
My Assassin Divination is Evil

Everything changed for Max and his classmates when they were summoned to another world, with the sole goal of saving it from the wrath of the demon king and celestial beasts. Each of them were granted a divination, which is the embodiment of good and power. Unfortunately enough, Max didn't get one and was soon kicked out and sent to a dangerous place, left to die. But... [Divination of the Assassin - Evil Ranked] "Huh... what even is this?" [It is time to become the best assassin Host!] ------------------- Feb-Mars WPC Entry! Show your support by adding it to your library and giving powerstones! 150 Powerstones: +1 Bonus Chapter 300 Powerstones: +3 Bonus Chapters 100 Golden Tickets: +1 Bonus Chapter

Endratox · Fantasie
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217 Chs

Money and Rest

After quick introductions, Max showed the bag to Alder, which resulted in the same reaction as before, and he looked very enthusiastic to exchange all these goods.

"First of all, let's create a 'BC' for you as it will be needed to carry the amount of gold you'll receive"

"BC?" Max wondered, not familiar with this world and all its different technologies, of course, he had seen weird objects on his way to this place, like for example dummies that automatically took care of stalls, or machines that extracted gold from weird cards, just like his previous world's ATMs.

"A BC, or 'Bank Card', is something where you can store all your gold, it facilitates the transportation and usage as you can use it to pay anywhere," Alder explained.

'...' Max was shocked, 'so basically credit cards...?'

His sole interaction with this world was through the forest with monsters and in the king's throne room, but now that he had come to true civilization, maybe this world was more 'technological' than he thought it was huh...

"Do not fret child, let me take that bag and I will perfectly evaluate how much money we owe you to buy them all," the gentleman smiled, and Max allowed him to do so by placing the bag on the desk.

After that, the old man used one of his skills [Money Appraisal], one that was greatly sought after, and the reason why he became the manager of this bank.

"Amazing, there are 287 monster cores in this bag, and a boss monster inside nonetheless," Alder nodded and looked very satisfied, then he immediately became serious again, ready to reveal the amount Max would receive, "1387 gold coins is what we will give you."

Max's eyes widened, he didn't expect to get so much, and of course, he agreed, feeling like the man in front of him wouldn't try any tricks, and even if he did, he didn't really care.

Afterward, the old man used some kind of magic-powered machine to scan Max's face and create a Bank Card, where he put the entirety of the sum he owed him.

"All done," after around twenty minutes, everything had been completed, "take your BC and enjoy the benefits, we hope to see you soon Mr.Evans and Ms.Elly"

Max and Elly bowed and thanked the man for his kindness, and left the bank, ready to go back to the inn and sleep on a bed for the first time in days.

They went back to the "Flaming Lion" inn and paid for a room this time using the BC, which worked exactly like a debit card as you would tap it onto some other machine, and it would immediately withdraw the five gold coins needed.

"Thank you for choosing us, here is your key, have a good night!" the receptionist smiled and handed Max a golden key, "the room is on the second floor, the last one on the right."

The boy nodded and walked up the stairs, Elly following him closely, and they arrived at the door, opened it, and entered the room.

It was a simple bedroom, but it had a double-sized bed and a bathroom as well as a kitchen, so it was perfect for the two of them.

The two took a shower, the first time they did in a little over two weeks, Max because the last was in that river where he encountered the fire bear, and Elly because goblins weren't very into cleaning, so she could only take some in secret.

Afterward, Elly used the furnace to cook something, surprising Max as he now truly didn't know if this world was medieval or technological, or just a mix of both, after all, if heroes were frequently summoned, then some must have definitely brought some of Earth's knowledge to Luciana to make life easier.

"Here," she handed him a plate of meat, it was the boar he had hunted around a week ago.

And after they finished eating, the two got into bed and fell asleep, exhausted from the journey and the walk to the city, and they couldn't wait to start their new lives tomorrow.


Max woke up the next morning, yawning and stretching his arms, he was still tired but he knew that even though he had finally reached his goal, it was only the beginning of his journey.

[Great job surviving this long Host! Now let's explore the world and become stronger until we can go back to those fools who left you for dead and pay them back]

'Let me rest divination...' he mumbled, 'I'm taking one or two weeks off after everything that happened, plus what am I supposed to do? Go back to the wild again in an area more dangerous than the previous one?'

As for Elly, she was still sleeping, her mouth wide open and drool falling on the pillow, she looked very cute and peaceful like this, and Max didn't want to wake her up, so he decided to go out alone for now.

"M-max s-stop..." she suddenly muttered happily in her sleep, "t-that tickles..."

Max didn't even wanna know what she dreamt about, instead deciding to go outside, after all, he had many things to do, for example buy another weapon as his was almost broken, as well as new clothes and equipment he would need.

So the boy left the room and closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it just in case someone tried to steal from them, and headed downstairs to eat breakfast, he wanted to leave early today as he planned to spend the entire day exploring the kingdom.

Fortunately enough though, Elly heard the door close and dashed half-naked in the reception to tell Max she was coming with him.

"Oh, good morning miss!" the receptionist greeted her with a smile, "how was your night?"

"G-good morning..." she replied, shyly covering her body, "it was fine thank you..."

She quickly ran upstairs to get dressed, leaving the woman dumbfounded, wondering why she had rushed out like that, but she didn't think too much about it and continued doing her work.

Eventually, the two new adventurers finally left the inn while making sure to leave the room in its original state and headed towards the market of the city, which the reception girl informed them to be extremely big.




[Author Note]

Hey, so we've finally ended the prologue of the story, from now on the interesting stuff will happen, I hope you all enjoyed the start of Max's journey and how he managed to escape all his problems using his divination.

He also got the first member of his... ahem... harem!

I bet y'all will enjoy what happens next :).