

Large numbers of monsters come out the gate which is the boundary of the world. After many sacrifices, People won the fight against monsters through their awakening. Jin Taekyung is alive as an 'F class hunter' which is the lowest level. After Jin has a hard time, he gets an old capsule then he goes into the capsule that is the martial heroes' world. And the game system gives him special abilities, he starts growing up to become the best martial hero. NOTE: I am saving this story here to read it later ... I am not the author.. just translating this story because none did.. it's an awesome story. enjoy everyone.

An_ALPHA_Slayer · Fantasie
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25 Chs

Chapter 11

Hugh Hooung-

The tip of the spear passes through dozens of dots that sparkle in the air.

At the end of one movement, the red thread hanging under the window

blade shook. It wasn't just attached to it, it was used to distract the enemy's



Once again I heard the sound of the wind breaking. Seven herbivorous

foods that make up [Jingachangbeop]. The last of them is Cheon Gwan-il


And this time, Cheon Gwan-il was more accurate and more powerful than

the ninety-nine successful Cheon Gwan-il.

'This is it.'

My fingertips are thrilling. The seven herbivores of Jingachangbeop are

destructive enough to be cut off and unfolded, but when they are

connected, the true effect is revealed.

Compared to auto racing, one second type starts. It can be said that the last

Cheon Gwan-il was the goal.


It was the moment when I erected the spear right away while exhaling a hot




Number of successes remaining (1../ 100)


You have learned [Jingachang].


Related stats increase as a result of repeated training!

Strength, stamina, and agility increased by 1 each.

"Five. Stats rise."

You can also increase your stats in this way. I was curious and opened the

status window.


[Lv.11 Jin Tae-kyung]

Occupation: Second-rate nothing?!.

Reputation: W.

Title: 3 (with title effect applied) Muscle Strength: 41 Health: 51 Agility: 51

Intellect: 10 Charm: 10 Spirit: 10 years Remaining Points: 0


Highborne Scion (All Stats +5, Reputation +50)


Family shame (all stats -5, reputation -50)


Beginner Trainee (Training Speed +10%) If this is enough... … .

"It's a great second-class raspberry."

But it is better than reality. Because it can go up even further. Since the day

I awakened to F-class, I can't feel the limits I felt every day and the glass

ceiling covered by society.

"Then what are you doing? I can't even log out at will."

I sighed and fell to the floor. After training without rest for several hours,

my body is as heavy as wet cotton.

"Oh, it's difficult."


You feel fatigue and hunger.

Eat food to get your body back. I think so.

"Fatigue and hunger."

The only answer is rest. Eat well and sleep well. However, it's a waste of

time to relax while gently scratching your stomach.

In this case, if there is even one recovery item... … .

"Oh right. Byeokkudan."

I pulled out the wall break that I had in my inventory. It smells strange, but

if you cover cold rice and hot rice, you are not a pro hunter.

I opened my mouth wide and took a bite into the wall.

And thought.

Should I just spit it out?'

Not tasteless. It tastes like a tongue screaming for salvation and a

gastrointestinal screaming sign.

But humans sometimes exercise superhuman will. I closed my eyes tightly

and chewed and swallowed all the bites.


"Wow. ate. I really ate it."

If the system notification didn't go off at the next moment, it would have

been around for a while.



I ingested [Excellent Bulgokdan].


You feel full.


Fatigue is restored.


All stats increase by 2 over an hour.

When I opened the status window in a hurry, all stats except for

aerodynamics were raised by 2. In addition, fatigue and hunger recovery. I

muttered, feeling refreshed and full.

"I'm completely buying it?"

I think there's such a great effect on nasty grains. No, wait a minute.

"Is this a duplicate effect?"

I ate only one, but the total rose by 10 points. What if you eat two, three, or


'I should eat goblin shit.'

Goblin poop seems to be more delicious... … It is definitely worth trying.

'can do. can do. Jin Tae-kyung.'

With my trembling hand, I picked up the second wall.

And after a while.


I ingested [Excellent Bulgokdan].


The effect does not overlap.


You feel overly satisfied.


[Overeating] slows your movement for an hour!

I knelt with system notifications.


I was able to start training again only after my stomach, which was full of

[overeating], was barely gone. I spent three days in the Suryyeon-dong. In

the meantime, you have to develop your strength as much as possible and

go out.


With a short spirit, the spear blade drew a heavy trajectory.

'The posture is low, the feet are heavy, the spear is fast.'

Jingachangbeop is aggressive. It constantly presses the enemy and proceeds.

The trajectory of the window is simple but fatal.

'Did you say it was derived from the military?'

I don't know how the game is set up, but it doesn't seem like a single soldier

can learn. This is because the color is first-class, and requires considerable

physical ability to unfold. I think it was the martial arts that the elite soldiers

or commanders learned.

'Comparing to what I learned during the Hunter Training Center, it's a


That was when I thought about it. Whether it was exhaustion of stamina, or

because of misconceptions, my feet were twisted. My feet are twisted, so my

hands are scattered. The heavy spear blade lost momentum and broke the



The system rang at the same time.

-Proficiency of [Jingachangbeop] increases by 1. (6 / 100)

"Only 1?"

As before, every time you unfold the martial arts from start to finish, your

skill level increases.

The level of proficiency gained according to the system's judgment was also

different, but this time, the feet were often twisted and 1 was all that was


"How can I get worse?"

After learning, the third Jingachang method was getting worse and worse.

The first level of proficiency obtained is 3. The second is 2.

The third is now 1.

"Three, two, one. It's not counting, what is it?"

