
The Confession

My Beautiful Senpai



Chapter 1 - The Confession

I still remember my summer vacation clearly and the day, which changed my life forever. it was really a hot day, Sun was at its peak and below that sun, I was standing in front of my ex-upperclassmen and My Beautiful Senpai.

My Name is, Riel, Katsuki-

" S---Senpai! P--Please G--G-G Go Out With me!? "

I suddenly found myself Confessing to the ex-most beautiful girl in our school, At the park.-we were all alone, there was no one around us. (Because of heat on that day)

"Huh? P---Pr--?"

And Now When I think about it, she sure was in a shock--

To be honest I had never thought I will be confessing my feelings to my senpai.

When I saw her the first time at the train station, I fall in love with her. It was what would you call, love at first sight.

And Right now, She was standing in front of me, Her face was clearly red and her eyes, they were avoiding me, She must be disgusted by my look and personality yet How does she can still look so beautiful?. That's the thought that came into my mind while looking at her

Fukai, Hina -Her hair is long and raven-black, which beautifully suits her slightly tanned skin. Her eyes, framed by long lashes, are a bright, sky-blue. a straight nose, full lips. She is a living definition of the word "Beautiful" (5.1feet tall,)

Compared to her, I, Riel Katsuki am nothing but a pervert. (5.11feet tall)

All I did in the class, was gaze upon the blue sky or adore girls from a distance. I am not even an average looking guy, Having a slim face with a slim body and a long neck doesn't help.

I had given up on her, I had buried those feelings of mine deep inside my heart but yet, a smile, that's all it took from her to ruin my efforts and here I was standing in front of her, to share those feelings of mine--

it has been more than 5 minutes since I confessed and she has yet to speak a word, let alone answer.

Her silence started to act like a poison to me and I started to lose my strength, my feet slowly started shaking, I was losing my grip. All of it, Her silence, The way she avoided looking at me and the way she--All of it manifested a thought in my mind " She doesn't even wanna answer to my confession? "

I am below average. I never had any strong point in me, Nothing stood out of me.

I was about to cry.

I felt really stupid at that moment, I knew I was going to be rejected but deep down in my heart, I had a little hope but to think, She wouldn't even-- I was really about to cry. I felt like standing at the edge of a cliff, Behind was- myself, composed and calm and when I looked down from that cliff, I saw Katsuki, Crying like a baby- Pathetic, If I fall from here I would never able to return- but when I became conscious of that thought, I was already falling- The thought, It manifested in something that pushed me from that cliff.

I looked down towards my shoes as soon as I realized it, in order to hide my face.

What the hell I was even thinking!?

I had always thought of myself as a strong person, not physically but-- to think I was actually this weak.

To reject my own weakness---

I turned around to walk away, to never look back again even though it would be hard but I will not look back!

With that thought, I tried to bury those feelings of mine once again.

As I started walking away, I felt as if my shirt was stuck somewhere but when I looked behind myself I saw Senpai had actually caught my shirt with both of her hands?

many thoughts emerged in my mind when I saw her hands grabbing on my shirt, to answer a single question and the question was, Why?

Does she want to stop me? But why would she want that? is she mad because some lowly person like me confessed to her?

I was scared to turn around, the fear of her insulting my feelings that I have for her, it was overwhelming but if I didn't turn around-

No, I can't do it. I can't just walk away. I have to face the consequences of my actions.

I gathered all of my courage and turned around, to answer her action that stopped me and turned around.

She was still holding onto my shirt but now from the front, still looking down with the same silence as before and top of that, this time I couldn't walk away like before but at the moment what actually was bothering me

-TOOOO CLOSE! She is too close!!

I could even hear her breathing, feel her warmth.

With my broken words, I mumbled

" S--Senpai??? "

She was already too close to me and yet, instead of releasing my shirt, she started to get closer and before I knew, She was basically sticking to me. there was nearly no space between the two of us.

But even though she was this close, I couldn't see her face because of her short height.

What about me? You can imagine a cooker which is about to explode. That's all I can say, my mind was fuzzy and I felt as if I was hallucinating. I couldn't quite understand or comprehend what was happening.

But that fog suddenly faded away when she suddenly spoke with her firm voice and asked me a question, while she slowly wrapped her arms around me and tightened her grip.

" Ar, Uh-- you are, you are serious about me, right?"

"Eh? "

That caught me off guard, I didn't know what she actually meant by that but then I realized something, She had wrapped her arms around me as if she was monopolizing me after my confession and now she was asking if I was serious? Did she really doubt my confession?

" O--Oof!. Of course, I am serious about Senpai. "

I almost shouted those words out loud but after realizing it. I lowered my voice and replied to her, as calmly as I could.

When she heard my reply, she tightens her grip around me a bit more and hid her face on my chest.

-Wha---What is happening? is this a dream?

