
My Alpha Maid

Natalia Aquino is the spoiled brat daughter of the President. She can get all that she wants in just a snap of her fingers. She has a lot of maids and security guards, but she wondered why her father needed to hire another maid for her. Now, she had to deal with her personal sexy maid/lady guard, July Mercado, who promised her father to tame her.  She argued to her father that she didn't need the sexy maid, but one situation changed her mind when the maid saved her from a threatening creature, who was a vampire, who tried to kill her.  And as that killing event happened, Natalia discovered more from her maid/lady guard. She's not just a mere human, she's a wolf!

Corazone · Fantasie
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45 Chs

The Awakening


"STOP!" I sobbed pleadingly. Why is she doing this to me? I thought she was happy to see me. I thought everything was okay with us. "Please, please no," I still pleaded, but she still didn't seem to hear anything. She doesn't seem to be the person I love. What happened to her? "Nooooo!!!" I protested loudly, but she was stronger. I can't defeat her. She is a wolf. And me? Just a mere mermaid, powerless and weak.

"Natalia..." Someone called my name, but I couldn't see her. It's so dark. It's too dark. Where am I?

"Wake her up," another voice said, and it sounds familiar, but I can't see them. It's too dark.

"Natalia... Nat---" said that voice again. Another voice that I know who it belongs to.

'Help!' I mentally screamed. Damn it, I felt like someone was choking me. I can't scream for help!

"Wake her up!" said the voice again.

"I'm trying!" The two voices are still arguing. "Nat! Nat! Damn it, wake up!"

The fucking bitch!

"What the hell! Why did you slap me?!" I woke up and glared at whoever was in front of me.

She just smiled, relieved to see me awake, and said, "I'm glad you're awake." Then the bitch hugged me tightly.

"Welcome home, brat," Sofia smiled, and joined our group hug.

Yeah, it was Haruka and Sofia. Though my cheeks sting from Haruka's slap, I let it slide as of now because the warmth of the hug they are giving me now is even better.

Haaa. I breathed out, mentally. There's no place like home.


"I DIDN'T MEAN THAT!" Haruka defended herself. We are currently in the dining room and eating.

Correction, I'm the only one eating. I do not know why, but after I woke up earlier, it was as if I hadn't eaten for a few days. I was so hungry.

"You mean that bitch," I jokingly said. The pain in my cheek, when she slapped me, was still there.

"Ehh... Not really! You were sleeping for a week. It's like you're lying dead in your bed. It's good to see you still breathing, and the doctor said you only experienced mild comatose. We were so worried! " Haruka continued to defend herself. "And when we saw that you were moving, moaning, and having nightmares, Sofia and I panicked and couldn't wait for the doctor, so I did what I could to wake you up. And you see, it's super effective." The damn bitch was still smiling.

Dad knows I'm awake as well. He even cried when he hugged me tightly, but then he left me again. You know, he is busy being the president of the country. What else can I do, right?

"Sus. Why do you seem so happy that you slapped me? You put all your resentment towards me in that slap, didn't you?" Actually, I was just teasing her. I'm not really that mad, but it still really hurts.

"I'm happy because you're awake, Natty. I miss you so much." Sofia hugged me and Haruka looked at her. "We miss you," she rephrased. Stressing the "miss" word.

I smiled too. I missed them as well. If I could just tell them everything that happened to me when I was away, but I can't. They will probably not understand.

"What happened, Nat?" Sofia asked when she saw that I had finished eating. "What happened to your kidnappers? What did they do to you? Are you sure you don't need a doctor to check on your condition now? Nat, tell us. Are you in pain?"

"Easy, tiger," I replied, smiling at Sofia. You may think that this friend of mine didn't care about me, but she's actually very thoughtful.

"What are you, Piyaya?! An investigator? You immediately bombarded Natalia with questions. Let her rest first." Wow, Haruka? Miracle, the bitch is not curious. "But yeah, Nat, what happened? What did the kidnappers do to you? I heard July baby didn't leave you until Uncle found you? What happened to her? Is she okay too?"

That, I don't know. Fuck you, July. I was comatose for a week, and I just found out that, and I learned that she did not visit me? What is the meaning of this? Is that it? After everything? After I give her everything and sacrifice my shame and dignity. Is that it?

Fuck you, July!

"Nat! Your hand is bleeding!" That's when I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What are you doing? What are you thinking?" Haruka reached for my hand that was bleeding and checked it. But honestly, I didn't feel that. By clenching my fist too much, my nail was buried well in my palm until it bled.

"I'll get the medicine kit," Sofia said hurriedly.

