
Force A Date?

"Mark Fallen, do you have a moment?"

She came. She was terrifying. I was lying my head on the table as I was pondering about society's true purpose of equality while I pretended to sleep when the devil approached me.

Even tho my eyes were closed I could feel the Devil's presence, it was as if the Devil was waiting for the slave to wake up.

Like how do I escape from this situation?

And right now it's a lunch break and I wonder why would she call me right now.

But being honest I wish it was a cute girl who called me and I'd pretend to sleep more and she would be like, "If you don't wake up now, I'll kiss you."

But rather it's the opposite.

"Mark if you don't wake up now, I'll give you additional punishment."

"what do you mean by 'punishment'?" I asked.

Crap! I had given up the fake sleep strategy because I'm afraid that this so-called 'punishment' will get me into more stressful and unwanted problems.

"So you were awake this whole time." the Devil spoke for herself.

"ugh." I didn't know what more to say, she was standing near me and she looked furious but then she let out a sigh and gave me a slight smile, "Aren't you a lazy ass?"

I just nodded because I feel like if I opened my mouth with a comeback that so-called 'punishment' would make me suffer.

She gave a light pat on my back, "Mark, I need your help."

"Ugh, okay, what is it?" I asked but I was sweating bullets because this girl herself is troublesome, I mean she's my English Teacher and her name is Sarah Srijani, well I can't say that she's a really good teacher but she gives me trouble.

She showed me her bright white teeth and started laughing, my classmates would think she was mad or something but luckily we were alone in the classroom.

"Mark, you know my little sister right.?" She asked with a devilish smile. It was creepy and I got a chill in my spine.

"Yeah yeah, what about her?" I asked while curious why she would ask me if I know her little sister, her sister is cute but she's the shy type. She isn't the type who can look at others directly and say things, unlike Sarah. She does have big assets on top of that. Never mind both of the sisters do.

Before I could process my thoughts more, Sarah spoke, "As you know I'll be busy with my husband this Saturday which is tomorrow, and we won't be home, I want you to take care of my little sister."

"Okay sure. Wait what?!" I asked as I was shocked by her request. She seriously wants me to take care of her ill sister?!

Lily Nguyen, who's my classmate.

"Yes please take care of her tomorrow, I promised her that I'll go with her to the mall but I'll be busy with my husband so please!" Sarah begged me to do that. I mean I don't mind taking care of her but I guess I have to follow her to the mall as well. I couldn't help but ask, "But why me?"

"Eh, you seriously asking me that? You're the only one that I can trust plus my little sister likes you and you're single no? So why don't you take this chance to get closer to her?" Sarah responded but more in a teasing way, I don't know whether she was being serious or just messing around but I needed to confirm one thing, "Is Lily okay with this?" I asked because it's best to let the girl be okay with it if not if she's uncomfortable with me then it'll be problematic.

"Of course! She's okay with it! That's why I'm asking you to do this plus you can even count this as your first date with her." She responded but patting my back repeatedly and harder than before. Now it hurts.

I helplessly sighed, "Fine fine, I'll take your dear little sister out for a date tomorrow, now are you happy?"

"Surely I am." Sarah ruffled my hair then turned her back on me, "Now now I'll be going, enjoy the remaining classes." And there she goes, out of the classroom leaving me all alone.

I couldn't help but think about what Sarah said, does Lily like me? I mean she is friendly to me and that's all, I don't see it all, I can so far imagine her being close to me in friendly terms that's all.

Before I could process any more thoughts, I could feel a presence near me. I looked back in response to it and it was my best friend John McMoyon. As soon as he saw me he cursed, "Damn it! I was so close to scaring the fuck out of you!"

I sighed and responded, "The Fuck is wrong with you?" John always does this to me, trying to scare me or get me off guard but he never succeeded in it.

"Aw, c'mon Mark, I'm just trying to have fun with you."

"Yeah yeah whatever, anyways let's cancel tomorrow's game." John and I were planning to game the whole Saturday but since Sarah pleaded with me to take care of her sister I decided to cancel my plans with John.

But Since John didn't know the reason He asked, "Why? Got plans again?"

I sighed, "Bruh Sarah asked me to take care of her little sister Lily so basically I'll be busy with her in the mall."

John chuckled, "Pfft! Good luck with your date, Mr. Playboy."

I couldn't help but curse at him, "What the fuck, John? I ain't one!"

"I know I know I'm just joking man," John responded giving a pat on my back. Seriously what's with these people giving me pats on my back?

The school bell rang and John gave me a fist bump on my shoulder and proceeded to his seat. My classmates slowly came into the classroom and sat on their respective seats. And there I saw Lily, man she has this cute shy type vibe but seriously if you look carefully at her you can notice that she has a good figure. Okay, never mind I feel like an old perverted man.

Suddenly I met eyes with Lily, and she smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Ahem!" I could hear John clear his throat but it was meant for teasing me.

I just ignored it, then our teacher came and we continued our remaining classes.

After our classes were over, some students went for practice some went to their club some stayed back to hang around but here I am taking my sweet time to pack my things while John had to go home early for some work.

As I was done packing and I headed out of the classroom. I saw Lily standing by the door, I guess she was waiting for a friend or something or might be waiting for me to talk about tomorrow.

She called me when she saw me, "Mark" but her voice was so soft if I was lil further away from where I'm standing in pretty sure I won't be able to hear her voice.

"Yes?" I responded to her call. From my view she's shorter than me, she's around my shoulder. But she was having trouble saying the things she wanted.

"Is it about tomorrow?" I asked and she nodded. "You don't have to worry about it. I'm quite free so let's go to the mall alright?" I said this to assure her, she seems troubled as if It would be trouble for me to go with her because she thinks I might be busy, Lily is really a kind girl but just that it's hard for her to speak out about what she wants to say.

"So shall we go?" I asked and she smiled, which means she agrees, so we started to walk I had to walk slowly trying to match her because she's a slow walker. We didn't say anything while walking, plus I'm more of a guy who doesn't care about other's days or life.

As long as I can live and do whatever satisfies me, I'll keep doing that and if anyone is going to destroy my peace, I won't spare them.

We departed from each other from the college's front gate, we said our byes and all that. I told her that I'll text her over the phone about tomorrow and she agreed to it.

Now I'm walking down the road peacefully, with the gentle breeze blowing my hair which isn't very long but at a point where I cover my eyes if I keep them straight. The birds chirping were like small pleasant music to my ears while there was hardly anyone that I'd come across while walking.

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