
Chapter 3: Welcome Home:)

After a week of resting I can finally discharge, and go home but I feel lonely this past week, it's Lu Wei fault he only visited me once and that is when I regained my consciousness.

I waited and waited for him but still he didn't come, what an asshole he is!!. Lin Lin finished packing my things, then we're going out.

I really can't stop blaming him for not visiting me , he just made me wait for him for a week!! who can't be angry to that, huh?! Walking out not caring the look that every patients giving to her but she can hear the murmur of other people.

'Who is she? She look like a goddess!'

'Is she a celebrity?'

'Wow! her beauty is outstanding'

'She look so young, I can't help it but envy her'

'Hey! look at her figure isn't that perfect? I can't believe people like that exist'

'Ahhhh, I wanna date her!!'

I feel like my cheeks turn red, can't they stop complimenting me? It's so embarrassing!.

She walk straight the she didn't see that a young little boy is walking.

"Ahh!" The young boy scream. She look at the lady who bump at him and he feel like he saw an angel.

Hearing the boy that she bump into her, made her stop and stare at him. His teary eyes is looking at her. She squatted down to make their level okay.

"Hey! little boy, are you okay?" she asked making the boy blink multiple times.

"I-m o--okay" he shyly answered. That makes my heart thump, he look so adorable then suddenly my young child viewedat me.

(If he didn't die maybe he look like him now)

She said sadly and made her touch the tap the head of the young boy that makes the young boy blush more.

"It's good that you're okay, next time look when you where walking, got it?" she said gently and touch his hair.

The onlookers that surround them feels the cute interaction of the cute little boy and the beautiful woman.

'she is so nice! she is not like other pretty girls who have no manner'

'they look like mother and son'

'what a nice person she is, I kind of like her now'

'she does not only have beauty but she also have a good mannerism'

'What a lucky girl she is!'

'her boyfriend is so lucky!! ahhhh!!!

Not minding their comments about her because she was too focus to the young boy in front of him.

"Where are your parents, little boy?" She asked while still caressing his hair. She does not know that Lin Lin have been waiting for her so that they can go home.

"Don't call me little boy I'm a grown up man now, my mom is sick and I don't have a dad" the young boy answer.

That made Wei Wei feel guilty for asking.

Such a young child how come he don't have a dad, did he leave them?

"I'm sorry for asking that, but What's your name?" Being curious about him she can't stop asking more.

"I'm Li Yun ,and I'm five years old" he happily replied and he made a cute smile after that made her want to squeeze his cheeks but she stop herself.

"But beautiful sister, what is your name?" The young boy asked while staring at her gently.

"call me Big Sister Xiu" I answer to him, How lovely he is that I want to help him.

"Okay, Big Sister Xiu" he said cutely.

"I'm sorry for bumping on you earlier, I hope you will forgive me, Yunnie" I said smiling at him.

"Yunnie? I like that, Big Sister Xiu . Also I forgive you because you're so nice to me" He said sincerely while touching his head.

"Oh! Alright, I guess lets meet again next time Yunnie" I said to him, I stand and look at him again,

"Okay, lets meet again Big Sister Xiu"he said smilingly. He is really cute. I want to help him somehow though.

I start walking and he is waving at me that made me smile, then I wave back at him and then I loss sight of him.

"Madam, I thought you will get angry to him, it will makes me nervous if you did" Lin Lin said. Am I that bad in the past? that a kid makes me angry? Well, I can't blame her for thinking about that but since I'm back as new, I will be good to those nice to me and I will be bad to those gonna hurt me.

"He's so cute how can I be angry to him" I reason out but its's true.

Finally out in the Hospital and made me feel fresh, that finally I can breath the fresh air.

"By the way, This Hospital is Owned by Lu Wei, right?"

Lin Lin nodded but still confuse why her Madam ask her that.

"Madam, is there something wrong to their service? Do you want me to tell Master, and fired the Director?" Lin Lin asked like its not a big matter to just fired directly the Hospital Director, but if it is then I felt sorry to the director of this hospital.

"There's nothing wrong, is just that since Lu Wei own this does it mean I'm also the owner, right?" Then I can help Li Yun.

"You're right. Madam" hearing Madam calling Master by his name made me take my breath, Madam is really something!! Except the family of Master no one have the courage to call Master by his name. And Madam just call him that!! Madam now I'm certainly one of your fans now!!

"Then make the expenses of Li Yun's mother free" I said, Lu Wei is really wealthy having him really is something that everyone want to have. The title 'Mrs, Wang' is really outstanding.

"I will tell it to Chen Yi, Madam" Lin Lin answer though she was shock still he can't help it but to admire her Madam more.

Chen Yi is the secretary of Lu Wei , everyone call him the right hand of the Demonic King of the business world. He is handsome and I can't deny that, many girls want to sleep with him and drooling at him but for me , Lu Wei's visual is more outstanding than him. He know all of the horrible doings of Lu Wei , He know what will happen in this city, If Lu Wei snap his finger out of anger. Though its already too late but in the past I figured out that Chen Yi is the acting boss of the White Fang Scorpion Gang in the underworld and that gang is the most feared gang in the whole underworld but no one knows whose the real boss is but they call him Demon King and the underworld they call his castle.

"Okay, and if Lu Wei disagreed tell him I will runaway again" I said and walk towards the Mercedes Benz that every people staring at.