I'm feeling numb, actually. I didn't realize that I was feeling livid by merely thinking about July, who didn't show up when I needed her the most. Ah, I did something stupid to myself again.

Get ready for me, July! I will hunt you down!


"CAN I HELP YOU?" I heard a woman's voice. Why is there a woman in her house? You're really making me mad, July! You are such a flirt!

"Ahh, does July Mercado live here?" my guard Piolo asked the woman.

I couldn't see her face because we were behind my four guards. That beautiful July is really irritating! That's why she didn't come back to me because she had already married a woman.

"Yes. Why do you need her?" I heard the woman's answer.

My god, the woman has a lot of questions. I couldn't stand it anymore and went straight into the house without giving any respect. I just shoved the woman in the shoulder when I walked past her and didn't look at her. She almost fell but I didn't care.

"Where is that woman? Where is that flirty woman hiding?" I asked commandingly as I gazed inside the house. In fairness, the house is clean, even when it's old-fashioned. "You answer me, lady!" I turned to the woman just to raise an eyebrow as I looked at her closely.

She looks so familiar. It's like I've seen her somewhere. Is it in the magazine or on TV? I don't remember, but she was familiar. Fuck you, July! You abandoned me and replaced me with a celebrity! And fuck, the woman is a bit old, but she looks amazing. But damn, I'm even better! Of course!

"Uhm, excuse me, but who are you, young lady?" She behaved like an old woman too. Well, it suits her. She's too old for that July bitch. Grr, just wait, July. I will beat you when I see you.

"Show me, July! Or else I'll turn your house upside down if you don't show me that woman!" I ordered, full of threats.

The woman was surprised by what I said. Because why not? Not only am I threatening her, but I will really do what I said to her.


"Mom? Who are you talking to?" Suddenly, the young man I met before in the WH, came out. I also flirted with the agent, thinking he was the genuine bodyguard agent Mercado. I was surprised when I saw him. He was also surprised to see me. "Miss Natalia? What are you doing here?" He approached us and stood next to the woman I was scolding earlier. "Mom, this is Natalia Aquino. The president's daughter. Big sis is watching over her in the White House," Rizal introduced us. I'm dead. "Miss Natalia, this is our mom, Leah."

I'm dead. I'm so dead. Earth, crumble and swallow me. Wrong move, Nat! Wrong move!


"DON'T LAUGH AT ME, you idiots!" I frowned at my two friends who were holding back their laughter.

"Not really," Sofia replied, with a big smile.

"Damn, girl. You should control your temper sometimes so you don't get hurt." Haruka couldn't help but laugh. You bastards! I know that my face is too red again, thinking back to what happened earlier.

"Show me, July! Or else I'll turn your house upside down if you don't show me that woman!" Sofia mimicked what I said earlier, then burst out laughing. Stupid idiots!

"You answer me, lady!" Haruka mocked me with Sofia. I just clenched my teeth and looked outside of the car window.

Yeah, I had a bad experience with July's mom in our first meeting. I kept saying sorry to her after Rizal introduced us to each other.

How ironic that I even prayed at that time that the earth would open up and swallow me because I was ashamed of July's mom. And that's why she's familiar. She's one of the well-known TV anchors in the country, and she also has a lot of resemblance to July.

I was so eager to see July that I didn't notice those details. How could I be so dumb? Well, I know I'm reckless and I don't regret all my bitchiness, but I swear, just now I'm ashamed of what I did.

Sure, the woman did just forgive me because she's kind and very understanding, but gaah, does she believe in first impressions last? I hope not. If yes, no, I'm so screwed.

'I am such a fool. What do I do?' I scolded myself and unknowingly slapped my forehead on the car glass.

"It's okay, Nat. Mother forgave you. Get over it," Haruka said. Is she calling that comforting? Duh.

"Yes. She even gave you a tip on where July is," Sofia added. "By the way, why are you so eager to find her?" These women still don't know about the real score between me and July.

"None of your business," I said with a poker face while still looking outside.

"Come on, Nat. Spill it out. We're not going to go through with these efforts if it's not that important," Haruka dug in. Super nosy friends. They are so chatty.

"And did I say that this is "not important"? I'm not going to waste my time if it's not important," I replied.

And Sofia would have spoken, but I stopped her by raising my hand for her to shut up. Understandably, she followed suit and just shrugged.

"Something smells fishy here..." Haruka whispered. I just glared at her, but she just shrugged as Sofia did. I went to look back at the view outside.

If Haruka had literally known that I was a mermaid, I might have scolded her too, but I just held back. I had enough with that not-funny-moment just today. I just woke up from my long sleep, but there's a lot that happened today. Hay.

