
From Hell To Earth

[The scene is hell. A schoolyard in the lust ring. A sign on the gate says, "Succubi and Inccubi Training Academy." The scene shifts to a bell ringing and the classes run out. All, but one, a succubus named Alex walks out with a distressed expression. In her hands is a test with a "F" on it once again she failed her final exam so she cant graduate to full fledge succubus. When she sits at a bench a group of succubi walk up to her.]

Susan: Hey Alex.

Alex: Go away Susan.

Susan: Aww what's wrong, no let me guess you failed, again. Right?

Alex: I said go away.

Susan: Oh, I heard you, I just don't want too.

Alex: I'm not dealing with this.

[Alex shoves her paper in her bag and walks off. but it flies out she tries to catch it but, one of Susan's friends gets it first.]

Jammy: Oh My Satan! It's True! She Failed Again!

[They all burst out laughing and then the whole schoolyard laughs along as well. Alex becomes red with embarrassment and tries to take the paper back. But the Succubi play keep away with her.]

Susan: Oh, you want this?

[Trades to next friend]

Malice: Go get it.

[Trades to Jammy]

Jammy: Come on, you're so close.

[Gives back to Susan. Alex tries talking her but Susan doges and holds her down to the floor.]

Susan: listen to this because obviously no one else will tell you it, you will never be a real Succubus. Stupid bitch.

[Susan gives her back the paper and the group walks away leaving Alex to cry. She gets up and wipes off all the dirt she got on her, and walks home. She opens the door to her house and sees her dad, Lucifers Grand Minister and Right Hand Man, looking at some papers. She tries walking upstairs unnoticed but she gets caught.]

Damian: Alex, I know thats you.

Alex: Hi dad, let me guess school called.

Damian: Yes.

Alex: oh let me guess they told you that "she will never be a real succubus," and that "she can't remember anything on sex or flirting," And "she should just give up."

[Alex sits at the table and puts her head in her arms.]

Damian: Well, they didn't put it like that.

[Alex starts crying and her dad sits next to her.]

Damian: Did Susan say all that to you?

[Alex nods her head.]

Damian: Well, at least you have something she doesn't have.

Alex: What?

Damian: You have a unique style to yourself. Susan, just another succubus, but you you are extraordinary.

Alex: But I don't want to be extraordinary I want to be just like everyone else cause maybe then I would fit in.

Damian:But why would you want to fit in.

Alex: Mom would've wanted me to be a succubus by now just like her, but because I was born like this I cant even be seen as a normal demon.

Damian: You sound just like your mother. She didn't fit in, but she wanted to, but yet it was because she didn't fit in that she was so successful, she would've been proud of you no matter what.

Alex: Thanks dad, but I doubt that.

[Alex walks upstairs and her dad stays down stairs and goes back to sorting pages and gets an idea. The next day Damian brings Alex to meet Lucifer for a special surprise.]

Alex: Dad why are we at the palace.

Damian: I have a surprise for my little demon belle.

[They walk into the thrown room and see the king of hell himself, Lucifer Morningstar.]

Lucifer: Damian, finally you're here.

Damian: Im very sorry i'm late Mr. Morningstar. This is my daughter and your newest succubus.

Alex: What!?

Lucifer: Hm, Clear skin, smooth too, pretty face, not much cleavage however.

[Alex blushes and covers her chest]

Lucifer: She'll do fine.

Alex: Dad, what's happening?

Damian: Well, I knew Lucifer was looking for some succubi to persuade some high school students, catch them young. So, I recommend you, I thought maybe getting some action out on the field will help you.

Alex: Really! Oh, thank you dad, thank you, thank you!

Lucifer: No more dilly daly, the other succubi have left already.

[Lucifer hands her a card with a boy on it and some info.]

Lucifer: This is your target, sleep with him and take his faith. Then when your done burn the card and i'll open a portal back.

Alex: yes sir.

Lucifer snaps and a portal to the human world opens, when she walks through the portal closes behind her and she sees her dad waving goodbye, she does the same.]

Alex: Alright, Jack Alter, let's get you laid.

[Alex makes it to Jack's Highschool and shapes into her human disguise. Alex walks into the crowd of people.]

Alex: Uh, excuse me, sorry, ouch.

[Alex runs into a room to escape the mayhem in the hallway.]

