
Extra thicccccc timeskip

( This is mostly for me to do as I kinda want to get to the beginning of the story fast also kinda adds some mystery for you guys at least as to what happened during the time skip :) )

A tall muscular silver haired man with a large scar across his face could be seen strolling down a street he then stops at juniors bar and heads in the music is loud and many people are dancing he just heads for the bar takes a seat then once the bartender comes to him he asks for a flamboyant festival smoothie the bartender widens his eyes for a moment then nods and leaves then after a few minutes a quite colourful drink is placed in front of the silver haired man he then drinks it and tips the bartender halfway through the drink the owner of the establishment arrives " everything to your liking I assume " the silver haired man simply nods and continues to drink " are you here on business mr.starkfire " the man smiles " no just in town is all " he then pays for his drink and leaves he checks his scroll for the time then puts on AirPods and then begins to play music he then begins to walk taking glances into every dust store he passes by

Once he finds what he's looking for he enters the store and begins looking at all the products shelved it's not to long before he feels something bump against him he turns and finds a man pointing a gun at his head kira sighs then in one move takes the gun from the goons hand and then proceeded to punch the man out of the store he was followed by another goon as a small girl with a red hood runs out to the street attempting to apprehend the rest of the goons kira smiles then puts some lien on the counter saying " sorry for the damage hopes this covers it " he then walks out onto the street

Most of the goons have already been taken out by the small girl with massive sniper scythe hybrid kira proceeds to roll his head and shoulders then he quickly appears in front of one of the goons then knocks him out with one punch he then turns towards another and shoots at the gun of another goon knocking it out of their hand he follows that up with a knee to the head he turns and finds Roman looking at him a frighted smile on his face he then runs towards an alleyway ruby quickly follows after him turning into a flurry of rose petals before kira runs after them he picks up another gun then immediately appears beside ruby " it's been nice seeing you red and I hope this doesn't affect business my dear friend I'll give you a discount next time " says Roman flying away kira then quickly unloads the guns he got from romans goons and sits down on the floor as glynda appears and begins to try and take down Roman quickly Roman leaves as a woman takes his place fighting off glyndas attacks one of the attacks from the woman fly toward a sitting kira who simply looks up at the rapidly approaching danger ruby and glynda seeing this prepare to jump at kira

Though they stop as they see a glimpse of blue and find the fire ball slowly disintegrating in a bubble once the fire is completely gone kira stands up and pops the bubble with a smile Roman and his accomplice leaving kira then puts his hand in his cloak where he secretly gives haetae a treat while he can hear ruby rambling to glynda he then feels himself getting picked up as he hears glynda say " you two are coming with me "

Kira is currently chilling in a interrogation room with ruby who is barraging him with many questions he then turns to ruby and says " names kira what's yours red " this thankfully throws ruby off her train of thought and she responds with " my names not red it's ruby rose " she pouts then glynda walks in " if it where up to me both of you would be sent home with a pat on the back " ruby smiles and is all around bright at this " and a slap on the wrist " ruby then completely deflates " but there is someone who would like to see you two " ozpin then walks in with cookies of which kira quickly grabs 6 of before ruby quickly begins to absolutely clean the plate ozpin then says " ruby rose you have silver eyes " he then turns to Kira " and you kira starkfire have crosses in yours " Kira is currently munching on his 3rd cookie and simply raises his eyebrow as if to say "no kidding " ozpin the asks " do you know who I am " ruby is quick to respond yet her mouth of full of cookies so it comes out like nothing but baby speak kira then turns to ruby and politely says " don't speak when your mouth is full " he then turns to ozpin " your the headmaster of beacon academy the top huntsmen and huntress training academy " ruby quickly nods at what Kira is saying then begins to talk about how she's always dreamed of going to beacon her sister is even going ozpin gives the girl a light smile then asks " how would you like to join beacon academy " ruby quickly responds with " I would love too" ozpin smiles then says " we'll be seeing you then miss rose you may leave now "as ruby leaves she turns and looks back at kira who smiles and gives ruby a thumbs up

As the door closes the room fills with a heavy weight as ruby and her cheery mood is gone ozpin quickly brings out files with the name MR.CHIMP he then slides it over to Kira who grabs it and reads from it " now while I do appreciate what you did today mr.starkfire I must ask why would a man of your infamy and skills be doing actively fighting against one of his business partners " Kira simply looks at ozpin he then looks at the camera which has no red light that it would should it have been active then says " well his current employer is…. Difficult to say the least especially with there backing " ozpin then takes out a photo of Kira with a woman who's faced was covered by shadows " is this his current employer what did she come to you for " Kira simply nods " yup that would be her she wanted my assistance in a….takedown mission which after doing some background checks went against my rules so I declined " ozpin continues his questioning " so do you know the backer of this girl" Kira shakes his head " no but whom ever it is is new or has been hiding and planning for quite some time at least that's my thought" ozpin then nodded then said " one last thing mr.Starkfire I'd like to extend an invitation to you to join beacon as a teacher your expertise and experience would be a welcome addition to the faculty "Kira paused and thought about it for a minute then spoke " I might have a better idea that will break even I would like to join as a student and teach a extra special class where I get to do whatever I feel is needed now if you so wish one other teacher may come and oversee the class how does that sound headmaster " ozpin thought about it then stretched out his hand with a smile and Kira took it shaking it

*A few days later*

Kira could be seen getting onto a bullhead ships duffle bag slung over his shoulder his large figure quite intimidating to his fellow students once on the ship he opened up his duffle bag and pulled out a green sleeping mask ( Jin mori's sleeping mask ) which was one of his rewards from the Godcha he then pulled it over his eyes as he quickly found no bombshell blonde or hyperactive rose nor any other main characters so he slept yet still alert once the bullhead landed he quickly awoke got up and out of the bullhead as he took in the splendour of beacon he herd a KABOOM and quickly dashed over finding an irate ice princess and a smoky rose he also noticed an all to familiar cat Faunus quickly approaching so he waited then after a bit of waiting he approached " what a flamboyant way to set off the beginning of the semester " Blake froze there was only one person she knew who would say flamboyant she turned and found him towering over her a small smile gracing his face " ah Blake it's been awhile " then he turned to ruby " red it seems like you got something on your face " and lastly he turned to Weiss " and why so serious ….. uhhh " he then turned to ruby " what's the nickname you gave her " being put on the spot ruby quickly blurted out " ice queen " Kira then quickly followed " ah yes vanilla ice cream " wiess seemingly had become a chili pepper and was beginning to steam then she finally snapped " ITS WIESS SCHNEE " Kira then calmly said " alright wiess names kira starkfire " and then a blonde haired boy came in " names jaune arc lady's love it " kira then left quickly deciding to leave jaune and ruby to find Blake as she had already decided to try and sneak away though before he could find her he got a call one he just couldn't dismiss

After his call he went to orientations and after ozpin finished his speech everyone did there own thing until it was time for them to sleep many of the boys only went in with pants or shorts and before jaune humiliated himself with his onesie kira reached into his duffle bag and gave jaune a pair of shorts out of kindness though jaune did catch a glimpse of something shiny and silver in the duffle bag before jaune could ask it was closed and Kira left

Kira had gained many looks from his fellow students especially the female ones it seems many of them found his scarred toned body pleasant to their eyes though one quickly found a mark which they where all to familiar with wiess schnee saw the mark of her family's company on the middle of kiras chest she felt a horrible weight on her chest that grew every moment she looked at kiras chest the other girls also noticed some didn't care though those who where Faunus felt saddened at the sight kira then chose where he would be sleeping right beside Blake

Hoped you enjoyed cya all next chap :)

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