The fourth is the momentum to not give 1 degree of skill at all. I took the

spear again with a sigh. I felt my breathing gradually running, but I did it


And by the time he unfolded the 4 herb diet, he lost his balance and fell.


-You did not get the skill level of [Jingachangbeop]. (6 / 100)

"I will turn."

Lying down as it was, I looked at the ceiling of the Suryun-dong where

stalactites were suspended.

My feet keep twisting. I did what I learned, but why the hell? Even when I

learned this, there was no such thing.

"what is the problem?"

There is a part that keeps chin and hangs. You have to figure it out.

I woke up like a little bit and practiced the jingachang method again, and

this time I fell after 3 seconds.

-You did not get the skill level of [Jingachangbeop]. (6 / 100) If you focus

on the feet, not the window, the problem will be blurred. Okay, one more



[I did not get the mastery of Jingachangbeop. (6 / 100) Now I know. By the

way… … .

"Why does the true gabo method pop out here? ,,I had a hard time

when I first cooked it. Because I only stepped on my foot for the whole day.

But is it enough to mix it up without knowing when you're singing, if you

ask, it's not

'That's why I mixed all the moves I learned for 7 years.'

I also learned spear technique. When you enter the Hunter Training Center,

you basically learn, but since it was spread to F-class who cannot use mana,

we called it spearhead spearmanship.

Compared to that, Jingachangbeop is for intermediate hunters.

"Shall I try it?"

When I think about it with my hair wrapped, only circular hair loss occurs.

Skills can only be known by hitting the body.

I slowly began to practice true singing. And the lower body unfolded the

true gait.

'The motion is unnatural.'

It keeps slipping. But it is different.

If the threads had been entangled up until now, this time it feels like the cog

wheels are slightly deviating. How many times have you tried that?

Shhh- Fang!

Simple stab action. I thought that the last seventh herbivore was unfolded

without my knowledge, but it is a movement of the five herbivorous diet.

"What is it just?"

My back was stinging. For an instant, it was the result of the perfect

interlocking of walking and singing. The spear in my hand trembled.

-You did not get the skill level of [Jingachangbeop]. (6 / 100) Now, system

notifications go to that corner, and the window is tightly rolled back. I

stepped out, recalling the feelings a while ago. And once again.

Shish- Shish-

This is it. I felt the moment I stretched out the window.

Stepping and singing. These two cogwheels mesh exactly.

He rolled two cogs and rolled again in unspeakable pleasure. His steps,

piercing, cutting, and swinging spear blades were fast, accurate and strong.

Danjeon is hot. Aerodynamics became a fireball and permeated the window.

I had to vomit. just now!


Cheon Kwan-il. The final blow of the Jingachangbeop, said to penetrate the

sky, spread out.

A terrible roar broke out.


Dust rises and stones scatter in all directions. The window in the wall of the

training hall trembled. A large hole was created around a spear blade that

was embedded deep and invisible.

hole? no. This is a crater.

It's a breathtaking sight.

"Huh, huh… …

My back was creepy with pleasure. Fuck, it's me. I did it!

I can do such a crazy blow that even a troll can end in one shot... !



I screamed to go away, and I have to take an authentication photo. Jinho

hyung, who was teasing me as a rice bug, needs to be made flat.

'Oh, here. It was a game.'

The front of my eyes is blurry. The body loses strength. Unbearable

drowsiness came and hit me.


I stopped thinking and left my body to instinct. The sound I heard a lot from

somewhere gets farther away.

Tiring. Tiring. Tiring.


All of your energy is exhausted.


I feel extremely tired.


You have achieved the achievement, [Mulah All]. Reward is given!


I realized the linkage of martial arts by myself. As a reward, the level of

martial arts is greatly increased.


The state of the [true simplicity]'


The state of the [true family]…


[Jingachangbeop] of... … .


Level up!


Level up!

-Sleep mode has ended.

I opened my eyes. You can see the ceiling of the cave with stalactites


'Study building.'

How fainted he was. Half a day? Or a day?

I do not know. What's important is that I'm still playing games and I've had

enough rest.

'He is in excellent condition.'

I am in a strangely good shape.

It seems to me that I heard the system notification just before I passed out.

"The message window opens."

The next moment, unconfirmed messages obscured my view. When I read

the message and organized my thoughts, a dozen minutes passed by. I

muttered a brief testimony.

"It's great."

Jingabobeop and Changbeop jumped a whopping two steps to 3 stars, and

the Jingasimbeop rose to 2 stars. In addition to that... … .

"You have risen 2 levels?"

It is joyful and stupid. In fact, I hardly expected to be able to raise the level

in the training hall.

"Isn't it that you usually have to break quests or catch monsters to climb?"

Learning martial arts and gaining any enlightenment as it is now will lead

to level-up. Is it because the game genre is martial arts? Certainly I can't tell.

"Oh, somehow I felt light."

It seems that the body has recovered through the level-up effect. All the

bruises and slight pain that remained before leveling up were all clear.

"Open status window."

There was also a change in the status window. As he climbed to level 13, he

gained 20 remaining points, and his strength, stamina, and agility were

slightly increased due to the training.

"It's 13th level."

The conditions for completing the quest are at the top level, level 30, and

reputation 500.

It's not fast, but just by training, you're steadily raising your level, so you're


'If you only go out to the training building, you will sail and go straight


I laughed happily and distributed the points.

Now, only the confirmation of the rewards received while achieving the

achievements of [Mul-A-One] remains.

"Inventory open."

-There is 1 new item.

Would you like to confirm?

Uh, give it to me.

I will try my best to correct any mistake

and sorry for late upload

An_ALPHA_Slayercreators' thoughts