Thus I started to doubt reality itself. I had my prepared myself for the worst possible outcome but not for something like this, a hug from her just after the confession! though I was happy, still I can't say I was soundly happy.

The reality is, I was someone below average in every aspect, nothing stood out from me. I didn't expect a positive reply, even though there was a lingering feeling deep down in my heart, hoping for a "Miracle".

The miracle, It would have been if she accepted my confession but--

After hearing my answer, she remained silent. After a few moments of that silence, she loosens her grip around me and let me free. that sure was a depressing moment for me, I wanted her to hold me a bit longer.

After letting me free, she crossed her hands behind her back and then said

" I see "

Those words seemed really soft and calm. she continued with her words while gently asking

" Could you bend a little? so, I could reach you. "

-For what?

So, I thought to myself.

I don't why I didn't realize what she was going to do, it could be that I didn't actually expect her to do something like.. but when lowered my face towards her---- She suddenly kissed me on my lips! and I was not even able to react to it.

And The panic, chaos follows in my mind

-What the heck! What the heck! What the heck! she is kissing me?! Why? but She is! But This is my first kiss! how this could be!

It was my first kiss, for my first kiss I had a romantic scene in my mind. NOT ANY MORE.

I never expected senpai to kiss me out of blue, I mean I never seen or heard something like this of happening before. Girl kissing a boy even before accepting his confession?

I started to calm myself doing

-calm down, calm down...Though her lips-- They, they are touching mine!! (More panic)

At first, I was panicking but after realizing that the girl I love, she is kissing me on her own accord- It could be once in a lifetime chance and with that, I started to burn this moment in my heart, to never being able to forget it.

I stayed there, lowering myself to her while her lips were touching my lips.

If I were to describe her lips, I would say they were soft and gentle, smoothing my lips.

My eyes were wide open when she kissed me and I kept them open until the end! not even once I blinked! Well, I was finally able to see her face this up close. (<-- actually it was too close that I couldn't see much of her face)

To be honest, I wished for this moment to last forever but it didn't. After a few seconds, she slowly backed off from me and the moment that felt more like a dream came to an end when reality struck.

I was left in a shock, wondering why she did something like this. could it have been something to get me back for my confession? The way she kissed me, I felt--- Does the kiss even held even any meaning for her?

How terrible I was, to be able to think something like that in front of her, about her. About the girl I love.

Both of us were standing facing each other, though she was still avoiding looking at me. I really tried hard to understand, to come up with a reason for her to kiss me but I failed. I did consider that kiss as an answer for my confession but Senpai, She is kind of person who would answer straight forward. That is also why, When she didn't answer to my confession, I considered her silence as a reply that- She doesn't even want to answer something so stupid, that she didn't consider my feelings worth to answer.

Thus I really wanted to ask her and I did.

" Senpai? Why? "

-Does that kiss even meant something to you?

Somehow I was not scared anymore, rather I was ---. The thought of that kiss, not holding any meaning for her.

And She answered

" I---I'M SORRY! Katsuki-Chan! for doing som---"


Really now, even though I expected this reply from the very start but-- to still feel that feeling?

-Eh---Hehehe, it actually didn't mean anything to her.

At that moment, I told myself, " You fucking moron! she would never go out with someone like you. Stop daydreaming. wake up from your delusion! "

Indeed I was daydreaming. After all, I didn't hear anything except those words from Senpai.

I didn't even wait for senpai to finish sentences and was frozen stiff, tears started pouring out from my eyes. How stupid and pathetic I must have looked at that moment in senpai's eyes.

" Eh? " -Bu--But Why? even though I expected this outcome, even though I was prepared for it----

I didn't realize at that moment that my tears were pouring out from my eyes.

" I---I'M SORRY! Katsuki-Chan! for doing som...Katsuki-Chan? What's wrong Katsuki-chan? Di-Did I do something? "

As soon as I realized I was stupidly crying like a baby, I started to wipe those tears with both of my hands in panic, worried that she saw me crying now What would she think of me.

While wiping my tears, I answered to senpai

" Hu? So--Sorry Senpai! it's...It's nothing, please don't worry about "

" But... "

I did not want to hear the words she was about to speak, I did not want to her see me crying like that, I was not ready to hear any insult towards my feelings from senpai's mouth- I started to walk away with that-- as she called me and mumbled

" Katsuki-Chan?- " ples..w--wait

But, There was still something that I really wanted to tell her before I leave but I did not have the courage to look back at her while showi--

Yet, I turned and put up a really big smile on my face while my tears were kept pouring out from my eyes and said

"Senpai, Please don't kiss someone before upright rejecting him, It could cause a misunderstanding. "

She was dumbfounded when she heard me say that. How sad, How tragic This Love is.

There was really a huge misunderstanding between senpai and me.


English is not my first language, I apologize for any grammar mistakes that you might encounter while reading.

Next Chapter will be out tomorrow

RoughHero76creators' thoughts
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