
Departure 2

Then a lady asked that why she was here to find her family members. The girl told her that she was newly married and leaving the country with her family members and they are going to Canada. Then the lady asked her family members names and went in the office. The lady had a friend here. So she asked her friend to confirm their name. But the lady was shocked when she came to know that no tickets were booked to their name. She came to the girl and told her everything. When the girl heard this she started crying and loss her sense again. The lady then searched the girl's bag and found the girl's phone. The lady call her family and told everything on phone. After 35 minutes a man came. He was tall, fair and strong face. The man told that he was the girl's uncle and take her home back.After 2 hours the girl got her sense back. When she woke up she see a familiar face. This was her mom. Her mother whispered Geet my child you woke up!!Wait I bring some food for you. Her mom came with some food and feed her girl with her own hand. After feeding she told her to take some rest and she went out of the room. After her mom went she start remembering when she first meet with her husband........

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