
Mushoku Tensei: A Beast Girl's New Journey

This is the story of three girls who came back from an anime convention, went to sleep and woke up as dog beast girls in another world. Each of them was saved by young magician boy and they all serve allegiance to him as the story progresses. Note: The covers of my book were not mine.

Good_Doggo2001 · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

New Destinations Beyond the Forest

[Ceobe POV]

A few hours have passed ever since we cross the Holy Sword Highway, the horse carriage we were using finally left the Great Forest and entered a new area.

The area we encountered is a series of mountain range with a huge vertical gap carved through the middle, which is where the road continues.

"Wow, this place looks amazing~" I said in astonishment as my eyes wonder through the crevice of the mountain range.

"This is place is called the Blue Dragon Mountain range, little missy. The gap itself is the result of the Saint Milis story I told you guys earlier" mister Geese explains.

However, hearing the name of the place, I panicked and became cautious of the surrounding.

"Wait, does this mean there are actual dragons living within these mountains?!" I anxiously asked.

"Relax, Ceobe. Blue dragons don't stay in the mountains quite often. They mostly fly around somewhere else and only came here to lay their eggs and raise their younglings" Rudeus explains more about the area, which reassures me.

I took a sigh of relief that we are not dealing with dangerous dragons. I mean they were already scary in fantasy games and movies but seeing one in real life would be a bit overwhelming.

"Hmph, you shouldn't be afraid by some dragons, Ceobe. " Eris said, inserting herself in the conversation.

"But why though? How could you not be afraid of something quite huge and deadly?" I inquired, wanting to know why she said that. She ponders for a second and then explains.

"Because if you show fear, they will see you as a weak individual and an easy picking"

I see now, that would make a lot of sense. Oh well, I keep her word in mind, just in case I face a dragon someday.

"I'll keep that in mind, Eris"

"Good, I'm glad you understand"

As that conversation was concluded, we continue our way across the huge gap of the mountain range and move on to our next destination.


Once the carriage left the mountain range, we were greeted by a vast and luscious grass field. The atmosphere of the area is so peaceful and calm that I can feel the cool breeze blowing pass us.

I peek my head on the entrance to smell the pure clean air and admire the beautiful scenery on the distance. I can spot a bunch of flower patches and some few trees scattered all over field.

We then came across a shallow stream and mister Geese suggested us to take a break for a while. Everyone agreed to his suggestion and each of us rest near the stream.

When I was finding a spot to rest, I saw mister Geese who chilling in front of a rock. So, I decided to sit next to him and enjoy the environment together.

"So, little missy, what do you think of the destinations we cross so far?" mister Geese suddenly asked me, wanting to know my opinion about the travel. I ponder for a while and then I gave him an answer.

"I will say it is quite refreshing and wonderful"

"I'm glad to hear that, little missy" he said in satisfaction while nodding understandingly.

After that interaction, we continue to relax on the rock and watch the beauty of the environment. I then spotted Eris and Rudeus were doing something on the stream.

"Gotcha! Look Rudeus, I caught a fish"

"Nice catch"

It turns out that Eris was catching a fish with her own barehand and she shows it to Rudeus. He was quite impressed of her until the fish itself tried to struggle and eventually it slips away from Eris's grip.

"Dammit, it got away"

"It's okay. Just try again next time"

Rudeus tries to comfort Eris after the fish got away and because of that, I got myself a good idea. I quickly stand up and run towards the horse carriage in order to get my spear. Then I run back to the stream and spoke to Eris.

"Hey Eris, you should try using a spear to catch fish" I loudly suggested to Eris, which she looks at me in confusion and asked.

"Huh? Why would I use a weapon to do that?"

"Actually, a spear isn't just as a weapon, but it is also a tool for hunting and fishing" Rudeus explained, which baffles Eris.

"What? Really? Hey Ceobe, show me"

I nodded at her request and proceeded go to the water to demonstrate how to fish with a spear. I first pointed the tip of the spear to the water and aim for any nearby fish.

Once I found my target, I wind back my spear and throw it downward. I then pull the spear back and I luckily caught a decent-sized fish.

"Tada~ I caught one" I cheerfully said as I showed Eris and Rudeus the fish I caught with my spear. Both of them applaud me, which I appreciate.


Eris then becomes thrilled by my demonstration that she decided to do it as well.

However, Rudeus then told her that she needs a spear to participate, which troubles her and demanded him to make one. Tired of Eris's demands, Rudeus looked at me and ask me for help.

"Psst, Ceobe. Can you make us a spear?" he whispers.

Upon hearing his request, I immediately know what to do and gave him a thumbs up. I quickly return to the carriage and grab my axe. Then I went towards the nearest tree to chop two sturdy branches. After that, I use my knife to remove smaller branches and sharpen the tip.

After I made the spears, I return to the stream and gave one each to Eris and Rudeus. They receive the spears and proceed to catch fish with it. Ruijerd also joins the activity and catch his own fish using his trident spear.

"Hey, mister Geese. Do you want to join spearfishing with us?" I asked, but he shake his head.

"Nah, I'm good. But I can cook those fishes if you want"

"Really? That's awesome"

After hearing mister Geese's proposal, we all get busy to catch while he prepares the campfire. We then gave the fishes to him after we caught enough for everyone and he proceeds to cook them on the fire. Everyone then eats the cooked fishes and we seem to enjoy the savory taste of the food.

I then asked mister Geese how did he make the fish's delicious taste and he told me that he uses seasonings that he picked up from nearby shrubs. I nodded understandingly after hearing his explanation and we continue eating our meal.

Once everyone is done eating, we continue our journey forward and move on to the next area. As the horse carriage travels through the fields, we eventually spotted a huge town on the distance.

From the looks of it, the town is quite round with water enveloping the middle and several towers protruding on the edge of the circle.

The color of the town is pure white mixed with the blue color of the water and roofs of every building.

"There it is. Millishion, the capital of the Holy Milis Kingdom" mister Geese announced.


[Third POV]

Meanwhile, somewhere in a certain alleyway, a young beast girl can be found lying down unconscious.

She has long black hair, and fluffy dog ears and tail. She is also wearing an oversized clothing that unsuitable for a kid

No one knew where she came from and how she ends up like that. However, the only thing that is certain was her quiet mumbling.

"Urgh, I'm so hungry"

New character?

Good_Doggo2001creators' thoughts