
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

Great harvest

"Oh! Even though the lilies you want are rare, I know a place where you can get them. However, each lily will cost you about five dollars, and that's quite expensive for a single flower."

David found it strange why Li Xian wanted those lilies, but he recalled a place where they could be bought and informed him, glancing at the container with lilies in Li Xian's hands.

"Hm? We can buy these? Five dollars for a lily is truly an exorbitant price."

Li Xian instantly felt his spirits lift. He saw the opportunity to complete his mission and couldn't help but get a bit excited. However, considering the cost, he felt a bit of pain. He quickly converted the cost of a lily to yuan.

"A lily costs 35 yuan! Damn, it's just a lily, man... it's not some rare herb like Ginseng."

Li Xian complained in his head.

"Yeah! They are indeed costly. That's why no locals buy them from there, except for some people in urgent need or some foreigners who want to collect them for their return trip. Even then, they'll only take a few..."

David explained, looking at the container in Li Xian's hands, as if to say that even though you're a foreigner here, you've already collected enough, you know?

"Ah! I'm not collecting them for another reason. If you can, please take me there in the morning? I need them a bit urgently."

Not knowing how to explain, Li Xian simply asked David if he could take him there. He was ready to pay, as long as it helped with his mission. Money would come and go, but this new ability might not come again if he missed it.

"Alright! We will go there at 10 am, if that's alright. We need to get enough rest tonight, as it's already late."

David agreed, even though he didn't get any information from Li Xian about why he wanted these flowers.

"Sure! Thanks for the help."

Li Xian checked his mobile, and the mission would be completed by 2:30 pm today. So, he still had sufficient time to finish it, even if they went at 10 am.

By the time they reached the hotel, it was already 3 pm. Today, the chat group was completely silent, as if everyone was too busy to even message. None of them shared their practice experiences either.

"Okay, Mr. Li, please have a good sleep. I will take you there tomorrow morning. Good night!"

David said as they went inside, before heading to the second floor, where the siblings slept.

Li Xian set his alarm for 9 am before going to sleep. He didn't have any thoughts, nor was he willing to think, as he was extremely tired from the day. He didn't even want to check his stats or gains for the day. He slid into sleep within a matter of minutes.

'beep' 'beep'

Li Xian lazily stopped his alarm before waking up dizzily. He stretched himself a bit, freshened up, and went down for breakfast.

He went directly into the kitchen area and saw Olivia busying herself with food preparation. A middle-aged couple was already having their breakfast there.

Surprised by his appearance, the couple looked at him curiously. Li Xian gave them a polite smile, and they reciprocated with a kind smile.

"Little brother, if you don't mind, you can join us."

The middle-aged lady, her tone slightly tinged with sarcasm, invited Li Xian to join them, as the only other table was filled with vegetables, flour, and etc.

As soon as Olivia heard the woman's voice, she turned back, saw Li Xian, and then picked up the food, making her way towards them with a forced smile on her face.

"Mr. Li! Please sit here, or tell me if you are uncomfortable. I can clean the other table quickly."

Olivia said as she placed the dishes on the table, while the middle-aged man arranged the table.

"It's alright, Miss Olivia. I will join these two."

Li Xian said, feeling the sarcasm from the middle-aged lady. He gave a polite smile to the couple as he sat in front of them.

Olivia also removed her gloves and sat beside them.

"This is my aunt and uncle, who are my closest relatives."

Olivia introduced the couple, surprising Li Xian a bit. He thought that both of them were like him, staying as residents.

Li Xian gave a polite smile after his surprise faded away, with an acknowledging nod. He didn't talk much, not because he is introverted or something. It's just that he felt that talking in English was more exhausting than walking for 10 kilometers.

"Ah! This little brother. Even though we are her relatives, we are also residents here. And most importantly, we are also paying as much as you are paying... still, someone is saying that we are relatives."

The middle-aged woman said in a sarcastic manner, while the uncle coughed with embarrassment.

