
My Dear Lady Boss

In the business world where hidden danger is everywhere, one wrong turn was made you might lose everything. William, who used to own VIVE corporation, was lost everything including his pants to those he deemed as family, and even his fiance also left him. ----- After a fateful encountered with an old man, William fate has been drastically changed due to an uneventful because of the old man forgetfulness. There William encountered a tomboy who loved to crossdressing. Their fate started to interlink one to another. Will this fateful encounter of William and Rosa Diana bring what to the world that only respect the strong? Will he able to survive in this new world? Will he able to come back? Will he able to stay true to himself after experiencing these exciting events? ----- Note ----- This my first fiction novel, please bear it with me.

The_Villain_Ninja · Allgemein
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49 Chs

Iron Bear (Fourth part)

The sight in front of her making remembers something that she never wants to remember. The ancient records that she stumbles upon by accident. Since the ancient era to this day, there is very little record about a profession that many do not know about. It is Formation master, and there is a hearsay that the Formation master can easily kill a group of experts if they were to fall into his/her formation.

Vernora feels a bit accomplish now for being a princess in her kingdom that she had never felt it before since she grew up; she looks at the sight in front of her with pondering expression. In the palace library, almost every bookshelf that records about this world, she had read all of them. Until one day that there is nothing left in the library for her to read, she started to search the entire place to find something to help her relieve the boredom.


At that time she is only ten years old, so it is a bit hard to browse the entire place without missing something.

There is a secret door happened to open by itself because the trigger triggered when she tried to search for anything left that she had not read yet. After entering through the secret door, the room is completed with darkness and the door of the secret room starts to close itself automatically, which almost makes her wet her pants at the time. With the is light suddenly lift, but toward her surprise, there are only two books and a sealed box in there. Her expectation for many books to have existed inside becomes an illusion all of a sudden.

Vernora only walks for a few steps, and she choked herself nonstop because there is dust everywhere in the room. The only explanation for this, that there is no one had ever entered here beside her and the master of this room for a very long time. Although there are only a few books, she very was curious about them. Why would there be a secret room in the library in the first place? But at that time she could not continue to read the book or explore there because of the candlelight run out, so she decided to come back later to continue her exploration of the secret room.

Little Vernora saved as many candles as possible by not lift her chamber at night for many days. After everything had been prepared, she went there again with expectations. Seeing that no one has followed her, Vernora little face becomes blossom with a smile. The awaiting day for the secret books inside the room finally reveals to her.

However, after cleaning up the dust that covers the table and the bookshelf, her happy smiling face soon becomes angry instead. She feels that she is being cheated by the master of this room. Why? It was because of the first book is a daily of the master of this room. Even though the writing is a bit different from present-day writing, but she can understand most of it.

"On year one, three moons of the Light Wind calendar.

This is my coronation as a king of this Kingdom. Also, it is my coming age ceremony day as my beautiful wife is waiting for me in our chamber."


"Today the weather is good, the clear sky here is better than our country. I went to an underground auction house yesterday, and many things brought me a big surprise. I have spent almost all of my life saving to buy a detailed and colorful picture book. This is my lifetime biggest pride. If you are my descendant and happened to be able to enter here, that means we were connected with fate. But you have to promise that you will never show this book to anyone else, or there might be a bloodbath of war over it."

Vernora angry face replaces with delightful again, because the book that she is going to uncover the sealed box will be a treasure.

The second book that Vernora currently reading was full of mystery, as they are many parts that she doesn't understand. The language of the book itself is mysterious for her. But, she can understand some pictures in the book. Because she has seen it before from their castle, the defend tower.

The sealed box that contains her treasure, it will be her treasure. Because she will never show it to her royal father or royal brother.

Vernora holds her breath as she tries to uncover the sealed box with extreme care because she is afraid her expectation will be waste if she unseals it directly. She wants to know what kind of book that her ancestor strongly warning to not show to the public.

As she lifts the lid of the sealed box to uncover it, she feels her hand become heavy than usual. Because whatever it is inside this box, it might be brought catastrophe to the world. Vernora closes her eyes and moves her little hands in very slow motion. She is afraid that she might damage the book inside the box, as her first ancestor era is already over for more than a thousand years.

Vernora slowly opens her little eyes with a face full of expectation, the first characters at the top of the picture book is an unknown character to her. Because the writing of the character is in bold, but it is not likely handwriting at all. Vernora almost doesn't believe her eyes that there is such a kind of beautiful writing that exists in this world. From what she just sees even though it is only a glim of the upper part of the book, but this very book is already taking her expectation to the peak.

This book cover should be not made from a beast skin, it used completely different material to make for sure. What kind of existence that able to create such a masterpiece. She wanted to uncover this sealed box faster, but she doesn't want to spoil her exciting mood, too. She stops her hands' movement and free one of her hands to feel the texture of the book cover.

The smooth feeling of the texture from the only upper part of the book that is in her view. She feels delighted and hopeful to view the entire book. Her ancestor did not cheat her, because there is a record that the first ancestor is a playboy that had over 3000 concubines. Also, he is well known for being a cheater.

Vernora finally cannot hold her excitement back anymore, as she decides to continue to unseal the box. As the lid being moved slowly, she can see some content on the book cover. What making her surprise is that after the unknow bold characters there is the head of three females with a lifelike image being imprinted.

How can someone draw such a lifelike image and coloring such beautiful ladies? The creator of this book must be a master in art and calligraphy. The beautiful lifelike hair color, their attraction eyes, and beautiful red lips. Although she can only see the three heads of these ladies in the picture, every one of them can make many men become head over heel with just wink.

As Vernora keeps going with her unsealing phase, she can see even their necks are very detailed beauty and not a single error of coloring. The more she uncovers the lid, the more she wants to know who is the creator of this book.

When the lid finally comes over these ladies' upper shoulders, Vernora seems to note that there is not even a single piece of clothes were on their shoulders beside a thin line of different colors. The lady on the left seemed to have two black lines over her shoulders. The lady in the mid seemed to have a white mini collar around her neck, and two white lines on both of her shoulders, too. And the lady on the right seems to only have a crossed purple line over her shoulders instead of being straight like the other two ladies.

The little Vernora decides to go all out with her phase all of a sudden. When the lid of the box unsealed, she can see very clearly that all of the lifelike pictures of these ladies.

They are all wearing something that she had never seen before. And all the three ladies in the pictures had no shame at all because, besides the key place on their body, there is nothing covered their body. Vernora takes her small hands covering all her eyes and runs with all of her might to leave the secret room.


Some of the spirit beasts that cannot hold themselves anymore, there is only one result when they step their foot inside the minefield area. That is wasted.

Vernora can only shake her head when she sees that many beasts' core was wasted like that.

The trio who currently standing and watching their surroundings as more and more spirit beasts gathering and surround them in the center. All of them start to feel that their end is coming, even with mines being planted all over their campsite, but it has limit numbers. With the increasing of spirit beasts and the minefield become small and small by the reckless spirit beasts.

"What are we going to do?" Benak is sweating all over his body by now.

"Even if I were to die, I won't let any of you die with me because I am the one who requested all of you to come with me." William said with a firm and serious tone. He is already come up with an idea of how to leave this place, but the problem is how to move Nacorn with them.

Well, we all know what kind of picture book it is, right? Cough, cough, cough, when I wrote this chapter, I almost choke myself because of laughing. You might feel that this chapter much more detailed with describing just a picture book. Well, I want to improve my world-building and description of some places later. So, it will be starting from now... One more, this chapter is very important for the future plot.

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