
Chapter 1:First day of school

One day it was a first day of school I was walking and I saw a handsome man and women are thrilled


What? Who is that guy who seems to be famous here at school but i think he's transferee so i walked and I looked at him and I asked the woman next to me..

Who is the man? Is he a transferee? Is he famous?

"yes he is a transferee in this school he is known on social media yes he is famous so the women are in love with him I am also a fan of that he's cute right?" The woman told me..

Yes he is handsome so he is the one I always see in my newsfeed but I just let him in my newsfeed as well as his posts I do not react. So go ahead I will go to my room thank you again because you told who he is.

I entered the room and I chose my seat and of course I stood next to the man I saw earlier..

"Hello good morning"The man said well of course i blush because he told me good morning well of course i also said good morning to him too..

I saw you earlier that the women in you are shouting.You're transferee,are you? because i didn't saw you here last year at our school, are you new here?

"Yes I am a transferee here."

"You are the one I always see in my newsfeed, you are always covering my newsfeed" And then i laugh

"Well I'm sorry bro if I im always in your nf" And then we laughed together..

"Wanna be my friend?"He asked

"Of course i do" I said

Well my name is k-

My teacher came..

"Good morning class" My sensei said,Did you have a good day? Now introduce yourself to the front. Earlier I heard people shouting outside because of the man? And the man is in this room, right? who is that man there?"My sensei asked..

"Sensei its me!"And then he raised his hands

Well introduce yourself...

Good morning everyone i'm new here in this school and i'm transferee and my name is k-

The girls:Akeyama Sato WAHHHHHH! Love youuuuuuuu!

"Ohh" Surprised...

Oh yes that's my name i'm Akeyama Sato im the new transferee here do y'all have a good day?

YESSSSSS! My classmates said

Uhm nice to meet y'all and of course thank you all because y'all accept me in this school..

"So that's it thank you Mr.Sato" My Sensei said, Well next is you the one next to Akeyama "Oh me?" I said, Yes you introduce yourself..

Good morning classmates my name is Watanabe Takahashi and nice to meet y'all and of course good morning, "Okay that's nice Mr.Takahashi and of course good morning to you" My Sensei said

2 hour's later (LUNCH BREAK!)

"Watanabe Watanabe! Hey Watanabe!" Someone is calling me..

I looked back and it was Akeyama So i stop walking...

"What is it Akeyama?" I asked...

"Let's eat together? Let's go together" He asked to me liked a cute cat..

"Yes of course let's eat together but it's your treat" And i laughed,

My treat? you're unfair

You're a transferee right? So that's your treat HAHAHAHA you're new here in our school

"Ok my treat.." And we laughed each other while he laughs he is cute I want to hug him like a cat while we are walking each other the girls are shouting "Akeyama! Akeyama!! i love you so much!!!!!!So we ignored them while i'm picking my food he said "Woah can i have some? Is that a bacon?! That's my favorite can i have some please?" He begged me

"No you can't this is my food my mom cooked it for me" The greed

"Hmp its okay I will not spare you food" He told me teasing, It's okay because i have a food and my food is BACON the smell is so good

"WAHHHH! i want that food! give me some baconnn! i want bacon it taste so good so give me some food!" He told me..

"But you have fans right?" I asked him,But it would be embarrassing if I asked them for my food.

They are your fans, right? they will do everything for you

He grabbed my food..

"I want you to give it back to me, it's not funny. I'll eat that"I said angrily

"Why would i give it back to you? it taste so good Yum yum~" He's eating like a cute cat

ARGHHHHH! Fine you eat that I'll just buy my food

"Wait Watanabe wait" As he chewed...