

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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It took a long time for mia and Hannah to clean up the house with mia doing most of the work

"why should I be doing most of the work when its your house?"

"because you offered to help"Hannah replied

"that doesn't mean I should be most of the work "mia retorted "that's why you are my best friend"

"are you trying to say I'm you best friend because I help you arrange your house mia said taking a bunch of chocolate packs and putting it in the trash bin she saw Hannah coming towards her with another chocolate with her as she opened the pack and began eating it .

"want some" Hannah mia who was setting up the cushions "nah I don't feel like eating, I'm done let's go"

The duo arrived at the restaurant while mia stared at her friend asking "are you sure you can afford to buy the food here,I know we are living comfortable lives Hannah but knowing you I'm sure you will buy just more than enough"mia said and also emphasize on"just more than enough"

"I am not gonna order a lot and even if I do we'll just pack them in takeaways"Hannah replied holding Mia's hand and pulling her into the restaurant. They picked a table and Hannah who was the one ahead sat first then mia followed

The waiter came and gave Hannah the menu,she assessed it carefully,in which she ordered a lot mia wasn't surprised because she was expecting this she stared at Hannah who was going through the menu and taking the order for them she would look up to ask mia if she wanted a particular dish in which mia would reply with a nod the food mia orders isn't a lot for most people but it is a lot to mia .

When Hannah was done she let out a satisfied sigh then she turned to Mia who was already engrossed in her game "ahem"mia cleared her throat and mia looked up at her giving her a what?look "I didn't bring you here for you to get so engrossed in your game"

"sorry , I just felt it would take you a long time for you give the order"

"oh ,I have a new design and it's so beautiful and you love it ,I have been working on it all week" Hannah said excitedly as she thought of how mia would react when she sees the dress.

"that explains why your entire house is dirty and messy"mia responded then she continued "do you have it in your phone?" "no, Hannah replied knowing where this was going"so the dress is at your house?"

"you can say that"Hannah replied , trying not to drag this Mia said "I'll see it when I come to your house then" and with that she played game on her phone before asking "what's taking the waiter so long"mia asked to Hannah

"I don't know...,why are you asking?",

"because you ordered too much ..., that's probably why he hasn't brought our food yet ""I didn't order that much"

"gosh ...she look so cute"mia thought trying not to fall for her baby face. The food was then brought for the duo the waiters arranged it as Hannah waited excited so was mia because she was already hungry.


Meanwhile,at the other side of the restaurant,Ryan and Jason had already arrived ,Jason had already booked a table for them at the VIP section where not much people were there. They both sat down while the waiter rushed to their table to take their orders seeing his brother's focus was on his tab Jason knew his brother his leaving the orders for him so he took the menu and order it himself "even in public places like this he is still engrossed in his work"Jason thought, "big brother can't you stop working for once "he asked as he is already getting frustrated by his brother."you never go out with me,all you do his work and worst of all you have never been with any girl it makes me wonder if..... "did you bring me here to talk nonsense or to eat"?I am going to leave if you don't stop talking"Ryan warned and Jason obliged not wanting his brother to leave in the middle of lunch he knew that he can't get his brother to be interested in a girl so he decided to take him that was why he brought him to this restaurant as he knew that there is no girl who wouldn't want to marry the almighty CEO of Garcia's corporation in the whole of country X,but getting him to like a girl would not be easy if Ryan knew Jason's true intentions the latter is dead for sure"damn why didn't take him to a club" Jason cursed himself in the head that way it would be easy to get girls all around him, but then if I did that he will surely find away to avoid them and I'll be in in big trouble so bringing him to a restaurant wasn't a bad idea either "he thought. The food has already set and Jason was the first one to start eating seeing his brother not eating and still working on his tablet he asked "aren't you going to eat big bro?" Ryan turned off his tab and started eating . When they were done eating Ryan and Jason were walking towards the exit when Ryan stopped wondering why his brother stopped walking he asked"what's wrong?" "I forgot my phone" Ryan replied while glaring at Jason seeing this Jason said "you're looking at me as if it is my fault you forgot your phone"

"if it weren't for your constant blabbing i wouldn't have forgotten it"he said turning around to get his phone while Jason decided to go outside and wait. He was already leaving when someone bumped into him and staining his cloth with food


Both mia and Hannah are done with eating and as expected they couldn't finish all the food mia had the waiters pack them in takeaways "what?... it not my fault that I ordered too much "Hannah replied after getting the "I told you so look from Mia ," how is that not your fault?you gave the order yourself plus you paid for it "

"but you still ate it ,uhmm I'll go wait outside " Hannah said "fine"mia replied

When food was already packed mia carried them and walked to exit the restaurant on her way she took out her phone and decided to call Hannah when she bumped into someone because the food packed was in one of her hands when she tried to dial Hannah's number it spilled on the man and a little on her