Olivia, on the other hand, didn't even flinch, keeping her smile as if saying that business is business, relationship is relationship.

"Ah! I didn't see David?"

Seeing that the aunt and niece were about to start a banter, Li Xian interrupted, as he couldn't wait to finish his mission.

"Oh! He slept a bit late last night due to your situation. He is already up and getting ready now. He said that he wants to take you somewhere. It's interesting that my brother is quite friendly to you."

Olivia said, as her brother, even though he looks quite punk, is actually quite introverted.

"Really? That's surprising."

The middle-aged man commented, as he always felt that David didn't have many friends.

"What's surprising? It's a good thing. Hope, this little brother didn't find it bothering."

The lady chided her husband, making him smile wryly.

"Oh! I find that David is a good person. I don't mind it at all, and he is also helping me. It should be me that is actually bothering him."

Li Xian said with much difficulty, as he felt that framing so many sentences was hard.

"Mr. Li! You woke up earlier than me? Let's go. I will take you there now."

Just as they were talking, David entered the room and saw Li Xian already up and said.

"David! There is no rush. First have breakfast, then we can go."

Olivia was about to express the same sentiment, and the couple was ready to impart some life lessons to their nephew. However, Li Xian beat them to it, sensing that this young man might be a bit careless.

"Oh! Alright then. It's not far from here anyway."

David joined them, dragging a chair from another table to sit beside them. He then enjoyed his breakfast under the nagging of his aunt.

On the other hand, Olivia felt a bit happy for her brother, who didn't have many friends. She didn't know why he was friendly with Li Xian, but she could only think that it was possibly due to him being a foreigner.

Most of his classmates had bullied him during his school years, which might have influenced his current disposition.

After breakfast, Li Xian and David hurried outside without explaining their destination or plans.

None of the three remaining at the table inquired about their activities.

"Hm! Li Xian seems to be bonding well with David. What do you think about him, Olie?"

Olivia's aunt asked, instantly casting an awkward atmosphere over the table.

"What are you thinking, Aunt? Don't you know that he's a resident who just arrived a day ago? Also, once he's done with his trip, he will go back to China."

Olivia finally responded a bit exasperatedly, her face turning a bit red.

"Oh! What are you thinking, Olie? I'm not asking you about him in that way? But it looks like you have some other ideas about him, haha."

Her aunt teased, making Olivia turn even more red with embarrassment. She hurriedly finished her breakfast, glared at her aunt, and rushed away.

"Don't tease her too much!"

Olivia's uncle whispered to his wife.

"Sigh! They have been living like this for so many years. I think it's better that they have their own family now. Never mind, these things cannot be forced."

She sighed, understanding that Li Xian is truly just a stranger to them, even though she has a good impression of him. But she also grasped the complexities, even if they both are interested in each other.

Li Xian, without knowing that he's been tagged with Olivia, painfully completed a transaction. They didn't take the truck this time, as the place David took him to was just around a kilometre from his stay.

"Thanks for the business, Mr. Li! By next week, we will have some more of these lilies. If you want to do a similar transaction, just inform me beforehand, and I will keep some for you."

The shopkeeper, James, said with a happy smile on his face. He just gained a significant transaction from Li Xian, which earned him a decent sum.

"Sure, Mr. James! I do need more of these lilies. Keep at least fifty of them for me."

Li Xian said and then walked out of the shop with a pained expression. David followed behind him, carrying the flowers they had just bought.

Li Xian bought a total of thirty-five lilies. He wanted to buy more, but there was no more stock left, and the next shipment would only arrive after a week.

As soon as Li Xian finished buying lilies, his mobile gave two notifications. He didn't check them, knowing they were rewards from mission stage 1 and stage 2. He immediately felt a rush of energy washing over him, making him groan with a contented feeling.

But he immediately controlled his emotions, not wanting others to misunderstand him as the taxi uncle did before.