
Mushroom family in another world

The story is about a single mother and her two children reincarnated into another world, where they become...mushrooms Together they rebuilt the village in the countryside. Together with people in another world. But it seems that life in another world is not as simple as the mother imagined, as forces collide with each other. A mother and her children need to do more to survive in this world. Because nothing in life is beautiful and peaceful forever. It will always get dirty someday.

Hysteria_Hope · Fantasie
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131 Chs

Archdemon's banquet table

"Mae~ I'm here to play!"- Ira

That was the childish voice of the Archdemon of Wrath.

"Walking mushroom...I want to meet you" - Acedia

That was the tired voice of the Archdemon of Sloth.


Two Archdemons, two powerful entities, both came to meet the walking mushroom Mae, and also encountered each other in front of the inn.

There were many guests in the inn who did not dare to approach the reception room, because that room radiated a terrible power. Inside, it felt like babysitting, on the left was Acedia sleeping still holding Mae's arm, and on the left was Ira trying to pull Mae towards her.

Meanwhile, a butler and three maids were standing in front of the door observing their master.

'Unbelievable'- Belle thought

'Madam Mae is not afraid of Archdemons. As expected of Madam Mae' - Fifi thought

'Looks like there's nothing to worry about'- Grayce thought

'....'- Loya

After a long struggle, Mae was finally able to ask the two Archdemons.

"So, what do you two need to come to me for? There must be something very important to come here at the same time" - Mae

"Nothing very important" - Ira

"Actually, there was only a one-off meeting between the Archdemons" - Acedia

"Isn't the meeting very important?" - Mae

Looking at the two girls looking very bored when talking about the meeting, is the meeting not worth paying attention to?

"Important is important. Every time we go there, we don't even look at each other once, and occasionally someone starts a fight with each other" - Ira

"Typical...it's you, Ira"- Acedia

"What did you say?!"- Ira

Magic burst out from Ira and she glared at Acedia. She seemed unharmed but yawned to show her disdain for Ira. Making the Archdemon of Wrath even angrier. The pressure was so great that it shook everything around, it seemed like this inn was about to be destroyed.

Suddenly, something entered Ira's mouth. When she tried to chew it, it was crunchy and sweet. Looking down, she saw Mae holding a plate of cookies.

"So delicious, what kind of delicious cake is that?!" - Ira

"It's a cookie" - Mae

If children show signs of being upset with each other, just give them sweets, because sweets can calm their anger. That's according to Mae's knowledge.

"But this meeting is different from any other time" - Acedia

"Why?"- Mae

"Because there will be two new Archdemons sitting in the two vacant positions of the throne" - Acedia

Hearing that made the atmosphere in the room quiet. Mae looked around not understanding what was going on. Looking at the servants' expressions, she realized that this was a quite serious matter.

"There are two people who come out of nowhere, challenging to sit on the remaining two thrones. They are very arrogant, but I like people like that" - Ira

"Those two people, do they have any characteristics? Like appearance or magic?" - Mae

"Hmm" - Ira frowned thinking

"Idiot...let me explain" - Acedia

According to Acedia's description, it was a man and a woman.

The man is tall and has the aura of a strong man. He can attract many powerful forces under his command. Rumor has it that thanks to his verbal curse, he can manipulate the emperor. family. He is known by the name, Gula.

And the woman has a very good-looking appearance that exudes an aura that makes everyone kneel and be jealous, her magic can control others easily, with the name, Invi.

In just a short time, they have conquered many achievements that took a long time to achieve. Even the "Disasters" were wiped out without taking much time.

Just like that, their power grew stronger and stronger, until signs of sublimation appeared, which reached the ears of other Archdemons. Because this phenomenon has not happened for a long time.


The story begins in a place, a place where the Archdemons meet together every half a year. Because according to the rules, Archdemons must use their true form instead of their normal form.

Those two people were invited to the meeting, and the Archdemons thought they were just a bunch of small fry who wanted to prove themselves to be worthy of the throne. But when the door opened, they felt a stream of power accompanied by terrible pressure, something they had never seen before.

One had the shape of a devil with bat wings and huge horns, and the other had the shape of a sea dragon with glowing tendrils on its head.

The pressure was so great that it urged the Archdemons to stop those two people from doing anything rash. Ira was the most extravagant person, so she fought those two people first.

But in the end she was beaten to a pulp. It got to the point where she couldn't lift herself up anymore.

'No way…how could they defeat me? What kind of magic is this?'- Archdemon of Wrath

"Ah, it seems like there was something wrong" - Invi

"That's right, is the Archdemon that weak? Completely inferior to my imagination" - Gula

They despised the other Archdemons to the point that they didn't consider the ones here to be anything compared to insects. However, they have no interest in the other two thrones, they all pursue their own ideals.

