
Chapter Three Hundred and Ninety-Three

Rose POV

I have been busy recently cause am now both George's secretary and assistant and there is a possibility that I will take full charge of the company if George took over his position as the CEO of Vincent Corporation. Sarah being pregnant and George restricting her from doing anything that will stress her, the workload doubled for me. I got a call from Mr Dicon, that is the person I never expected in my wildest dreams to have my contact. When he told me the reason for him calling me I was surprised at what am hearing cause I thought the issue is water under the bridge already. I can't believe that his daughter is still trying to be a nuisance, when parents are advised to give the best training to their offspring to avoid being a nuisance to society they will pay deaf ears to the warning.

I got your message Mr Dicon and am grateful that you reach out but I will advise that you make sure that your daughter will step her feet in this state to cause trouble for my loved ones, cause I will not be sorry for what I will do to her, am sure that you are aware of my reputation, I warned him. He assured me that he will make sure that his daughter will not step foot in the state for any reason. I need you to find the private investigator that is feeding her with information, that will make things easier for me, He requested. I asked him to send the details of the private investigator. He sent the details and I have been trying to locate the man locate this particular guy was difficult but in the end, I was able to do that.

I was planning to meet with the private investigator after the meeting George and I have with the client when Ella visited. It turned out that she came cause of May's issue and am sure that she is worried that she will try to mess up their wedding. I assured her that I will take care of things and make sure that May will not disrupt the wedding. Ella left afterwards looking calmer than when she arrived, after the meeting I drove to the cafe where I scheduled to meet the private investigator. Am doing all these cause I witnessed how afraid and restless Max was when May was in the state and I don't want him to go through that again. I met with the P. I get straight to the point with him, I don't have all the time to waste.

After he heard my reason for wanting to meet him, the greedy man seized that as an opportunity to milk me dry. I will need one million dollars to stop giving my client any information, you know that is how I earn my living and you are asking me to close my shop, he gave his reason while smiling. I know in his mind he is already calculating what he is going to do with all that money. You know, I called you here thinking that you will be reasonable but you just prove to me that you are just an opportunity, but I know that you will change your mind after this, I dropped some photos in front of him and my card also. His eyes widened when he saw the content in the photos, he know that he is doomed if his wife get to see those pictures.

He completely froze when he saw my card, he kept on looking at me and the card, I already know the question that is going on in his mind. Yes, you are right, am the founder of that secret security service and am sure that you are wise enough not to cross my part, I said to him. He couldn't even utter a word, he just nodded to what I said, I left the cafe knowing that my message is clear and well received.