

What happens when two individual who could not recognise each other from the past are brought together by fate's little tricks called the contract . (purple flower)

Beckyfaith · Urban
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119 Chs

CHAPTER 34: Missing Her

She felt her heart skipped at the closeness. Ryan poured out a glass and handed it over to her. Heaving a sigh of relief and took a sip of the water"what was she thinking?". Her eyes moved to Ryan as he took a sip out of the water

The glass was in no time empty,her throat was dry so it didn't take time for her to finish that glass of water.

"do you want to go back home?" Ryan asked after a while

"if you are ready to go"she simply said. By this time it was evening and the sun will soon be replaced by the darkness in the sky.

Mia felt like she learnt a lot after spending so many hours with Ryan .

By the time they left it was night time, the duo went down with the elevator. Mia found savannah to be around and she was just about to leave.

The latter noticed them and looked surprised which she managed to hide to avoid any questions

" you've not left yet"she said

"we are just about to"Ryan spoke

"oh" her gaze shifted to mia who noticed a weird look coming from Savannah. It made her uncomfortable and she wondered if savannah also took a liking to Ryan

"let's go"she heard Ryan say and he led her outside and Mia felt a cold air on her skin. it appears it's about to rain and a really stormy one at that.

She tried to warm her self my rubbing her two hands together but something warm was placed on her shoulder and she turned to see Ryan's cost in her. He opened the door and she entered while he walked around to the driver's seat before starting the car and driving off.

On getting to the house Ryan wispered to a sleeping mia we are home , knowing that mia did not hear him he came out of the car and went to mia side of the car , he princess carried her out of the car . He tried to open the door twice but noticed that it was locked he continuously pressed the door bell thinking that Lucy and Jason are already asleep to wake them up . Not long after the door was opened Jason expression was confusing as if he wanted to tell Ryan something but after noticing mia in his big brother's hand he looked stunned . Ryan who saw did just ignored it and pushed him aside to come across Lucy who was more stunned than Jason as he walked pass her to Mia's room .

Has Ryan was about to put mia on her bed he accidentally steeped on the dull mia had fell on the floor this morning and forgot to pick it up , making him fall directly on top mia and waking mia up .

Feeling the heavy weight on top her , mia slowly opened her eye to see Ryan on top of her trying to scream but her voice was not loud enough because Ryan hand was already covering her mouth " it was a mistake I tripped " Ryan said as he was standing up "ok" mia said as she adjusted her self ready to sleep but before Ryan could leave her room mia greeted him good night with a smile he smiled back at her then existed the room . Mia did not think much of what just happened because she knew Ryan was not the type of person that will take advantage of a person when the person is asleep and because she also felt safe in his hands and feel asleep.

Coming out of the room Ryan ran into his grandfather who seems like he has been there for a long time , as his grandfather just smiled and left he felt a little confused but ignored it and went to his room to recheck a few document before going to bed .

Inside the grandfather room , he sat down and smiled to him self " I would not lie she did a lot of work on Ryan " he taught to him self as he remembered seeing Ryan carrying mia into the house just a few minutes ago .

Inside Ryan room , he was done with rechecking the game mia made and has pointed out all the mistake she made and all the place she need to improve on and make correction on but he can not deny the fact that her character in the game stood out and he can't help but notice the male lead character looks exactly like him . Standing up from his chair he went to the direction of his bed but turned back took mia's flash drive and went straight to her room . Well he went for two reasons exactly to return her flash drive and to see her face . He suddenly felt like he was missing her and wanted to see her face before he goes to bed .

Entering her room he dropped the flash drive on her table the went to take a closer look at her before he noticed that she was shivering he placed the back of her hand on his head to notice that her body was too cold for a normal human being . He immediately went to bring a thermometer, he checked her temperature and saw that it was too low . He went to get some warm water , a towel and a heater . He turned on the heater and put the towel that was neatly folded in to the warm Water squeezed it and placed it on her head he continued this way for some time and changed the water anytime it turned cold he continued this for one and a half hour before checking her temperature again .

When he saw that er temperature is OK but not perfectly ok he decided to sleep beside her just in case anything happens to her . When he entered the bed he admired mia for a while before putting her in his warm embrace as he fell asleep still hugging mia.