I'm still so thankful to July's mother that even though I treated her like that, she still told me where her daughter was, which we're heading to now. That restaurant, of course. How can I forget that place? That was the first time I saw someone I knew who would be very special to me. The one who stole my heart.

The person who always saved and protected me. That person who gave the best lewd moments and erotic experiences, though we're on the brink of danger. That person who calms my troubled soul but, at the same time, can make my heart uproar.

We have also been through a lot and discovered each other's strengths and weaknesses. However, it's not always a happy, steady relationship. We know exactly when we commit ourselves to each other. I had high hopes for that person but was devastated when that person left me in thin air.

Where was she when I needed her? And I began to wonder if what happened to us on that island had any significance for her, or if she did those nice things to me because we were the only ones there and she had nowhere else to go. But she said she loved me, right?

But why didn't she visit me when I was in a coma? Why?

I'm in deep thought when we reach our destination. I bolted out after Zanjoe stopped the car in front of the restaurant, and I excitedly went in. Just when I saw that heartbreaking sight. I felt like I wanted to stab someone from the back, many times until they drowned in their blood and lay dead in front of me.

I immediately approached July and the naughty woman who was hugging her like a koala bear. I approached the two and they were not even aware of my presence. It hurts so much! I felt cheated by the mere sight of it, but I'm willing to give July the time to explain. The fact that I miss her is more dominant.

My original plan was to hug her tightly from behind and then drop the woman on the chair with her. At least I'll just drop the bitch, right? I won't spread her blood on the floor. I'm still nice. Huh!

And I was about to execute my plan when, unexpectedly, the fucking mother eff wolf, July, kissed the girl on the top of her head, passionately. That's it! Unleash the dragon! I'm not only in beast mode, I'm on the verge of bursting fire in my mouth!

Cheater! Cheater!



"Oh?! Are you scared? You thought I wouldn't catch you with your bitch here. You're shameless!"

I plan to punch the woman who's with July. My vision is really dark and I feel like I want to kill a beautiful woman. Before I could do that, Sofia and Haruka stopped me immediately.

"Best, it's embarrassing. Don't cause any scandal here," Haruka whispered as she clung to one of my arms.

"I do not care!" I shouted and glared at July and her woman. The woman with her was familiar, but I couldn't fathom in my mind where I had seen her. Ah, I don't care! "I'm going to kill you, you flirt!!!" I wanted to kick the woman, but my two friends held me tight. I got even angrier because July even blocked herself for her woman, so I couldn't reach her. "Traitor! You traitor!"

"Natalia, baby, let's talk properly. Let's not do this here, please." She called me "baby" and I am happy to hear that, but I will not forgive her that easily!

"I don't care! I'll scandalize if I want to because I'm the president's daughter and I have the right to get scandalous anywhere, whenever I want!"

"The big bad bitch brat is back..." I heard Sofia say. I just raised an eyebrow at her, but I'll punish her later, July needs to pay first.

"Release me!" I called my two friends. They did not follow my commands.

"Guards ..." Haruka uttered. I glared at the four guards with my eyes, delivering a message to them: "Come near and you're dead!" And they were obedient because they stepped back and didn't stop me.

"And you!" I immediately confronted July. I would have surprised her with my ferocity, but I was shocked by her speed, I mean, she kissed me in front of everybody.

The kiss only took us five seconds, but wow, I was dumbfounded.

"Let's talk properly, please," July pleadingly said, with those convincing stares.

Oh, how I missed her!

"Will you kiss me again?" I bite my lip as I ask her. She nodded. I smiled broadly. "A lot?" BI said in a baby voice. My god. It was just a quick kiss, but I had already calmed down.

"A lot of kisses," she replied, as she caressed my cheek. She also smiled broadly.

"Really?" I bit my lower lip. The speed of my mood changes. I'm so thrilled. Hihihi!

She nodded again and whispered, "More than that."

I squealed. And in no time, we were in a nearby hotel.

I did not refuse anymore. Why? I miss her so much. *wink*



"THE PRESIDENT'S BRAT daughter scandal has gone viral again," said a man sitting at his coffee table near the pool. His face was covered with the newspaper he was reading. "Have you read this, Ely?" the man asked the woman standing in front of him.

"Yes," Ely replied politely.

"Well, it looks like your fiance is head over heels in love in this July Mercado. Better be in a hurry. This July might get ahead of you."

"Yes, boss," Ely replied politely again.

"I mean that, Ely. I can't wait. Get Natalia before the blue moon comes out," the man ordered Ely. Ely knows better, so she knows that if she doesn't do what the boss orders, she will get punished.

"Yes, Boss Luigi," Ely said, then bowed after the boss, who made a gesture with his hand to get out of his sight.