

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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119 Chs


The doctor was already in her room,Ryan watch as the doctor checked on Mia while staring at her sleeping face. Lucy was anxious and die know what to think,Mia hadn't woke up for a long time and it was almost twelve noon. This was something that was worryingly. Earlier she had been crying in pain accompanied by a fever. She was extremely suck and they might have to take her to the hospital.

This was something Lucy wasn't used to seeing,she had been there with Ryan. until the doctor came. She wondered what the doctor had to say about Mia's condition. Lucy had planned how they would spend their day only.

It was late in the morning, breakfast was already prepared and Ryan. didn't want to disturb Mia she had slept late but something felt off and Lucy decided to come check on her and met Mia in a terrible condition.

The doctor led Ryan outside,not before the latter take a look at Mia before going outside. Lucy stared at the door,she was totally scared. Her feet moved to sit beside Mia who was laying on the bed without any movement,her chest moved up and down and her breathing was normal. She held her hand which was slightly hot but better,Mia's face was pale and Lucy couldn't imagine the amount of pain she had gone through.

She looked at the door only go wonder what the doctor was telling Ryan,she hoped Mia would be okay,there was no telling when her eyes would open.

Soon Ryan came in,the doctor had already left. He noticed Lucy who was beside Mia .

"is she going to be okay?"Lucy noticed Ryan come in ,her voice was filled with worry. She didn't ask what the doctor said was the cause of her condition,she just wanted to know if Mia would be alright. Worry was evident in her voice as she spoke,non of them are expecting what happened

"she will be don't worry"Ryan assured his cousin sister.

"don't you have somewhere to be?"Ryan finally said after a while. Lucy looked reluctant to leave,she had to submit a project earlier and had forgotten due to taking care of Mia."I'm here you can go"Ryan added to convince his cousin who left the room and headed out of the mansion. He let out a sigh going towards Mia and tucking the bed sheet properly while he adjusted the pillow in the right position so she won't hurt her neck.

Mia struggled to open her eyes, everywhere looked blurry and she struggled to adjust her eyes to the light of the room. She closed her eyes again only to open them and looked around the room before seating up. Mia could barely remember anything,but felt slight pain in her head that made her groan instantly.

"don't think to much the pain will just watching"she heard a thick voice say and noticed it belonged to Ryan he was standing beside her bed pouring a glass of water. She felt like she had been in bed for a long time. Her head turned to the direction if the window to notice it was almost evening "did something happen to me?"she questioned feeling weak in the body. Ryan nodded right after he gave her the glass of water.

"you had a fever and also maybe an headache"he simply said staring at her. Mia didn't remember anything and she tried to remember but noticed if she tried the pain will return so she might as well not. But then she remembered having a weird dream or should she say nightmare. She couldn't describe it either,she remembered that her little self being scared and walking around the hospital. A strange feeling filled her after that all she could remember was feeling pain in her head.

"did you once hurt your head in an accident?"Ryan asked ,Mia looked at him wondering why he asked all of a sudden but nonetheless she still replied"yes,once when I was little and right after I couldn't remember a few a things but.."she paused when something hit her. As a child she knew she had forgotten somethings but thought that it was due to growing older. Mia forgot a few things right after that accident but it was still confusing

"could she have lost her memory?" she thought

"but why are you asking?"she questioned and saw Ryan take the glass from her hand and pouring another glass of water "nothing just don't think too much"Ryan advised in which she nodded. something was still bothering her but Mia didn't want to think about it since she didn't want to have the pain coming back.

Ryan left the room with Mia staring at the door,she waited a while before taking a sip of the water when the door opened. Ryan came in with a tray in his hand ,he got closer to her to reveal the sandwich and hot chocolate that filled the room. The aroma of the food Ryan brought made her mouth water and her stomach growled in response. She placed her hand in her stomach with her eyes down,feeling embarrassed when she heard a light chuckle that came from Ryan himself.

"here"he placed the train front her while she took the sandwich and had a bite from it while closing her eyes and savoring the delicious taste. She didn't have anything since morning and was just having something to eat during the evening. She took another bite and chewed slowly and noticed Ryan staring at her and her cheek turned pink in an instant. Her hand moved to her cheek that felt warm.

Placing the sandwich down "won't you eat?", she felt weird not asking Ryan if he had eaten afterall he had taken care of her.

"no you eat"he replied

Mia took the hurt chocolate, brought it closer where her nose could breath in the aroma and took a sip ,and the delicious taste lingered on her tongue while she smiled

"thank you Ryan"she said after feeling full with Ryan putting the tray aside he walked to take out some pills and handed it to her which she gulped down with a glass of water. In no time,sleep began to make it way,she found it hard to keep her eyes opened and Ryan helped in tucking her in to the bed. She had fallen asleep by the time he was done.

He stared at her face that was peaceful with her he was only a hunch away from a face but he moved back and quietly left the room."he needed to check something"