In a world of mystical beings and magical creatures; where vampires, shifters, celestials and humans live in conjunction. Celestial Elena White is considered an anomaly. Where others learn magic, she prefers to study science. Where others marry their predestined mates. She chooses to fall in love with someone, who wasn't meant for her. This is a story of a not so normal girl, discovering love and defying destiny. This is my first novel so read with caution. Feel free to comment and review, I welcome all kinds of opinions and assessment. if you like my work follow me on Instagram
I woke up on the cold hard floor with a pounding headache, there was very dim light around me. My head was aching; as I sat up and lifted my hand to touch my head, I felt iron shackles on my both wrists that chained me to the wall.
'Ugh…. Seriously?'
Upon further inspection, I felt a bump near my hairline.
'Great, now I've got a freaking goose egg, right before the Annual Ball. Wait.. that's not important... where the hell am I?'
I looked around my surroundings, trying to figure out, where was I?
'it seems to be a boiler room'
'Who brought me here, and why?'
A sudden feeling of dread overtook me, as I frantically looked around for a way of escape. But then I looked at my shackles,
'I should get these off first'.
A sudden sound of creaking startled me. The sound of heavy footsteps resounded in the air,
Looks like someone is here, what should I do? Play dead? Act scared? or intimidate through false bravado?..
'Ahh, what to do... they are here. Well, playing dead, it is.'
The sound of footsteps stopped, just as I felt a looming presence before me."Stop with the acting, I know you are awake." 'I'll just continue playing dead.'
"Elena, I said stop playing dead!." I slowly lifted my eyelids, as if adjusting my eyes to the light, however, little there may be... And found myself faced with Lucas Black.
'Now what to do with this idiot.'
"Lucas, what are you doing here? or better yet, what am I doing here? Last I checked, kidnapping was still illegal."
He laughed as if I told him the joke of the year.
' which I did not.'
"Kidnaping?!.. What are you saying, Elena? I'm your soulmate, there's nothing wrong with spending some time with my soulmate".
"Umm, there is, if said soulmate which I'm not, is bound in shackles chained to the wall."
"Well, some would beg to differ."
I faced him deadpan.
"Okay, I get that this might be a little excessive, but you left me with no choice. I had to do something to get you to understand that I am the only one for you. especially, before the annual ball."
"A little excessive?!! I am injured, bound in chains, in a freaking boiler room, God knows where?!, and you call this a little excessive. Let me tell you, Lucas, I did not like you when you brought me flowers, and declared your love. if you call that love, and I sure as hell don't like you. Know that it would be in your best interest, to let me go, because when I get free and believe me I will break free, I will wreak havoc upon your life, and you do not want that."
Lucas with his smug face, replied, "Oh, my sweet Elena, how will you do that when you don't even have an ounce of power left in you."
Taking note of my stupefied expression, he answered,
" Your mother told me about the flares that you are having. You know the very same ones that deplete your power. Aww... how pitiful you look right now."
"Well, my family must be looking for me right now, including Aaron."
"Oh, and pray; tell, how will they find you?"
"What do you mean?!"
"Well, come on Elena, did you think I came unprepared, this place is cloaked, and as you said in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and one more thing.. in case you didn't know, today is the full moon. Your little wolf won't be coming to save you."
11 months ago........