
Ms. Attractive and inciting CEO

Her parents died in planned accident by her uncle. They used her in every way they can. They planned to sue her so she wont take her fathers company back. They want to destroy her life making her penniless. No one knows that she is the not the same girl who was played as puppet in their hands. Five years changed her a lot. Now she is a hidden genius still acting pityfull to take revenge. She is also the young female CEO of powerful company she started three years back with her five friends who are famously known as five ghost CEO's of fast developed and profited companies. she has everything she should be proud of wealth,fame,beauty. Friends who pampers her to no extent became her family. A person who loves her endlessly is the famous and powerful CEO of the country who is admired by many girls.she is content with what she acheived. Now it is time for revenge and to take back what rightfully belongs to her. she will destroy them and shatter their hope into million peices. With a powerful backup and support of her boyfriend and family now she will rip them into peices with many twist and turns in her journey of love and revenge. ............................... Discord link https://discord.gg/3CC6KgK

Har_V · Urban
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659 Chs

The murder plan

After Jean left for dinner he couldn't control his tension for her. He knows that she is powerless if it is her family. If it isn't for them she can suppress that Jasor like a blink of her eye.

He is mentally and physically no match for her after all they defeated the elders in most of their family branches together. How can a mere subordinate control her.

She is holding a lot back just to prevent any doubt about her special identity. Though he have many reasons to make his heart feel the ease it didn't help him.

So he decided to take a ride to where Aria is staying temporarily. As Nathan is not there currently he requested Scott to accompany her so she wont feel lonely.

By the time he reached her place she is waiting for him in lawn with the cooked dishes. That are his favorite of Aria's so he chatted with her for a while in the garden eating contently as she keep on serving his plate with the food and occasionally both of them quarreled like tom and jerry.

This is the harmonious brother and sister relationship they have which is often mistaken by others.

The people who are following Scott are specially trained by Keller's and they sent the images of them to Cass.

Jasor who is invincible to others felt shivers in his body whenever he sees Scott. Even by his face he can say that he is not ordinary CEO. Though he want to maintain distance from Scott he also have to fulfill the demands of Cassandra. So he gave all the power to Cassandra and decided not to interfere.

Cass is oblivious of the reason for his disinterest in Scott so she came to conclusion that Jasor people are quite capable of managing Scott's monitoring.

As soon as she got the pics of the people chatting intimately in garden at night it felt romantic to her. Unable to bear her jealousy she called the leader of the group.


"What the hell are they doing now" she sounded angry.

"They went inside the house and due to curtains we cant see what is happening in" He answered politely.

" Inform me of his and her departure. When she is alone call me OK" he cut the call angrily.

She will not let any woman to be that close to him. She will not hesitate to kill Aria if it is needed to.

She is sitting in guests floor waiting for Jasor to sneak into Jean's room.

After all the members of family dispersed she gave him the signal to enter Jean's room. The power of that drug might have reached to its peak level.

Today Jean chapter will close and the next day she decided to end Aria's role in Scott life. Who will marry a woman if she become handicap. Whose parents will agree their son's decision to share his life with a woman who can't walk.

She called the assassins who are given to her by Jasor to use for her cause.

"Plan the accident properly in such a way that the victim should not walk never in her life" she said in her monstrous roar.

" I will send the information of the person and I want it to be done as soon as possible" she cut the call.

And gave thumbs up to the man who is about to enter Jean's room before going back to her chambers grinning ear to ear.

"She is all yours, brother Jasor" she mischievously said to the man whose eyes are darkening at sight of his kitten sleeping peacefully. "Likewise he will be yours" he closed the door and locked it from inside leaving the girl who blushed at his words.