
Motohama: Heracles' Inheritor (DxD Fanfic)

Autor: Sp4rrow
Anime & Comics
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Motohama had an odd gift. He was able to tell a girl's measurements just by looking at them. It wasn't until he died that he found out that gift could do so much more than that. A spear of light stabbed through your chest and tended to leave you dead for good. For him, it didn’t. A dream of a stone hand, one that seemed to feel as though it was God's Hand, the only explanation he had. With it came a name. Heracles. Motohama is an underused character and the goal is to have him grow and change into someone with power. He will not be becoming a devil in this story. In this story, he's going to have two powers; a Sacred Gear that has to do with his Three-Size-Scouter, and he's a hero descendant of Heracles. Not the Heracles of DXD, but the one from fate. The Sacred Gear itself is not all that strong, more focused on skill. Any relationships that do develop in this story will also take time and progress naturally, not rushing to home base or stuck in a will they won't they.

Chapter 1One Terrible Weekend

As he walked down the street at night, Motohama couldn't help but walk quickly. In his hand, he carried a grocery bag with a new game he was racing home to play. Walking quickly, he turned a corner into an alleyway, deciding to take a shortcut to make it home faster so he could play. The soft, perverted giggling he had been letting out had served to draw the ire of anyone he passed by on the street, so it seemed to be a win-win to cut through the back alleys.

'Issei and Matsuda are going to be so jealous. I saved for a month to buy this when it came out.'

Quickly making his way through the alleys, having the wherewithal to keep an eye out, he made it out and made his way through the street to cut through the park. The 18+ game store was quite a ways away from his house, as he and his friends had been banned from the one closer to them after a certain incident.

Moving through the park, he was surprised to find a woman standing in front of him. Her hair was an odd color, a dark blue that was just light enough to be distinguishable in the dark. She was clad in a maroon top with a protruding color and a short skirt. Motohama's eyes quickly flashed as he used the skill he had developed, the Three-Size-Scouter, to discern her body's measurements.

'[B96-W62-H90]. Score, what're the odds I run into her while I'm walking home.'

It was as he was using his skill that the woman turned towards him, her brows furrowing for a moment as she seemed to concentrate on him. He could just barely hear her mutter something under her breath as she took a step towards him.

"One of the Sacred Gear users? How convenient."

A smile began to grow on Motohama's face as he noticed her making a beeline towards him.

'I knew someone would recognize my virtues. Maybe she fell in love with me at first sight. I've got to make sure to make a good first impression.'

Coughing into his hand to make sure his breath was alright, Motohama began to walk forward to meet the woman.

"How are you do..." Motohama began before he was cut off as the woman moved forward in one quick motion, a beam of light appearing in her hand as she thrust forward, piercing straight through Motohama's heart.

His eyes opened wide, slowly looking down at the light spear thrust through his chest as his hands shakily moved to try to pull it out. His legs gave out from under him as he collapsed to the ground, his hands falling limply at his side.

The woman stood over him, looking down, her face showing what looked like pity.

"If you want to blame something, blame your luck for being born with one of His tools," she said as black, feathered wings grew from her back and she flew off into the sky.

Motohama stretched his hand out, trying to stop her from leaving as his vision began to blur. His hand finally fell limply, the strength leaving his body as he couldn't hold on any longer.

His eyes closed, with strange visions appearing in his mind as he breathed his last breath. He could see a lone figure, a mass of muscle with long hair. Dragging a massive sword made of stone behind him, he walked forward in the blackness. With every step he took, he died another time. His head was cut off, he was burned alive, stabbed through the chest, or poisoned. Motohama saw each death, feeling as though they were happening to him as it happened more and more, until the 12th death when the figure finally stayed down. And with that last vision, Motohama died.


A deep gasp of air rang out as the figure of Motohama sat up abruptly, taking deep breaths. He took deep, raspy breaths as he looked around, trying to regain his bearing as the sun began to rise in front of him.

'I....died. Was all of that real?'

