
Multiverse Exploration

Our mc is just flowing through life no hope of getting out of his mediocre life until one night he is walking home when he reached his door and goes to open it. As soon as he is through the door he gets a massive head ace splitting. He drops to his knees hoping it will be over soon. He had no idea how right he was. Join us on an adventure with him I dont have a editor, I would appreciate constructive criticism I OWN NOTHING Besides MC

resistingsea · Andere
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44 Chs


Heading in a meeting room i am sitting there thinking how it would be good to get the hell out of here. Also confused on why i was a No name did they disown their own fucking child.. I am speechless i swear they better have been dosed up the gills in loyalty potions and mind fucked harder than a two dollar lot lizard. As i wonder how the fuck you could abandon your own child I did not notice the three goblins arguing amongst themselves. As i come back from the rage educed haze. I look around and see the three goblins "Hello account managers" I see them look me over.

"Young Wizard so you are the one from house Le Fey, well we shall see" He says reaching over and grabbing a small box and sliding it over. Reaching over and opening it I look it over. It is a sliver band with the head of a crow in the middle with one red line going strait up and down. I slide the ring over my finger. I feel like i am being judged It tried to read past a few weeks ago and gets pressed back it pressed more and more but in the end It settled down. " I am Sharptooth Le Fey account manager"

i look over the Le Fey manager he seems happy "Finally we can open the vault again, do you know how much it distresses managers to watch a vault collect dust Young Heir?" He seemed relieved very much so. I just nod and look over the other two in the room "So what is the next step?" They look at each other and one pressed forward a small box, I reach forward and grab the box. I open and look over the box and slide the ring on the snake on the ring looks up at me ~Are you the descendent of Slytherin?~ I look back debating on what to say ~No I destroyed his body~ the snake seemed to judge me and bite my hand. I feel something going through my veins. ~If you live, you are worthy~ the snake stilled again. I just feel a little sick but besides that my constitution fights it off. "I am BloodAxe Slytherin account manager." said the middle goblin.

. I feel better instantly and I look over at the gathered goblin's they seem pensive about seeing me just shake off the bite but the just shrug "Well the last one?" That snaps them out of their stupor they look at the last goblin he pulled out another small box grabbing it and looking over the ring with Grims on either side of the ring, I slide the ring on and feel a prick on my finger. After nothing happens to me the last goblin looks at me "I am Sharpblood account manager"

All of the goblins seem happy " Well young Heir we would like to inform you about the Last of line act when you turn Eleven you can take the up the mantel of head of house for House of Slytherin and Le Fey but house Black still has a head of house one Sirius Orion Black but he is in Azkaban prison." I nod wondering if he is really responsible or not. Ill figure it out later.

I look over at them "Do you invest into the stock market?" They all nod I can only smile at that "Can i have pen and paper?" They comply and had over some so i make a list of all of the investments on the stock market i want to be completed in the near future and in the future. The goblins look over the names with a raised eye brows. "Don't ask I will not answer."

Can you tell me why I was disowned?" The goblins look at each other. "All we heard from the potters is that you were a squib so they decided to say you died on the night of You-know-whos' death." I laugh at the last part. "What seems to be funny?" I look at each of them in the eye. "Who said Voldemort is dead?" They still just staring at me. "Are you sure?" I nod "Yes now that is why i wanted to talk to your Branch manager about. How he survived." They start speaking in hushed whispers "Wait here" They scurry out of the room leaving me alone i start exploring the rings seeing if they do anything. So far from what i can tell the Le Fey Has a few houses around the world One here in England, A beach house in France, a small Villa in Italy and it also protects the mind and will vibrate when someone near is murderous of the wearer. Looking over at the Slytherin ring it is just a bunch of riddles so the old man was very weary even about his decedents sounds just like everything i have read about him. Looking over the Black ring It shows me the property's around the world from 12 Grimmauld place to the Black islands in the Bermuda triangle sounds like exactly where i want to go.

A/N; hope you enjoyed the chapter thanks for reading.