13 Chapter 13

"I don't get what you are saying," Gintoki said as he yawned.

"Gin, don't act dumb," Tanaka said.

"I don't know what you are saying, what you are saying is clearly impossible," Gin said.

"Even if I said that there is a chance that you will meet your master again?" Tanaka asked.

Gin froze as he heard his Master, Tanaka ignored him and looked at the Strawhat pirates, "Do you ladies and gentlemen have any more questions?" Tanaka asked.

"I heard you said you know everything about us?" Robin asked.

"Yes Robin, that includes your mother and the history of Ohara, that includes you Sanji," Tanaka said with a smile.

Sanji didn't say anything and just lowered his head, he only lit another cigarette, but from his expression, he was hiding something.

"What about Sanji?" Luffy asked.

"Even if I told you Luffy, you don't want to know it, right?" Tanaka said.

"That's true," Luffy replied.

"Anyways, if you have any questions feel free to ask me," Tanaka said with a smile.

"Then I would like to ask something," Brook who was silent for a while raised his hand.

"What is it?"

"What is Nami-san's panty color today?" Brook asked.

"Shut up!"


A punch arrived in a flash on Brook's face, he was sent flying and crashed on the nearby wall, there was no damage or a scratch to the wall.

The system seemed to have enhanced the whole place making everything on this place indestructible, that also includes Tanaka.

Nami turned her head towards Tanaka, 'You won't say any unnecessary things right?" Nami asked in a menacing tone.

Tanaka raised his hands indicating he won't tell and he won't dare, Nami glared at him for a few moments before sitting back, "So, did I get very rich in the future?" Nami asked.

Tanaka sweatdropped and didn't know what to answer, just then the door opened which can be considered his life saver, and surprisingly it was Ace, "Ace!" Luffy became happy and jumped towards him.

"Oh, Luffy," Ace ruffled Luffy's hat.

"Welcome back," Tanaka said.

"Yeah," Ace replied.

"So how was it? Did you change the future? or you let it be?" Tanaka asked.

Luffy also got curious and looked at him, the strawhat pirates didn't say anything as they were shocked to see Ace alive in front of them, they heard the explanation earlier that this place is connected to many different timelines which is hard to believe but seeing it with their eyes is something that cleared their doubts.

Ace looked at Tanaka and nodded, "Yeah, I don't want to make my little brother sad after all," Ace said as he looked at Luffy, he then noticed the people in front of Tanaka.

"Well, if it isn't your crew, thanks for taking care of Luffy," Ace said.

"N-no problem," they replied.

"Let's eat today, it's my treat," Ace said, then marched towards the restaurant counter, "Tanaka serve us good food today, I want to taste the other dishes on your menu," Ace said.

"You're going to order all of it?" Tanaka asked.

"No, your food is extremely expensive, so just give one for each of us, also our new friends, nice to meet you, I'm Ace," he introduced himself.

"Sakata Gintoki,"



"Nice meeting you," Ace said.

"Alright, shall I get the most expensive ones?" Tanaka asked.

"Yeah! as long as it's delicious," Ace said.

"No problem," Tanaka went towards the kitchen, Sanji got interested in Tanaka's cooking, Luffy once praised his cooking and so he came here intrigued on how good Tanaka is, but he was still shocked that Tanaka knew about his family.

"This place is really cozy, I really want to bring pops here but with his size he won't be able to enter this place," Ace said.

"Everyone can enter this place, even if you put a titan on this place he will shrink into normal human size," Tanaka's voice came from the kitchen.

"Really? that's great I will bring him here next time," Ace said.

Just then Tanaka peeked out from the kitchen, "Isn't Newgate sick, make him come here. I will treat him, for a good prize of course," Tanaka said with a money sign on his hands.

"R-really? Can you cure pops Tanaka?" Ace was surprised and became eager.

"Yeah, I received a medicine yesterday, just bring him here and we will cure him, but it's expensive," Tanaka said.

"Forget about money, Whitebeard pirates don't lack that, even if we sell all of our ships we are okay with it as long as Pops get cured," Ace said.

"Then bring him here if you have the chance," Tanaka said with a smile then continued cooking.

"I-I will bring him now, I will be back," Ace immediately ran off.

"Okay," Tanaka said.

"Newgate? you mean WhiteBeard will come here!?" Gin started to panic, he was secretly a fan of whitebeard after all.

"Goku also came here," Tanaka added.

"What the f*ck!" Gin yelled.

"Tanaka! how can pops go in at the small door?" Ace came in and asked.

"The door is stretchable so you can just stretch it out," Tanaka replied, he had already more or less known some functions of the shop, some were still hidden but if he asked, the system would answer but there are still some functions that were still locked.

"O-okay," Ace felt it was strange, he then went out again and at the other side, an abnormally large man was waiting for him, he was well- proportioned, he had a long face, ploughed because of advanced age with many wrinkles around his eyes, many scars running along his chest and was very muscular.

"How is it Ace?" Whitebeard asked.

"Pops, can you stretch this door?" Ace asked.

"Stretch?" Whitebeard was confused.

"Yes, the owner said the door is stretchable," Ace said.

"Then I will try," Whitebeard said, then grabbed the top corner of the door and stretched it, his arms bulged with him using his strength but to his surprise, the door easily stretched up and the door also got bigger and bigger until it was taller than him.

It was now big enough to let him go in, "Interesting," Whitebeard commented as he looked at the door, he tried to look inside but some kind of screen was covering it and so he was not able to see anything.

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