His hands reached around his chest, trying to find some evidence of a hole where the spear of light had pierced him, but his body was unharmed. However, his uniform was torn where a hole should've been, proving that it had not all been a dream.

Shakily getting to his feet, Motohama forced down his panic as he took off running. The anxiety running through his body made it so all he wanted to do was get home and try to think through everything, which was surprising as he tended to want to stay as far away from home as possible most of the time. Behind him, the game he had bought the night before lay on the ground, forgotten.

Reaching his house, he quickly unlocked the door, slipping inside as he shut it behind him. Moving quickly up the stairs to his room, he heard the soft snores of two people, most likely his father and whatever woman he had decided to bring home that night. Entering his room, he shut the door behind him as he lay down on his bed, taking deep breaths from both the physical exertion and anxiety as he tried to think through what had happened to him.

'That woman, she...she killed me. Stabbed me through the heart, but I'm still alive somehow. It happened, my shirt is proof of that, how am I alive?'

He kept moving his hand up and down his chest where a hole should be. It wasn't a conscious movement, his anxiety and fear needed him to feel the lack of hole. He needed the physical proof he was still alive so he didn't continue to spiral. He wasn't sure how long he sat there. His mind had gone to that dream he'd had, but he was too focused on the feeling of dying. A loud blaring sound shocked him out of his thoughts. Looking to his nightstand, he saw his alarm, set for him to wake up for school.

'School. How am I supposed to go to school after what happened?'

Mechanically, he began to pull himself out of his tattered uniform. Making his way to the bathroom, he took a quick shower and got dressed in another of his uniforms. Grabbing his bag, he made his way out the door. His dad paid little attention to him, so his distracted state wasn't commented on as he left the house.

Walking down the street, Motohama continued to be distracted. Even when he reached school, he was still walking on autopilot until someone grabbing his shoulder shocked him out of his reverie. Looking up, he found Issei looking at him with a worried look on his face.

"Hey man, you look out of it. Everything okay?"

Taking a deep breath, Motohama nodded his head.

"I'm fine Issei, just got a lot on my mind."

"The only thing that needs to be on your mind is glorious Oppai! Today's the day we're going to see them, I know it." Issei yelled loudly, drawing disgusted glares from all around us.

A shaky smile formed on Motohama's face as he tried to distract himself from his thoughts. The two made their way into the school, meeting up with Matsuda. He similarly noticed Motohama's distracted state but assumed it was because he was thinking about the game he had gotten. Remembering that he had left it in the park, Motohama couldn't bring himself to care right now.

"They were out of stock," was all the response he gave.

Throughout the day, Motohama continued to be distracted. Issei checked in a couple of times, trying to figure out what was wrong but Motohama didn't even begin to know how to explain. Luckily it was Saturday, so he wouldn't have to come to school tomorrow. Issei didn't press the issue, preferring to talk about the date he had secured for the next day.

Finally, classes were over and the various clubs went to do their activities. The trio of boys found themselves outside the locker room window of the Kendo Club, with Issei and Matsuda having dragged the distracted Motohama there. The perverted giggles coming from his two friends quickly gave them away before they would even see anything, as the Kendo club came out in force.

"Perverted Trio, we've caught you now!" Murayama yelled, her face twisted in anger, her uniform put together messily from her haste in fixing it.

"RUN!" Issei yelled as the three took off, Motohama lagging slightly behind the other two with his thoughts elsewhere. This led to Murayama quickly catching up, swinging her bokken towards him. Watching the bokken, his eyes glowed for a moment as he suddenly felt as though he could understand the movement clearly. It quickly was ingrained in his memory as he dodged to the side, managing to avoid her swing as he took off running.

'How did I do that?'

More and more mysteries began to accumulate as Motohama made his way out of the school, meeting up with his panting friends.

"Damn Murayama, she could hurt someone with that thing. All we did was a little peeping, how's that deserve serious injuries," Issei protested.

"One day they won't catch us and it'll all be worth it," was the reply that came from Matsuda, his tone somehow trying to portray that act as a worthy cause.