Teacher: Oh you must be a new student

[Alex sees she's in a classroom and sees Jack at his desk.]

Alex: Yup, thats me, the new kid.

[Alex smiles widely.]

Teacher: Well your welcome to choose a seat, there seems to be one open next to Jack.

Alex: Perfect.

[Alex walks to her new seat and stares at Jack as he reads his text book. Soon he notices.]

Jack: Can I help you?

Alex: Oh, sorry, you just look so, cute.

Jack: Thanks.

Alex: Like you must have a ton of girls right?

Jack: Nope.

Alex: Well, consider me your first one.

Jack: I'm good, could you stop staring at me? I'm trying to read.

[Alex looks at her desk confused]

Alex:*What is wrong with this guy, I'm sending him signal after signal.*

[The day goes on, and she follows him from class to class to try and get his attention. When the final bell rings everyone runs out and Jack gets on his dirt bike, and drives home. Alex follows him using her powers.]

Alex: This is ridicules, I'll just fuck him while he sleeps.

[Alex waits for him to go to bed while watching him trough a window to his apartment. But, Jack gets a phone call and it goes on forever, even Jack is getting annoyed.]

Jack: Uh-hu... Yeah... Totally

Alex: UUUUUGGGGHHHH! How long can one phone call go for?


[Jack hangs up and gets into bed, then falls to sleep.]

Alex: Finally.

[Alex sneaks into the room and gets on top of Jack and watches him sleep.]

Alex: Ok don't be nervous, it's his first time too, just start off with a kiss.

[Alex pokers up but before she kisses him he wakes up.]

Jack: Alright, I'll bite, what the hell are you doing in my apartment?

[Alex jumps back startled.]

Jack: I'm pretty sure thats suppose to be my reaction. Who are you and what do you want?

Alex: Ok, just calm down. (sigh) I'm not a normal teenager.

[Alex transforms into her demon form.]

Jack: Oh shit.

Alex: Yeah, I'm a succubus, well, in training, and you're my target so I have to sleep with you to become a real succubus. So if you wouldn't mind.

Jack: Uh, yeah, I hate to tell you this but... I'm asexual.

[Alex stand there eyes widen in disbelief.]

Alex: (laughter) of course (laughter) why not give her the only teenager who doesn't have cranial urges (laughter).

[After some more laughing, it becomes crying.]

Jack: Uh, there there, it will be ok just go back to hell and get a new target.

Alex: I can't then everyone will be so disappointed in me-. I mean what kind of succubus can't convince a teenager to have sex with her-.

Jack: Oh, come on, its one guy you probably fucked a hundred others.

Alex: That's just it, I'm still a virgin, yup me, the only succubus to never have sex.

Jack: (snickers) sorry, its just (snickers) really?

Alex: Yes-.

Jack: Ok, ok calm down, look clearly you're going trough some things. So why don't you stay here for a bit until your ready to go back to Hell, ok.

Alex: Really, you would do that- for me.

Jack: Yeah, but there will be some ground rules.

Alex: Ok.

Jack: One, no sex. Don't try to sleep with me, don't try to flirt with me, no horny.

Alex: Ok.

Jack: Two, don't fuck any of my friends.

Alex: Yes sir.

Jack: Finally, keep that human disguise on when outside.

Alex: Absolutely.

Jack: Great, now let's find you some where to sleep. The couch isn't glamorous but it should be fine till I clean out another room in the apartment.

Alex: I'm sure it's fine, thank you Jack.

Jack: Well, us failures got to stick together.

Alex: Failures?

Jack: Yeah, not the best at Lit & Comp. Mostly focusing on my baseball career.

Alex: Baseball?

Jack: you never heard of Baseball? I have a game tomorrow if you want to come by and watch me and my team practice before, ill teach you everything you need to know.

Alex: Thanks.

Jack: Good night, Alex, get some sleep we school in the morning.

Alex: Ok... hey Jack, thank you for helping me, in hell no one would be this nice without expecting something in return.

Jack: No problem, Alex.

[Alex lies down and pulls out her phone. She stares at some pictures of her and her dad and then pictures of them and her mother. This makes her tear up and put down her phone.]

Alex: I'm sorry I failed dad, but, maybe I'll have fun here.

[The scene fades too black.]

The End

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