill necromancy it will give me alot of of advantage and the teleport skill it gives me, now for the last one I'm going for one that gives just track only and that's FIRE even though it's a basic skill it will help me when I upgrade it though soooo yeah that's why I'm going for I think it's a great choice don't you think system, "Uhm yes but i think you should go for some though", Uhm na I will show you that my choice is also a good choice "ok Jason" now let's go test out these skills.