2 Chapter Two: Progress

Topsy is happy and doing better, some previous fetters during her hardships are being attended to. While I still breath, nothing will bereave her of a wonderful life. I'm here now writing, and imagining Topsy's unfortunate plight. To think that all she knew in her short life was running, hiding, and going hungry alone; Tows my determination to do whatever it is in my power to help her.

I view her as my child, no matter the trial I will be there for her. She needs indeed someone to fight for her, I will be the light; She gives me the will to go on, even when life upon me weighs a ton.

In bed meditating over you, you soothe the anxiety I have at times, experienced. Your words are as a sweet bluebird flying in the morning sun, and perching in the tree where I can see; It opens its beak and speaks a welcoming song to the Heavens. "Peace, morning, adorning the clouds with your brightest light, giving sight to the eyes of mankind and beasts. Seat yourself here and let your glistening radiant heart, listen to my melody."

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