

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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119 Chs


Jason drove fast but not to fast,there wee a few cars . the area,lessening any traffic or obstruction. The road was smooth and not bumpy to make one almost puke. He had thought of going to the restaurant to have some food , after all he hadn't been going to the mansion which was not the first time he had done that. He came out to see a familiar figure staring at the restaurant , it didn't look like she had any plans to enter. An evident frown was on her face as he approached her His car near where she Stood . Hannah looked at him simply to ignore him but that didn't irk him at all.

He was glad when she agree to go on a drive with him, although he didn't know the reason as she refused him at first. She was silent the entire time not making a single sound and that silence was killing Jason.

"do often do this,"Hannah spoke

"do what? "Jason asked not expecting her to talk . His eyes on the road listening to her.

"do long drive "Hannah replied to him .

Jason , for a second didn't answer and looked like he was thinking about something

"when I feel bored "his answer short. Hannah nodded before looking out to the view outside the window. She let the window down making the air touch her face. The ac was on but she wanted fresh air. Her eyes closed, taking in the breeze. Jason who saw her from the corner of his eyes wanted to ask her but pushed it away while he continued to drive. It was relaxing and comfortable . Something she wasn't exactly expecting. Their first mee was a disaster or somewhat awful. She didn't expect for them not to exchange comments when they meet again. Silence filled the car for a while both enjoying the ride.

"hoes Mia? "she decided to ask knowing he is the only person she knows that's close to Mia.

"the last time I was at the mansion, she was sick and I think she's better now Jason replied without second thoughts

Hannah nodes glad that Mia was okay wait ...sick?

"she was was sick!"she exclaimed. Jason almost lost control in the process, he figured she didn't know with her reaction.

"yes but she's okay now he replied and saw her calm down. Hannah didn't know she had missed so much since Mia didn't tell her. she had called but looked perfectly fine They wee both busy and didn't have anytime to hang out . Her thoughts were cut short by the ringing that came from her phone. She stared at the caller's I'd with narrowed eyes before pushing the side button and the phone fell silent. With a sigh , she continued to enjoy the view when the phone rang again again nd just like the last time she ignored it. It continued for again nd while when Jason halt before turning towards her

"can you at least pick that up "he said

Reluctantly picking up the phone, the person at the other end spoke ,with rage evident in his voice. Hannah took the phone an inch away from her ear with closed eyes before putting close to her ear.

"why did you leave? I had arranged two dates for you and all you did was ruin them"the man loudly said through the phone almost breaking her eardrum. Hannah sighed,her eyes moved to Jason who looked at her keenly

"where are you right, wherever on Earth you are I need you right here and if you fail to come..."he left the words hanging for her to complete. The call disconnected,her grip on the phone tightened,her knuckles turning white.

Jason noticed her reaction and wanted to ask

"thanks for the ride I have to go"she got out of the car leaving no room for Jason to respond. He was curious and wanted to know what's going on. He watched Hannah called taxi before hopping in

Jason ran his hand through his hair before starting the car , turning the vehicle around ,he drove making up his mind about following her. He maintained a big distance between them but no too big enough to lose sight of the taxi. Hannah recognize his car so he needed to be careful. He cursed himself wondering why he was following her In. the first place.

The taxi stopped in front of a house,located in an estate,a few buildings are also located there. She pushed open the gate before entering.

Jason made way to the building once Hannah was completely inside. He opened the gates before entering. Walking closer to the front door he heard noises coming from the other side. He walked around to be met by a garden . He saw that Hannah wasn't alone but with a middle aged man who looked mad. He could here what they were saying but not clearly because 8f the distance.

"but I don't want..."

"SHUT UP!"he roared ,Hannah looked to the other side not looking at her uncle's glare

"I prepared everything so perfectly and all you did was ruin them, that seems to be your greatest talent"

Hannah clenched her fists fighting the urge to break down. This was something she didn't want to have.

"I'm sorry" was all she could say.

The man tapped his stick on the grass glaring at her. He looked at his niece who was so stubborn that he felt like hitting her with his stick but no he had calm down. The wind blew Hannah's hair. Her pony tail starting to dishevel, more strands coming to settle in front t of her eyes. Her hand moved to fuck the hair behind her ear.

Jason watched from a distance, although he couldn't here their conversation clearly,he had a guess 9f what is going on. He couldn't believe what he was doing,he saw Hannah looking down not what he had expected to see. His curiosity was still piqued but it was non of his concern,it didn't involve him in any way neither is it related to his family. He turned around to leave but ended up standing in front of the building,his thoughts distant when Hannah came out.

She was puzzled seeing him there when all of a sudden,a hi t of anger settled in her face",did you follow me"she remanded an answer. Jason didn't reply, not having any lies up his sleeve. Hannah got answer and decided to work passed him he grabbed her wrist.

"what?"Hannah asked , their eyes met ,she didn't look like the person he had seen with Mia before,she looked somehow stressed

"I'll drop you off"