Though Lin Lin still hesitate to tell to Chen Yi the consequences if the Master Disagree but still Madam order her to do it, so she got no choice since the one she served is her Madam.

The driver got out then open the backseat for me while he greet me.

"Good morning, Miss Yang" hearing this makes me feel irritated and I feel my mood is ruined again.

When Lin Lin hear how Jacob address Madam, she feel like its going to rain of irritation. AHHH!!! how I wish I can smack the head of Jacob.

This car really speaks luxury. Looking at the driver and said.

"What's your name?" staring at him intensely made the driver feel scared.

"Jacob, Miss Yang" Hearing him call me 'Miss Yang again' makes my eyebrows frown and feel like I just made a black cloud on top of may head. And when Jacob saw and feel how the temperature turn cold, he sweat immediately and said to him self

'What did you do???'

"Call me Madam from now on" I commanded, And he nodded again and again, And ask to himself ' I thought she hated to be called that way?'

"Madam I just message Chen Yi, and he said he will tell it to Master" Lin Lin said that made her feel good.

"That's good, I think this Chen Yi is loyal to his very own Master?" I asked as if I don't really remember Chen Yi.

"Yes, Madam. Chen Yi is really loyal to Master" she said while she sat down to the front seat.

"Is that so?"

"Wake me up if we're already there" I said, then slowly I close my eyes while inside my head is the image of mt unborn child and Lu Wei.


Wang Corporation

This building is the highest of all in the whole country, and at the top resides the man whom everyone called Demonic King. Everyone feared him that just hearing his name can make them tremble in fear that's how dangerous this man is. That just a snap of his finger this whole City will be gone. But no one knows that there is a human whom he feared and that is his WIFE. Though he hate that his Wife don't want to be known that she was married to him but he got no choice so he just oblige.

Outside of his Office his secretary just received a message from the Madam Personal Maid , so he investigate something then he immediately stand up and walk towards the big door that if some outsiders don't know what's inside they will consider to think that this the way to hell and they will call it ' THE GATE OF HELL'.

He knocked.

"Come in" a chilly voice that send to you a sentence that ' come here to hell' said.

When Chen Yi walked inside he can feel that as usual the mood of his Master is terrible.

Though Chen Yi is used to it, still he can feel the effect of the atmosphere his Master letting away.

"Master, I just got received an information that the Madam got discharged and her maid told me that Madam wants the expenses of Li Yun's Mother to be free" he feel it , his Master mood became more terrible.

"Li Yun?? Who is that bastard??" though he calmly said it, still Chen Yi can feel the chills that his body taking.

"Ahmm! I investigate it and I found out that this Li Yun is a 5 years old young boy and just this morning he accidentally bump into Madam and then Madam grew a liking to this Young Boy, Master" Of course, Chen Yi knows that if there's an information that involves Madam to any guy his Master will certainly snapped out in anger but this time it's just a young boy, don't tell me you also want to make him suffer, Master? I feel so sorry to you young boy.

"Is that it?" his Master said and he feel that his Master bad mood lessen, nice I thought your going to punished the young boy Master. But he got worried about the next thing his going to say.

"Ahm, Master. Madam also said that if you disagree she will run away again" and BOOM!! the black cloud resides again to his Master head and the atmosphere is so terrifying .

"Then tell it to the Hospital Director and also this Li Yun's mother if she got well tell her she will have a work here, also buy them a house or apartment that it close to the mansion and a car also this Li Yun will be our scholar enrolled him to the school of Mo Fang and tell Mo Fang accept the kid because I will invest more to his school, got it? Do it NOW!!" Lu Wei seriously said.

While Chen Yi still list of everything his Master told him.

"Yes, Master" then he slowly go out while the young man inside the room still bothered.

' It's rare that someone catch the attention of Xiu Yang. Better treat them good, I guess'

He open his phone and he click the images and there all of the photos is a stolen Xiu Yang because in the first place he can't picture her close because he knows his wife will hate him more.

"Xiu Yang, you're mine from the very beginning and I don't have any plans to let you go"


"Madam? Madam? Madam?" she hear that Lin Lin keep calling her so basically I guess we're home now.

'HOME?, I guess from now on this will going to be OUR home and I will not treat this as a prison anymore'

She got out of the car while Jacob was holding the car door for her.

"Thank You" I said casually while my eyes was so focus to the big mansion in front of me. I still can't believe I'll be here again. She walk towards the mansion and there she saw the old butler who have been nice to her from the start so I flash a smile to him that makes shock at first but then smile at me back.

"Welcome back, Mi- Madam" the old butler said so I guess Lin Lin already said to them that call her Madam from now on well actually it feels nice to hear it because it's part of the evidence that I'm really the Wife of Lu Wei.

"Thank you, Uncle Chen" so actually Uncle Chen is Chen Yi's Father. Well actually the Chen Family is a powerful family but since its their tradition to served the Wang family and only be loyal to the Wang Family. The Chen Family own a various businesses and all of there businesses is a big company. Though Chen Family is very powerful still they don't have a chance to the power of the Wang Family especially to Lu Wei who makes his own name in business world.

She walk inside the mansion and there she was greet by the all workers in there Mansion and greet her all together.


I smiled and answer them " Thank you"

Well they are shocked actually because they heard there Madam talk to them though they erased it to there heads immediately.

'So I guess A Welcome Home to me indeed'