
Chapter 8 Welcome to Come to My House and Hit Me_1

Translator: 549690339


Really grating.

Ming Ge rubbed her ears, moved the cellphone away, and flipped it onto the vanity.

Then, she switched legs and continued to apply body lotion.

Rose-scented, so fragrant~

White and fragrant, that's me.


Forgot to mention, that woman in the phone who got hung out to dry by Ming Ge and was still blabbering, was her agent.

Her name was Su Qing.

Folk in the industry called her "Su Tianzhen".

Who in the entertainment circle doesn't have their own set of skills?

Su Tianzhen, oh no, Sister Su Qing had her own unique style when it came to managing talents.

And that was—

Gain fame through scandals, building a persona, and leeching off hot topics.

Due to the behind-the-scenes manipulation of her stepmother and worthless sister, the popularity plan Su Qing tailored for her was probably... infamy.

Being a diva, sugar daddy rumors, getting into physical altercations, no signature works.

These were the labels stuck onto Ming Ge.

Even when acting in a low-budget TV drama, she was the malicious supporting actress, the bitchy mistress, the green tea scheming bitch.

Not very famous, but had plenty of haters.

Such a waste of good resources.

Ming Ge transmigrated through time, and really, it was all thanks to Su Qing.

However, the real person she should 'thank' was the stepmother and worthless sister who were pulling the strings behind Su Qing.

Ming Ge kept applying lotion to her milky, slender arms while she sarcastically thought.

Director Zhu?


A cold smile crossed Ming Ge's lips. That pig head from last night?

Probably being questioned at the police station by now.

"Deep Sentiment" female lead number three, should I let you play that, huh?

After seriously finishing her lotion routine, Ming Ge, smelling pleasantly of herself, happily brought the phone back to her ear, "…Ming Ge, anyway, you get your ass to the company right now, immediately, at once!"

She just happened to catch the last sentence Su Tianzhen cursed her with.

Looking in the mirror, Ming Ge asked the System in her mind, "Little Xingxing, is the pretty girl in the mirror really me, really me? Really me?"

System: [...]Drama queen much.

Ming Ge held the phone and asked the person on the other end, "Sister Su Qing, what if I don't roll over there, then what will you do?"

Su Qing: "…" The world's gone upside down!

Ming Ge unscrewed the bottle of magic water with one hand and sighed sorrowfully. A 10-year-old flip phone without even a speakerphone function, she deeply missed smartphones. With the other hand, holding the flip phone, she earnestly requested with an innocent tone:

"Sister Su Qing, it's mainly because I don't know how to roll. Maybe you could teach me first?"

After a pause, she continued in a small, vulnerable bunny voice, "Oh right, Sister Su Qing, my address is at xxx Jinglan Capital, you come here and teach me, okay?"

With a tone that seemed to welcome her to my home for a beating.

Su Qing: "…"

So angry she could hiccup.

Damn your cuteness.

Su Qing was just thinking about properly scolding this suddenly changed artist, when she heard from the phone, "beep beep beep..."

Su Qing's face darkened. She really wanted to crawl through the phone line and give her a good beating, for real!

Ming Ge took the initiative to hang up, added Su Qing to the blacklist, then tossed her phone aside, flicked her leg, and clicked her tongue.

Such a weakling with a combat strength of less than five!

The System reminded her expressionlessly, [Host, you've just acquired another hater. Please don't ask for trouble. If you seek death too often, you might actually get erased.]

Ming Ge waved her hand dismissively, "Oh, little Xingxing, don't bother about such petty people. I'll soon take you to conquer the stars and the sea."


System: "[...]" doesn't really believe in how you'll break this.

The frustrated and enraged Su Qing tried calling again, only to find she had been blocked.

Once she calmed down, Su Qing was taken aback.

Jinglan Capital?

Isn't that the wealthy villa district in Imperial City where every inch of land is worth its weight in gold?

Su Qing's eyes filled with shock and disbelief.

Could it be…

After being drugged last night and supposedly missing from Director Zhu's bed, did Ming Ge accidentally hook up with some big shot?

This thought terrified Su Tianzhen. She was both angry and afraid, worried about what Ming Ge would do in retaliation.

The influential figure had awakened.

The man first heard a voice like a lingering echo that didn't fade for three days, followed by a thunderous blast that startled a thousand mountains' worth of birds into flight: "Fuck... Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Little Yanyan, were you fucked?!"

Gong Yeyan: "..."


Gong Yeyan rubbed his forehead, sat up, and the black ice silk duvet slid off.

The scene was breathtakingly beautiful.

The person paused.

Then, catching a glimpse of the man's exceptionally handsome face glowing with health and lazily entrancing charm, "Hmm?"


Chu Mufeng took off his sunglasses, lunged forward, and tightly grasped the clothes on the man's chest.

"Little Yanyan, come clean, who did you screw around with last night?!"

His face, where evil charm and blossoming peach blossoms intertwined, betrayed an angry expression that seemed to say, 'How could you betray me?'

Behind him, Zuo An, the aide who entered with him, saw the dazzling movie star clinging onto the man: "..."

Master Chu, no, Lord Movie Star, let go of my young master. That position can easily lead to misunderstandings!

Zuo An coughed and approached. Before his young master could toss the person aside, he dutifully pulled the movie star away, "Master Chu, please come here first and let the young master get dressed before we talk."

Chu Mufeng reluctantly let go and turned away: "Hmph!"

Zuo An stepped forward and was also stunned, "Young master, your clothes..."

"What about them?" Gong Yeyan opened his eyes, his obsidian black pupils deep, his thin lips articulated words, and his low voice was as elegant as the strings of a piano.

"There are words on it," Zuo An said with a strange expression as he glanced at it.


The man looked down.

Then, a line slowly blooming on the white shirt, in a vivid and striking red, hit his vision.

Gong Yeyan's pupils suddenly contracted.

Although in his view, the words were upside down, he recognized them instantly.

Chu Mufeng narrowed his beautiful peach blossom eyes and read out the words on the white shirt for his friend and then burst out laughing: "Hahaha..."

Zuo An's face was filled with complexity.

Although he didn't know which bold and brazen woman had dared to mark their pure and untainted young master, leaving behind such a "surprise," could you please not seek death, Master Chu?!

Sure enough, as soon as Chu Mufeng finished speaking, the temperature in the room plummeted—

It was as if a thousand miles had frozen over.


The schadenfreude Chu Mufeng trembled and stopped laughing, "Cough."

With just one look from the man, who then asked, "Happy?"

Chu Mufeng: "..."

He quickly bowed his head to the dark force.

Gong Yeyan got out of bed, removed the wrinkled white shirt and slipped on the black silk shirt that Zuo An brought, buttoning it from bottom to top.

Dressed in black, with his stunning features and an aura of enigmatic abstinence, he appeared.

Gong Yeyan straightened his cuffs, the diamond cufflinks gleaming brilliantly, his luxurious voice suddenly dropped:

"Go check, find the woman from last night... that woman."

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