
To start off

You are probably wondering if I moved on or not. Well I have now that I know the truth. When I started thinking that this could be my situation, was when Selena Gomez said that she was emotionally abused by Justin Bieber and she told about it and everything and I started thinking of it and my gut and my heart said it is time that you know this. I know this is a past thing but I still need to talk to someone about it and this is the only way for me to do it.

I have anxiety and he was the reason for it. I never wanted to go to school because I knew he would be in one of my classes. I would freeze if he was even close to me but in 9th grade or 10th grade, I was thinking he is okay because he would get close to me and I didn't know that at times, it wasn't right. It was 3 times that he got me in trouble in school 8th grade through 9th grade and 10th grade. So one time when I was playing around cause I was feeling silly or something, he was standing right by my desk chair and it was like right there by me like all I had to do was stretch and my hands would hit the back of his backpack so I told him can you please move? He never moved and just went to talking with this other person. So I get to thinking silly and I take my pencil case that he stole almost all the time (still wonder why he ever did that and I think it was to confuse me) and I hit his backpack with it and he stumbles and I am like oh my I knew I did something bad. So awhile ago he keeps bumping into my chair and I was angry so I bump him with my back to his backpack and it just keeps going till I wasn't thinking and he bumped me hard and I fell on the floor and hit my arm on the back of a chair. It hurt and I was crying for some odd reason that was my first reaction. I literally hit something metal at that time. So I was sitting on the floor and I look up at him and in hopes he will come and help me up. He never did and it made feel sad and mad but also the weird, scary look he gave me made me scared and like made me think I caused it but I am not sure anymore. Also, he laughed with this girl M at me falling. I guess it was my fault 🙃 All I was doing was trying to have some fun and I got hurt. It was fun at the time it happened but now that I know the actual details about why he looked at me that way. It made me feel like I was at fault and he didn't do anything but at most now I think it was I was the victim and he was the one who did it. The worst part is he never said sorry. I thought I heard laughing and I always wondered who was laughing when I was crying. Turns out the only one not laughing was the only friend I had at the time was CW and I am still grateful for what she did. So then this girl AA (not me) took a video of me falling and crying and she was laughing at me and the only one who was there with me to notice that was CW. Now C was never there at the time of it. We had to tell him that AA was mean and that she had a video of it and tbh I think he only thought about himself because then he asks do you want me to go confront her or ask her about it and me and CW go noooo! Because then I would get humiliated more. Also, when I was crying cause I fell was my teacher came by and asked if I was okay, I said I was only because out of the corner of my eye was because he looked guilty at me and the teacher walked away. I wanted to say I didn't feel okay  but I didn't because of the look he gave me. It almost said that he would hurt me or didn't want the teacher to know. So  I couldn't get up. It hurt because I fell so hard even my hands hurted from it. But CW helped me get up and I knew she was the only good one.

So when I got in trouble by him, was I was late to class because of him so I ended up with a tardy and then he stole my pencil case and wouldn't give it back so I used one of my flip flops and hit him with it so I ran with my flip flop off and got in trouble because of him. In Science, I went to give my book to the teacher and he had his foot out in my way and I ended up stepping on it. So I told the teacher that I didn't mean to and I said sorry for her and not him and she favors  me over him so he starts complaining about it and she says you shouldn't had put your foot out there anyways and that made me smile because it literally made me feel like it was my fault but the teacher helped me out and I am forever grateful. You should've seen how mad he was 🤣

The names will be just intials for confidential purposes.

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