

Toya Lee heard the car before it hit him. His vision was blurry from his tears and he walked into the street without looking. There was a loud honk and he felt the windshield hit him flinging him into the air. His arms flailed uncontrollably as he gasped for breath that wouldn't come. His ribs broke, piercing his lungs and his lungs filled with blood. If he had lived for a couple more minutes he would have heard the sounds of an ambulance in the distance.

Instead he felt his vision go dark as he lay on his shattered leg.

No please no! I don't want to die please no!

Toya pleaded as he lay dying. His heartbeat slowing down as blood dripped from his mouth onto the pavement. Then he closed his eyes and he was gone.


He opened his eyes with a gasp. His eyes wide as he screamed. His eyes looked around the room as nurses and doctors rushed into the room.

"Itachi your awake!" The doctor a handsome man with bright green eyes and auburn curls looked at him with shock on his face. A bright light flashed in his eyes as the doctor stepped forward examining him. Toya's throat burned and he struggled to speak.

The nurses swarmed him and he looked at the IV and the heart monitor attached to him. How long had he been in the hospital? Who is this Itachi?

A nurse handed him a glass of water and he guzzled it down urgently.

"We've contacted your parents" said the doctor putting a hand on Toya's shoulder. Toya looked up at him confused. His parents were dead. He lived with his aunt. Where was she? Was she worried about him?

"My parents are dead" he said and the doctor turned to him in horror.

"Itachi your confused. Your parents are worried about you. They'll be here soon." A nurse gave him a worried smile and he felt a frown on his face.

"You have the wrong guy. My name is Toya, I live with my aunt. Who is this Itachi?"

"Oh my god" the doctor looked at him horrified and Toya gripped the blankets tightly. What was everyone talking about? Didn't they see he was Toya and not some guy named Itachi. What was going on?