Issei was quick to find his silver lining in all of this.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter. I'm going on a date tomorrow with a real girl. I bet at the end I'll get to see her Oppai."

With that declaration, the three friends broke up and headed for their respective houses. As Motohama left the school, he got the feeling someone was watching him, Whirling around, he saw the Student Council President, Sona Shitouri, watching him from the student council room window, Assuming it had to do with their previous actions, he quickly made his way home, finding his dad sitting in the living room watching tv in a robe.

"Going out tonight, I'll be back late," was the gruff response to his entrance from his father. It wasn't an unusual response, his dad preferring to spend his time out late and bringing women he could pay for back to their house. For as long as Motohama could remember his parents had been divorced and he'd seen a revolving door of prostitutes coming in and out.

Closing the door behind him after getting to his room, Motohama collapsed onto the bed. His eyes quickly fell shut, the mental exhaustion from the day taking its toll as he fell into a fitful sleep.

In his dreams, he could see a statue of a stone hand. The hand was closed into a fist, facing upwards, and on the back of the hand were three rows of four lights, making a total of twelve. One was dim while the other eleven were lit up. Dreaming of this hand, a name came to Motohama in his dream.



When Motohama woke up and looked at his clock, he was shocked to see it was already a little past noon the next day. The toll of the last two days had left him exhausted, and he had slept almost twenty-four hours. Stretching his body he got out of bed, brushing his teeth as he thought about the dream he'd had.

'Heracles, the Greek hero? Why did that name appear in my dream? And what was that hand? None of this makes any sense. Ever since I met that woman I haven't been able to figure out what was going on.'

Passing his father's room, where he was no doubt still lying in bed, Motohama made breakfast for himself. Dressed casually since he didn't have school today, he made his way out the door. He didn't have a set destination in mind, wanting to just roam around.

After walking around for a while, he ended up in a bookstore. Figuring it might be worth getting some more information about Heracles, he quickly found a book on Greek mythology.

Sitting down, he read through the book, learning about the myth of Heracles and his Twelve Labors. Seeing the number brought him back to the stone hand, which had twelve lights.

'That can't be a coincidence, but what does it all mean? Does it have to do with how I'm still alive after getting stabbed through the chest? It must, but is that why one of the lights is dim?'

He looked further through the myth, learning more about the twelve labors before an exclamation brought him out of his reading.

"Motohama, you read something other than Eroge?" the disgusted voice said as he looked up, finding Murayama standing in front of him. This was the first time he'd seen her dressed casually, clad in a light green shirt and a pair of brown pants.

'[B84-W70-H81]' He thought reflexively before he realized that wasn't the only thing he was able to tell about her body. He could understand in depth about every little thing she did, noticing the slight tensing of her body at his look and the twitch of her fingers, seemingly wanting to reach for a bokken that wasn't there.

'Another thing to add to the list of weirdness this week.'

"I was bored so I thought I'd brush up on mythology to pass the weekend," Motohama replied.

"Good you found something to do with your time other than peeping on girls," was the biting response he received from Murayama.

"I've got other things on my mind right now."

Something about the way he said it made Murayama seem to withdraw the confrontational attitude she had, as he read her body language relaxing slightly while she backed up.

"Hopefully it stays that way," was all she said as she left the area of the bookstore he was in.

Putting back the book, Motohama left the bookstore, noting Murayama was still there but passing her by without saying anything, as he made his way down the street. He noticed the sun was beginning to set, his feet unconsciously drawing him towards the park that had been the source of all his thoughts.

Walking through the park, he passed by the fountain and noticed Issei standing with his back turned towards him. His attention quickly moved away from Issei though, drawn to the girl he was with, or more specifically the two black, feathered wings protruding from her back. Before he could even process that, a light spear appeared in her hand, piercing through Issei's chest and out his back. Before Motohama could even think, he ran forward.

"ISSEI!" he yelled as he ran forward, drawing the woman's attention as she turned towards him.

"Tch, the other Sacred Gear user. I thought Kalawarner said she dealt with you. She can't even kill a simple human properly."