"Don't be stubborn, what do you think you are..." - Archdemon of Lust


A sound so strong that it shattered the nearby stone pillar, the water whip from Invi's hand sprouted more water spikes.

"Oh, it seems I missed the mouse, right? This time I won't miss again" - Invi

When Invi swung her water whip high to hit the Archdemon of Lust, large hands immediately stopped her before the water whip could hit her.

"Do not use violence in meetings, that is the rule" - Archdemon of Greed

"Rules? Sorry, it's our first time here and we don't know what the rules are?"- Gula

The other two brazenly stood next to two empty thrones while the other Archdemons could only watch and do nothing.

"It's decided. We will take over these two thrones"- Gula

"What?"- Archdemon of Pride

"Do you know what you're saying?!" - Archdemon of Greed

"Of course we know. That's why we said that" - Invi

They looked straight at the Archdemons and swore.

"Anyone who gets in our way is just a lifeless corpse at our feet. In any case, the corpses form paving stones so we can continue on our ideal path."


After hearing the story, everyone had chills down their spines. Mae did not expect there to be two people so cruel. How can they so calmly say that they use a dead body as a stepping stone? Such an action is no different from cold-blooded people.

"So what did everyone do? I mean the Archdemons"- Mae

"Tsk, of course we have to keep this a secret. If this reaches the Magus, it will be a big problem" - Ira

"Magus?"- Mae

"They are just like us but they are Ancient Magi. Completely opposite of us but much more troublesome" - Acedia

"Anyway, things have calmed down for the time being. We agreed that we would give them the title of Archdemon. In return, they would use their power to solve the problems that "Disasters" caused. so" - Ira

Even though they said that, it still made Mae a bit worried about this. Even though she didn't want to interfere in the affairs of the Supreme Beings, she felt like something was pushing her to do something. .

That night, Mae stays in the closet because she can't sleep.

"Archdemon of Gluttony...Archdemon of Envy...unexpectedly could fill all the seven deadly sins"- Mae

Mae had read legends about the seven deadly sins of humanity in her previous life, they were very powerful and cursed demons. But it seems that the Archdemons here are a bit strange, or rather a bit different from the original, Ira and Acedia are the two Archdemons she came into contact with. They were like children every time they came to see her.

She hadn't had a chance to meet the Archdemon of Lust and Pride yet, but she knew it wouldn't be long now. She will encounter one of the two remaining Archdemons.

Looks like she forgot someone else. That's right, the Archdemon of Greed, although he didn't meet him directly, the events that night happened. She only saw a blurry silhouette, the standout feature being those cold green eyes.

Mae approached the jewelry box, she took out an emerald and then braided them into a decorative knot. After completing the product, Mae complimented herself on her skills. Remembering those green eyes staring at her.

It looks very melancholy and sad. Wondering what kind of person the Archdemon of Greed is?

The noise caught Mae's attention. She turned around and smiled slightly. The dragon egg her daughter gave her as a gift showed signs of moving. Every day she regularly infuses it with magic so that it can develop. Dragon eggs can be incubated by always infusing them with their own magic so that when they hatch, they will recognize their owner.

After transferring magic power, Mae hugged the egg to feel the life growing inside.

"Hatch the eggs quickly, I look forward to meeting you" - Mae


Mae was walking in an unknown space, she didn't know where she was, what caught her attention was a glowing lizard making the sobbing sounds of a child. She came closer and gently picked up the lizard.

"Why are you crying?"- Mae

"Hic...you're...a walking mushroom?"

"That's right, my name is Mae, why are you in a place like this?"- Mae

"Because I am weak...because of my weakness, I was thrown away by my kind...They say that a weak creature like me should not have been born. That would disgrace all of my kind."

Mae understood now.

It turns out that this problem, Mae has encountered many cases of this discrimination, and it is really silly and stupid. It is true that no matter what era, racism can never disappear. Because it has existed since the beginning of time, it is a disease that destroys countless people because they are not perfect in the eyes of others.

This child is so small, being hurt by those words is truly pitiful.

"How about you come and live with me? Currently I'm the village chief of a small village. If you don't mind, you can come and live there" - Mae

"Living with you? But I'm weak, so how can I..."

"Weak or not, it doesn't matter. What's important is your own life, stop listening to the gossip of those childish people. Because they're not worth your concern" - Mae

"You're...really...kind. You're not like those people, wouldn't you feel troublesome letting someone like me live with you?"

"There's no such thing. Everyone in the village is good people, they don't care" - Mae

Hearing that, the lizard jumped up and down for joy.

"It's so nice, thank you. Thank you so much! I will never forget this kindness of yours!"

The lizard began to float in the air, its body glowing even brighter, blinding Mae. It appeared as a giant dragon. Although she couldn't tell what it looked like, Mae could feel how great the magic power was.