She reared her hand back, and Motohama realized he could read her body, knowing where she was going to throw it and the exact trajectory it would take. Unfortunately, his body couldn't keep up with that knowledge, as he wasn't fast enough to act on that knowledge. The light spear flew through the air, striking his chest and burning through his uniform, but when it came to his skin it shattered.

Motohama looked down at his chest in surprise as the woman yelled out in surprise.

"How are you not dead! What Sacred Gear let you stop my spear."

Putting that momentarily out of his mind, Motohama ran forward, scooping up Issei's bleeding body in his arms as he took off running away from the winged woman.

She made to follow him, before she looked to the side, noticing a red glow coming from nearby.

"Damn Gremory came too fast. I dealt with one at least, but Kalwarner somehow let the other activate his Sacred Gear. We'll have to handle it later."

She quickly flew off as a moment later a redhead stepped out of a glowing symbol on the ground. She was clad in the Kuoh Academy uniform, with light blue eyes and a well-endowed figure. She looked around, her eyes drawn to the ground where a pool of blood was.

"Who summoned me?" Rias Gremory wondered aloud as she noticed the presence of a fallen angel having been here.

While the devil was trying to figure out what had occurred, Motohama was running through the park carrying the bleeding Issei. Making it out of the park, he stopped, pulled out his phone, and quickly dialed the emergency number. He told them his friend was hurt and bleeding out and gave them his location.

"Come on Issei, stay with me," Motohama muttered as he looked down at his friend, his breaths becoming more and more short, until finally, they stopped altogether. Motohama's eyes widened as Issei stopped breathing, tears falling down his face as he held his body. The flashing lights of the paramedics did little to distract him, his friend lying dead in his arms.


Rias spent some time looking around the area and following the fallen presence, but it vanished after a short time and she'd backtracked to see if she could find anything else before returning to the Occult Research Club room. Taking a shower while she tried to puzzle over what had happened in the park, she was drawn to the sound of Akeno talking to her.

"President, Sona is here to see you."

Getting out and wrapping a towel around herself, she moved to the club room and sat down behind the desk looking at her friend who stood in front of her.

"Did you need something, Sona?"

"You know that we were observing two members of the Perverted Trio who showed signs of having Sacred Gears," Sona stated.

Rias nodded her head, she'd been trying to think of a way to broach the subject with them about joining her peerage.

"Tonight Shinjiro Motohama was found holding Issei Hyoudou's body. He called the paramedics, but they arrived on the scene too late."

Rias' eyes widened in surprise, quickly got out of her seat.

"If we move fast enough we can reincarnate him, Sona. Issei must have been the one to summon me."

Sona shook her head, her stoic expression breaking slightly as worry found its way onto her face.

"By the time I found out, Issei had already been dead for several hours and the window to reincarnate him had passed."

That stopped Rias cold as she slowly returned to her seat.

"I've already dealt with altering the memories of the paramedics to think the wound was dealt by a stabbing, but it was a fallen attack," Sona said, her face screwing in distaste.

Hearing the mention of the fallen angels, Akeno's hand rose, lightning appearing from a magic circle as a dark smile appeared on her face.

"I would be happy to avenge Hyoudou and deal with some crows, Buchou."

Rias' hand found her queen's while she shook her head.

"We can't risk an incident with the Grigori," she said while turning to Sona. "What about Motohama?"

"I didn't meet with him directly but passed by while he was distracted. He was out of it, but I couldn't alter his memories. It seems that whatever Sacred Gear he has, it's awakened."

"Something to consider, but right now there are other things to prioritize. He must have been there when Hyoudou was attacked and his Sacred Gear activated to save him," Rias theorized.

Sona nodded her head in agreement.

"Regardless, a week's break will be given to students to mourn Hyoudou. In that time, we can figure out how to handle Motohama."

Rias was left to ponder the night's events as Sona took her leave, Akeno standing dutifully by her side, although Rias could tell her thoughts were on the fallen she despised.

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